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Everything posted by IHunt2live

  1. IHunt2live

    Anyone seen Wild burros

    I've seen then in that area as well, I've also seen some a little North west of there off of the 3 links road.
  2. IHunt2live

    Deer & Cattle

    Just thought I would add my experience form this past weekend. I was collecting mule deer pellets for a project I’m working on and I want to an area that I had seen lots of mulies during the winter. Walked around for a couple of hours without finding a single pellet. There were lots of cows in the pasture, grazed it pretty good to, but I thought they would have little impact but I was wrong I guess. I was heading back to the truck I walked right up on a doe at 10 yards. I was able to get that close because there were a few cows on the other side of her about 40 yards away. I guess she was busy watching them. Still I wasn’t finding any pellets so I moved to another pasture with little cow sign and boy did I ever find pellets. 20 sample in about 1.5 hours. Not sure if they were there because of other reasons but they were there and not in the grazed areas with the cows.
  3. IHunt2live

    Deer vision

    O' My
  4. IHunt2live

    Changing Seasons

    My only beef with the Lion season closure is that its not open for the archery deer season. Why not let those archery have a chance to take a lion. And I can't understand why some lion hunters wanted the season closed during the summer becouse its to strenuous, if its that strenuous why hunt, just stay home, or do some feel obligated to hunt just because theres a season?
  5. I forgot to mention.... I was at my parents house watching the outdoor channel and there was a quail hunt on. The dogs they were using had the same collars I use on my dogs. One of the dogs goes on point and the hawk screem goes off and my dogs went looking around the house for the other dog that was on point. I would say they are itching to ge out to but I think they will have to wait another month till the snakes hide for the winter.
  6. IHunt2live

    1st bull

    If you had to couldn't you just keep the cape in the freezer before its taned?
  7. IHunt2live

    1st bull

    Right on Tyson
  8. IHunt2live

    New rumor - old topic

    Just what I was thinking. Might just be a little carefull of posting trail cam pics over bait sites.
  9. IHunt2live


    At first I was in shot that you were pulling 55 pounds then I saw the bull then I was in complet shock. GREAT bull man!
  10. What hours will you be at the check station? I'll open it on Saturday, not sure of the time but it will be early before any hunters head out, and be there till at least 1 or 2 but probably later.
  11. IHunt2live

    A little sample for Amanda

    Very Nice!!! I’m in the middle of redoing our kitchen and waiting on my brother to finish building the cabinets. He is taking forever! Maybe I should fire him and have you build them I'm only kidding, hes doing the best he can pluse I wouldn't be ready for them if he had them done.
  12. IHunt2live

    New Mexico Antelope

    DAAAAANG! nice loper!
  13. IHunt2live

    Unit 34B

    Ya your right 34a No, he was in 34b
  14. IHunt2live

    What ate my camera?

    Those bears sure hate to have the pics taken. They love messing with cams.
  15. IHunt2live

    Changing Seasons

    Well said Bob! I to want to thank Jim for the time he has spent here. He doesn't have to and I know he is a very busy man. Jim is well know in his feild and he knows his game management. We are lucky to have him here shareing with us his knowledge. Looking foward to see the results of your mule deer genetics work Jim, Carlos said its pretty intrusting. Mike R.
  16. IHunt2live

    23south archery bull

    Right On!!! I've been waiting for somebody to post some elk that hit the ground this weekend.
  17. IHunt2live

    What a day! (Updated)

    Awesome! When I was out yesterday I was blown away with how many coyote tracks I saw. I would have to say that I saw at least several houndred, in about a 3 mile walk! It was a flat area so might be a good plce to pop a few with a shotgun. Should be a good year, lots of young dogs running around.
  18. I haven't been able to get out yet this year but finaly will be able to tomorrow. If anyone wants to gone me send me a PM. I'll be hunting south East of Tucson.
  19. I did make it out for a little while. Wasn't the best hunt. not a whole lot of birds flying. they were out there but food and water was everywere so they didn't have to go far to find it.
  20. I will be working the quail check station on that first saturday at willow springs road. Anybody in the area stop by and say hi.
  21. IHunt2live

    Muzzleloader Antelope

    There sure has been some GREAT lopers taken this year and that one is up high on the list! Congrats!
  22. IHunt2live

    Pretty good buck

    I bet he is going to have back and neck problems... if he doesn't already.
  23. IHunt2live


    Congrats to the hunters. that sure is a nice goat.
  24. IHunt2live

    Antelope with Jewelry

    Should have thrown it on a Swift Truck going cross country!!!!!!! Would have been hard to find out who did that but that collar looks like a GPS unit to me that uploads to satelites. They would have been able to watch it take its road trip over the internet.
  25. IHunt2live

    Newest addition a la GRONG orange.....

    LOL!! You know, it takes a real man to pull of wearing that hat, Josh!! Nicely done! Amanda +1!!!! Another +1. I haven't been able to bring myself to wear a hat like that either.