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Everything posted by NewlyMinted

  1. NewlyMinted

    Turkey shotshells

    I'm patterning my shotgun this weekend, Have 3 boxes each of 3 types. Depending on how they pattern I can let you know. What 6.5 do you have?
  2. NewlyMinted

    Raffle for Junior

    That's awesome man.. will call today
  3. NewlyMinted

    Swarovski stx 65mm spotter $2750

    Pm sent
  4. NewlyMinted

    Good Guy Seller List

    I’m sure @firstcoueswas80 is on here multiple times and should be.
  5. NewlyMinted

    SOLD -Vortex Razor HD Straight 27-60 85mm Spotter

    Thanks Kev! Found the original cover, so this will be included in addition to the desert shadow one on the unit. Have also now got my 65mm BTX setup rolling ... excellent forum members here! Thank you!
  6. I bought this for our second annual San Diego trip 3 years ago. It's been out on the boat 3 times, and I do like it. But decided to put my own set-up together for fishing and leave the trolling to the rigs on the boat. I'm open to sell it if you're looking for something. It's the 60 lever drag reel on the 6.6" rod. I run it with 80lbs braid and a lengthy topshot of fluoro. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FHZ1NV8/
  7. What are you looking for?
  8. NewlyMinted

    lighted nocks

    I love the reviews on Lusk. He did some on Deepower lighted nocks. I bought some. They add 28 grains and don't appear to be able to have the battery fly down the shaft. The bare nock is fit for micro shafts like the HMR, but it comes with the adapters for larger width arrows. The video below was what convinced me and you can get them from Amazon. 4 in a package.
  9. NewlyMinted

    Swarovski stx 65mm spotter $2750

    How much for the objective only? Would you be willing to to a straight swap for the 65mm objective with a 27-60 Gen 2 Razor HD Straight Spotter (I have a listing with the glass pics showing)?
  10. NewlyMinted

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    2.5 days sounds fun! We could get after some big tuna!
  11. NewlyMinted

    Swarovski stx 65mm spotter $2750

    Willing to just sell the 65mm objective? Got pics of the glass?
  12. NewlyMinted

    STOLEN PSE EXPEDITE 70-80lb RH in firstlite fusion

    truly sucks man.. I'm sure you already are doing this but keep an eye on craigslist, and contact PSE with the serial number... regularly goto bookmarks like this and see if the scumbag is posting: https://phoenix.craigslist.org/search/sss?query=pse&sort=rel&purveyor-input=all&searchNearby=2&nearbyArea=244&nearbyArea=419&nearbyArea=651&nearbyArea=468&nearbyArea=57&nearbyArea=370
  13. NewlyMinted

    New guy first coues buck

    Nicely done!
  14. NewlyMinted

    New guy first coues buck

    Awesome buck man! How did you cook it for the first bite? Great contrast on the euro!
  15. NewlyMinted

    Trail cam update

    Why don't the response numbers add up to 2,742? Are any of the alternative ban or partial ban comments included in the 1200 opposed to the proposal? That was a weird summary of the data for scientists to be presenting.
  16. NewlyMinted

    Burning anus

    Best topic posted so far this year.
  17. NewlyMinted

    Hike to Hunt 2021

    That looks awesome!
  18. NewlyMinted

    Rejected card bonus point question

    It's not how it worked for the javelina tag. Got my bonus because I paid the $13 but my dumb butt didn't realize that the card expired the day before the draw, so it just said "no hunt" on the portal! At least with Javelina you get a chance at OTC left overs, and now I have 2 points for javelina
  19. NewlyMinted

    WTB Blackhorn 209

    I moved to pyrodex .. have a half bottle blackhorn that’s been in my safe with Dessicator for about a year if y’all are in t-town. Trade ya for some steel BB 12g or just take it and think nice thoughts
  20. NewlyMinted

    Bobcat Vs Rattle

    That’s incredible footage. Well earned for sure!
  21. NewlyMinted

    Lion time!

    It is on!