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About fishjerker

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  1. fishjerker


    They did listen in on our radio, but that was after they took the deer. They got to it first fair and square. They lived in a near by town, and we figured they had a bead on him for a while. They drove right to him. Not upset at them, but would have liked my Dad or brother to have taken him. I got to talk to one of them for awhile and we had many deer in common in that area. My brother took a 102 incher that was with another larger buck last year. This guy said he had been after "these two big bucks just up the road last year". We have been looking for the other one since. Oh well. They still have tags and time to hunt. Maybe we will find two bigger ones, and will be happy we dind't shoot that little one.
  2. fishjerker


    Went with my Dad and brother to help with their hunt today since they helped me get a 105 3/8" buck in Oct. My brother had glassed up a good deer yesterday afternoon. As we were walking in a truck drove by us. Yep, they went right where we were headed. They found him and took him home. Went over 100".