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Everything posted by IHunt2live

  1. Ordered a new Stealth Cam, first one made a buzzing noice and waiting for a replacement, and I was wondering if you all had any tips. I have no experenice with them and don't know anyone who has so I'm starting blind. I know the obvious use them on trails or water wholes but are there any other helpful hints you all have? Thanks
  2. IHunt2live

    Deer ruttin yet?

    I took out two friends of a friend, who had tags for 34A, on the 30th and saw 4 bucks all three points. Shortly after sunrise we spotted two bucks together with no does. Got out the spotting scope and one of the bucks I would guess score in the 90's the other maybe high 70's. I though it was strange the they were together and the the big one was not with a buch of does. The two guys I was with realy have'nt hunted much before and scared them off before they could get close enough for a shot. That evening spotted 6 does on a hillside nearby. Glassing a bit more I notice a deer doing some chassing. Got out the spotting scope and noticed it was a buck. I couldn't tell how big he was at least a 3 point, but I'm sure that he was pretty nice if he kept the other two bucks away. We didn't have enough daylight to go after him. I'll probably go back this month with my bow and try my luck in that area.
  3. IHunt2live

    Carbon vs Aluminum Shafts

    I currently shooting some off brand that I don't even know if they make arrows anymore but I just got a dozen PSE Raven's which I haven't shot yet. I'm a college student right now so I look for the the inespensive arrows, paid about $60 for the PSE. But like everyone else has said look for straitness and wieght. I don't worry to much about shooting a havier arrow that hits hard, I rather shoot lighter arrows which fly flater so errors judging distance aren't as significant. Pluse, right now I'm not about to practice as much as I would like and I don't have the brand new model of bow so shooter error has the greatest significans in my shooting. So what I'm trying to say is unless you plan to go pro I think you'll be pleased with most arrows out there. Just what I think.
  4. IHunt2live

    Carbon vs Aluminum Shafts

    I would go with carbon. You might save a little money with aluminums but there are some good deals out there for carbon. Carbons are a lot stronger. Many ocations I've missed my target with carbons and they just need new fletchings and there as good as new but aluminums will be bent and not worth fixing. Go with Carbons.
  5. IHunt2live

    Any bowhunter success?

    Got to within 40 yards of two modest three points but they busted out of there before I could get a shot. A doe spoiled another stock on I was making on a spike. I'm not ashamed to admit it, I have yet to get a deer with my bow so I'm not to picky right now. But I was able to harvest this bobcat with my bow when our paths just hapened to cross. We spotted eachother at 20 yards it tried to lay low in the tall grass and stayed there long enough for me to knock and arrow and get a shot off. I had a dificult time seeing it in the tall grass as it faced me but i was able to make out the cat and get my shot off. It didn't run more then 10 yards and it was all over in less then 30 sec.
  6. IHunt2live

    point restrictions

    I don't think that there should be any point restrition. I think that there is plenty of opertunites out there for the trophy hunter in the romote canyons of Arizona. I know a lot of places have ponit restritions but I see them as more of a managment tool in heavly hunted areas like back east were access is all that difficult. I recently got married, and my wife and her family on some property that boarders a national forest and in this section of the forest access is very difficult so her and her family are the only ones who hunt the area for a max of two deer taken each year. I thought O' great there must be some trophies back there but this past season was the first season I went back there and we saw a total of 2 bucks, small three points, after hunting the entire Nov. season. I seen all the bucks they have taken in that area and I would say non are over 105' most are big, "mature", two points. I don't know why that area can't produce big bucks but its not that fact that there taken out to many deer or that they are to young. So i don't think there should be point restritions at least on on Coues. I know we all want more chances at trophies, I sure do, and we would get more of them if we would just get MORE RAIN.
  7. IHunt2live

    Howdy Ya'll

    I've looked around in this forum quit a bit and I really enjoyed it so I thought I would join. I try my luck hunting all sorts of game from quail to elk. I'm going to college right now so my hunting trips don't take me to far from home so I do lots of deer hunting, Mule and Coues, with rifle and bow (when I don't draw a tag). I bow hunted for a few years and didn't have much luck so I picked up a rifle in 2005 and got my first deer hes wasn't much but a good start. I didn't draw this year and winter break is going on so I'm glassing the desert for the mulies right now. I look forward to visting with you all. Here is the deer i got last Nov. I got him around noon opening day in unit 33. He was running with a few other bigger bucks but the bigger bucks winded me before I could get in close enough and this Buck just stood around watching the others run off. My Dad was getting into camp that night so I was alown when I shot him. I gutted him out, hicked down the mountian to get my dad, hicked back up and got back to my deer around 6pm. My dad also shot a deer the way up to my deer so we had two to pack out. We got back to camp with our deer around 11PM. It was a long tyring day but I loved it.