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Everything posted by IHunt2live

  1. IHunt2live

    Lion carrying deer pics

    Ha, I have those pics to and were wondering how long they would take to get on here. My wife who works at Saguaro National Park sent me those and I guess they were taken by a visiter. The park has had a bunch of lions sticking close to the loop. Heres another
  2. IHunt2live

    Dad's Nov Coues

    You finnaly posted it... good for you. And didn't I tell you to get a lion tag? You had to learn the hard way like I did.
  3. Hey! So your the one that got my tag and shot my buck! JERK! Nice buck man! Congrats
  4. IHunt2live

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    I agree with you that we need to stick together but I think we also need to remember that we are the minority. I hate to use the example but the banning of gay marrage in cali and our amendment to the state constitusion is a great example. Do you think that the guys stuck together to fight it? They sure did but the majority won. What I'm saying is that we also need to reach out, or at least keep a good image, to the non sportsman. I've said it once but I'll say it agian, I'm glad we have science on our side. Well the logical science. my $0.2
  5. IHunt2live

    Draw results out

    1st choice javi. 34A archery. No suprise there though.
  6. IHunt2live

    Sarah's First Buck!

    Nice Buck! Congrats to your daughter.
  7. Here’s the story We got drawn for a unit I never really hunted much before, I think it was our 5th choice. I decided to archery hunt in the area to become more familiar with it. I was lucky enough to bag my first archery deer back in August, which left my dad the only one with a tag. I still planed on hunting with him but never got a chance to do much scouting because of school. I had an area in mind and sent him out this morning while had had some classes I couldn’t miss in the am. I met up with my dad about 3pm this evening and heard how his day went. NOT GOOD. He only saw a few does. We get to an area that looked really good and had high hopes for the evening. The sun started to get lower and lower and the temp was pretty nice but I did not see a single deer for about an hour and a half. Then on a nice open hillside about 1000 yards away I spotted a deer, it turned his head ANTLERS and we were off to get a closer look. We used the terrain to our advantage as long as we could and used some junipers and the good old belly crawl to get to 215 yards and another buck showed up. We had several chance to take a shot at 350, 280 but my dad wanted to get as close as we could. He gets set up for a prone shot as I looked trough the binoculars finally getting a good look at them. I told him he wanted the one on the left it was bigger but I wasn’t sure how big he really was. He kept looking our way and I could tell he had good main beams but couldn’t get a good look at his tines. I set there watching and BOOM, the bucks hind quarters give out and falls in his tracks. It was a great hunt. Picture perfect hunt with my dad. Those two bucks were the only deer I saw but that’s all we needed. He’s a beautiful buck, one of the biggest bodied bucks I have seen and had a great coat and was loaded with fat and was up there in age as well. Not a bad buck especially for my dad who is looking at the meat and not the antlers Sorry about being so long winded, I could have been a little longer but you all get the gist of the hunt. Enjoy
  8. IHunt2live

    Rosemont Mine

    No the mine will be just over the hill from helvetia. Old experimental range? are you talking about the Santa Rita Experimental range? I'm supriesed you knew about helvetia. Not to many people do, not much left there. My father in law owns some land out there and shot a coues just up in the hills from there. For those of you who don't know about helvetia, its an old mining town and this is all thats left.
  9. Sorry Tyson no pics. You can see some of the impacts on Google earth. Go to 380 15’53.06” N 1110 53’24.11” W. Some are roads but the straight lines heading east from here are the cuts. I think these pics were taken in the middle of the project, not sure. I’m sure some of them are worse now because the never tried to block the cuts and I bet tons people drive on them. They were sure major eye sores in some beautiful country.
  10. On the mountain range I worked on up in central utah they did some oil and gas exploration between the two years I was there. The second summer I show up and there were several dosens of these 15 feet trails they cut out of the aspen stands, and mashed all the sagebrush, that extened for MILES. Whats scary about that situation is that it was state/private land that owners, including the state, would love to sell seing the price they could get out of it. It would destroy not only the deer and elk wintering ground but also destroy habitat for the threatened sage grouse and endagered utah prairie dogs. These type of situations are hard. I agree that our natio should become more energy independent but what also makes our nation so great is our open/wild places and I hope we can keep it that way. Would we all feel a little different about the whole thing if it was going on in our back yard, the mine is and a lot of us don't like the idea, but what if a natural gas company open operations in our your hunting spot and closes access. Just some of my thoughts.
  11. IHunt2live

