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Everything posted by IHunt2live

  1. IHunt2live

    Wild Turkeys in the Santa Ritas??

    The catalinas yes but the Santa Ritas, now thats intrusting. You might want to keep on this and contact some authorities if you continue to site them.
  2. I do the same thing. Its tuff though, they and mearns are my favs.
  3. Wow! More quail season, right on! The problem is that it’s still to hot in Oct and there’s plenty of snakes still out. The years when the monsoon comes late I've seen some scaly chicks that have barely begun to fly. I probably won’t hunt quail hard until Nov. anyway but I'll probably take advantage of the earlier start a few times.
  4. IHunt2live

    Texas Tom and the other lil' critters

    Have to add that to. They are in NO WAY mormons! Beutiful country there and a nice gobbler.
  5. IHunt2live

    Snakes and Pups....

    I think any age is the right age for the snake avoidance training. I think it would be smart if the pup was well introduced with the feild though. You don't want your dog thinking it will have that "intense" of an incounter when it goes out. Some dogs may not be affected but it may take some a long time to get over it.
  6. IHunt2live

    Spring Snow Melt and Global Warming

    I agree with buckhorn that this topic has gone political and some people and groups that we, outdoorsmen, do not like are pushing the topic pretty hard. I'm affraid some people have drawn their conclusion on the topic just from the fact that these people/groups are pusshing the issue. I for one get a nasty taste in my mouth about this topic when i hear some of these people/groups talking about the issue. I try to ignore all that, look at the facts and come to the conclusion on my own. Sure theres facts out there supporting both sides of this issue. My dad always said that life teaches us what we already "know". Or in other words we believe what we want to believe. Now I'm not trying cause an argument just adding my $.02. I hope everyone respect everyone elses opinion here. Thats the great thing about these discussion forums. We can give our ideas and listen to other and learn something.
  7. IHunt2live

    Snakes and Pups....

    Defiantly a must for all gun dogs and it works GREAT. But remember that there is still always the risk they get bit. I had my female pup snake avoidance trained but she was just unlucky one day out and got bit as she ran past one not know it was there. My dad has told me stories of his dog growing up and one of them kept messing with ratters even after the training and being bitten a few times. He also had a friend who had a Springer spaniel up in North Dakota that had a grudge against porky pines and every time he ran into one he’d try to kill it. Some hard headed/dumb dogs out there. Anyway, sorry about the long windedness. Now you can take her out all summer to help look for sheds.
  8. IHunt2live

    Rancher Kills 39 Antelope

    Legal or not its not right. I think people like that who have no respect for life are scum!
  9. IHunt2live

    What release?

    Thanks for all the input guys! Hey galiuro mountain man could you part with one of your little bitty gooses?
  10. Glad to hear that its back open. I've never been out there but no one was benefiting by having that gate locked.
  11. IHunt2live

    What release?

    WOW looks like a lot of you guys shoot with the Bity goose. That was on top of my list.
  12. IHunt2live

    looking for an engineer

    I know you mentioned before that you are going to do most of the work yourself but I know a guy who is not a member of this site but LOVES to hunt, when his back or leg aren't broken, who is a great electrician. Own his own business out of Tucson. I'm not sure if he can make up blue prints of your house, I'll ask though.
  13. IHunt2live

    Archery Shoots

    Don't know if I missed it or not but there will be another one up on Sunrise 4th of july weekend, not an ABA shoot. I'm going to try to make that one.
  14. IHunt2live


    I was out on a field trip for a range class and half a dozen people stepped right over an Arizona Black Rattler before it stating buzzing. I was the next to step over it. Scaried the crap out of me. There were a half a dozen lucky people that day.
  15. I believe that we do have an effect on global warming but I also believe that its also a part of the earth's natural cycle. I'd like to know if any scientist are studing this along with the human caused warming. I do realize that that would be pretty darn near imposible to to compare though. I also feel that science can also be a little cought in keeping things in their "Natural" state. What I mean by that is the nature does not stand still, enviroment do change. Basicly my thoughts are that ABSOLUTLY humans cause change to their enviroment but there are natural changes that occur as well. I'm all for the global warming research, but I do get kind of tiered of the whole "dooms day" mentality enviromentalists and how humans evil beings killing the planet. Just my PART of my $.02. And maybe I'm WAY off base but thats my opinion right now and maybe it will change as wee continue to watch our earth change.
  16. Not sure? Maybe that elk are moving down hill to hotter areas as well as the whitetails? I think it has been easy to see the effect on the desert muleys with the lack of rain we are having though.
  17. IHunt2live

    So when's there gonna be.....

    I'll be there if I'm free.
  18. IHunt2live

    Help me pick out tires.....

    My dad has always bought from discount for that reason (MANY tires replaced) and now I'm a discount man for that warranty to. The dicount I go to are also a great group of guys. I've already have had a few tires replaced. Just have to buy the warranty for the new tire and your set.
  19. IHunt2live

    Monster Columbian Blktail

    Great trophy for sure. I only know a little about blacktails but I know enough that that buck is a MONSTER.
  20. IHunt2live

    Tax Rebate

    Mine will be staying stateside... UofA tuition.
  21. IHunt2live

    Spring bear hunt

    O' man. That looks like a GREAT time. A lot of work I'm sure but a great time! Thanks for sharing
  22. IHunt2live

    GRONG orange anyone?

    Man I think I might have to get me a "Grong orange" t-shirt. Been out a few time this spring with no luck yet. did find a backpack whose frame and straps are still in good shap though.
  23. IHunt2live

    Blue Handprints on Signs

    I've seen them to and wondered about them as well.
  24. IHunt2live

    Shed Dogs.

    C n' S your sure starting her out good. Another idea I had is you might think about taking your dog out into the feild after you planed some sheds. That way you KNOW they will find some and when you do prais the heck out of them. Also they are more likely to have fun if they are finding alot. One thing to be careful of is your dog will learn to fallow your sent trail from went you set them out. My female is to smart for her own good and will go the same path I took to plant birds. Good luck with the training and I'll keep thinking of ideas myself.
  25. IHunt2live

    Shed Dogs.

    I've thought about useing my dogs to shed hunt but to be honest I think it would be a lot of work. When we are bird hunting they are SOOOO focused on birds. They will run right passed sheds. They know what they are looking for and thats what the focus on. If you are going to try to train an already established bird hunting fool of a dog I think a major part would be to try to teach them that when you are shed hunting they should be looking for shed. Personaly I don't think its posible at least from seeing my dogs to get their mind off of birds and focus on sheds. I also feel that their nose has nothing to do with it. Do shed realy have sent? I'm sure they do when they first drop but give them a few days I'm not sure a dog will ever smell a shed. They will find them with sight. My $.2 Mike