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Everything posted by IHunt2live

  1. IHunt2live

    Let's Hear It For The 35's!

    108 Lion kill.
  2. IHunt2live

    Gotta Left Over 29 tag!

    If you are concerned about scouting/hunting a burned area you will have a hard time finding a place to hunt. Nearly all the whitetail country in 29 was affected by the fire one way or another some areas were burnt bad while other areas it was just a low intensity fire. As far as the archery hunt. The forest is still closed and probably will be until it stops raining. Call the Douglas FS before you come to see if its open yet.
  3. IHunt2live

    My new hunting partner

    Hunter, yes we named him Hunter, born Saturday May 21st. Just have to wait a few years before we can start hunting together.
  4. IHunt2live

    Gry F-250

    Saw one at St Joseph's hospital (Tucson)Tuesday May 24th. In case you were wondering way I was there. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25206&pid=254208&st=0entry254208
  5. IHunt2live

    Coues Starting to Drop

    I found a coues shed from this year April 15th. Earliest I've ever seen one drop.
  6. IHunt2live

    The Science Behind Antlers

    Jim Heffelfinger's book "Deer of the southwest" has a chapter all about antlers pluse a lot of other good info.
  7. IHunt2live

    Eberlestock Packs

    I use the J34 and like it. One reason I went with that one was the $. I would now consider the gunslinger now that I have an AR but the AR still fits in my J34 but not realy well.
  8. IHunt2live

    Good Buck

    I don't know how many years I've had this camera up at my father-in-laws place, long enough for my father-in-law to claim my camera as his, but this is the best buck BY FAR to come in. Had a few smaller 3-points recently but nothing like this guy. Also have a camera on video mode and got him but he didn't move much and was looking right at the camera. What do you al think he would score. Neat buck with a little character
  9. IHunt2live

    Javelina Euro pic???

    this do? got several different angles to.
  10. IHunt2live

    Good Buck

    Also had this one in the same bunch. look close
  11. IHunt2live

    This post is for the dogs

    My two best friends. The smaller one Ginger, britney/pointer mix, just turned 10yrs old but still going very strong. The other Dewey, shorthair, has got a bad case of valley fever which seems to have slown him down quit a bit. Just went hunting today and for the condition they are both in they did very well. Looking for a female shorthair to add to the mix.
  12. IHunt2live

    Over Under

    You might be able to find a browning citori for that price if you look around and take your time. I looked long and hard for mine and couldn't find one less then $1,000 than I came across a good one for $750.
  13. IHunt2live

    Dog run wanted

    Just thought I would through this out there. Moving and looking for a dog run. Looking for something 6 feet tall and 10x6 feet wide or larger. Cain link panels would also work. Thanks. PM me if you got something.
  14. You guys noticed that Jesse is going out of business?
  15. IHunt2live

    bird dog problem

    I had one gun shy dog and helped my brother with his gun shy dog and I did what was mentioned above. Then I did a make it or break it senerio. I took them to a skeet/trap shooting range and let them hear all the shots and see they clay break and they are now anything but gun shy. It would start out slow work up to that point then let them hang out in the parking lot for a while then move them closer. It worked for me but every dog is different. Don't give up on your dog she will probably get over it.
  16. IHunt2live

    My wife's Buck

    Got in late last night after putting it down at last night on the last day. My wife was hunting with her dad since opening day and her dad shot one on the 5th day, alot like hers but not as wide. I got there to help out that same day he shot his just a little to late to help out. On the last day she finnaly conected, she was looking for anything with antlers at that point. We go into a spot we had seen a group of 5 bucks the day before but cound't get a shot. I located the bucks but they had moved way down into the flats making it imposible to get to them. Started looking around spoted 3 bucks way up high and put a stalk on them. Well they worked over a ridge before we could get to them so we decided to follow and maybe spot them on the other side. Well the other side had NO cover and could not figure out were they went so we just sat there for a while. When we got up to leave I spotted a deer, a doe, and as I was showing my wife were it was she said, thats not a doe thats a buck. Come to find out the does were up feeding and kicked this buck out of its bed. The Buck goes downhill a ways into some trees and never comes out so my wife and I loop around to try to relocate the buck. Get to about 250 yards and I spotted the buck laying out in the open so we get my wife all set up for a shot and waited for him to stand up. We waited for about 30 min he stand and she shoots. The shot looked like it broke one of its back lags but it goes into some brush out of sight. Then the fun part begins. We ended up chasing this buck for about 300 yards into the flats, A few shots later, all at about 40 yards, in the thick brush she had her buck on the ground. She was spent but the time it was said and done. Not to bad for an old man and a pregnant lady, 3 months along. Her dads buck had an outside spread of about 15.5 and hers was a wopping 18 inches.
  17. IHunt2live

    Oct Elk hunt

    Good job, Not very many people had success in there this year from what I heard.
  18. If you do see this call the game and fish. I bet most WMs would love to give citations to those people who are deliberately interfering with hunters.
  19. IHunt2live

    dos cabezas

    Some good deer in there but VERY limited access.
  20. IHunt2live

    Ivory Jewelry

    http://www.garittys.com/ I used this ma annd pa shop a few years back when I had them make an ivory pendant for my wife. Nice old couple that was willing to get my ideas for a design and try to work with it.
  21. IHunt2live

    Just Got This Coues Back

    My $.02, bucks will apear a little larger later on in the fall as they have tanked up all the energy for the rut. Sure the early archery hunt bucks have the lush green grow up from the monsoon but they have only had that for the last month or so while they are putting a bunch of energy in horn growth. That new set of antlers require almost as much energy for a doe to carey and nurse a fawn. It looks great to me.
  22. IHunt2live

    One Of My Best.......

    Nice cat! You sure know were to find them. I'll have to run with you and your dogs one of these days and get me one of those.
  23. IHunt2live

    Tritronics Classic 70 - SOLD

    Sounds like a good deal, someone should snatch it up. and just an FYI, tri-tronics has a trade in policy and you can get a killer deal on a new unit for trading in an old one, working or not.
  24. IHunt2live

    Chupacabra in Texas???

    Sure looked like one of these to me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Hairless_Dog