    Helped my dad bag a good one

    Just got done boiling the skull and after looking at its teeth and an ageing guide by Jim Heffelfinger I aged the deer to be about 6-8 years old.
  12. IHunt2live

    Trail cam pic

    [Picked up the card out of my trail come. Same old same old does, fawns and pigs. Thought this pic was intresting. What do you all see. And heres another. second one in two weeks. attachment=10499:CRIM0033.JPG]
  13. IHunt2live

    Trail cam pic

    Had another lion visit. To me it looks like a nice sized one to. My wife and father-in-law are asleep not 50 yards from here as I type this, all ready to hit the hills for coues in the morning. My wife went prepiared and bought a lion tag before they went down today.
  14. IHunt2live

    Back to Back 100+

    MAN! Those are some nice bucks!
  15. IHunt2live

    My Boy's NM Buck (UPDATED on pg4)

    Thats something to be proud of for sure!
  16. IHunt2live


    I get the same impression in the Tucson store. I heard that they are closeing some Sportsman's, any one else hear that?
  17. IHunt2live

    Got a Bear!

    CONGRATS!!! That is one heck of a bear.
  18. I was just going through some of my pics and came across some good ones that got me all excited. ENJOY And I think most might recognizes this guy.
  19. Right on Scottyboy. I still have yet to make it out with it still being so hot and school is killing me. No matter what I'll make it out around thanksgiving maybe for mearns on the opener and make all the deer hunters mad.
  20. IHunt2live

    Shed hunting dogs

    I think Becker is on the right track. Let me warn you though most dogs are no dumbies and have great noses. Like becker mentioned they often will just watch us and trace our steps or they will just fallow the sent trail we leave behind. My female pup started doing that when i planted birds. I would leave her in the truck so she couldn't see what I was doing but as soon as I let her out she pretty much fallowed my trail exectly and found the birds that way. Chances are is that your dog is smart enough to pick up thats what you want them to find but antlers in the feild will have NO sent, maybe some sent they first day it has dropped. They have to stumble one them just like we do, its just that they cover a lot more ground then we do but we have a hight advatage on them though to find sheds in tall grass. Good luck traing your dog, I wish I had a dog that would pick up sheds. I know that they just run right past them when we are quail hunting.
  21. I'm guess there may be some that want to string me up after saying this but I don't see anything wrong with those rules. As long as you are on ROADS your fine. Numbered Forest Service roads, named roads, what every, it sounds like they are legal. I think we will all agree that something has to be done to control the off road driving, and maybe this was a step. Some may say that why must we be punished because of a few idiots but thats the way it is. We have rules and regulations on hunting, why are we so scaried of rules and regulations of off road driving. And I don't see anything wrong with closeing some old roads here and there. I would welcome more remote areas, we don't have enough. Just my $0.2
  22. IHunt2live

    Trail cam pic

    The other pic of them there had all four lined up at the water and I was thinking with the right bullet, right angle, at the right time you could have taken all four out. Ya the deer and pigs love the salt. Its just a cheep feed lot block.
  23. IHunt2live

    Short trip to unit 27.....Continued.

    Nice buck! Better to be lucky then good.
  24. IHunt2live

    whitey or muley?

    my guess would also be a VERY nice whitetail.
  25. IHunt2live

    There are still leftover deer tags

    Its sad that theres so many Juniors out there that are missing their chance becouse no one will take them out.