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Everything posted by NewlyMinted

  1. NewlyMinted

    Coues or Mule Deer

    Thanks! That is super clear!
  2. NewlyMinted

    Coues or Mule Deer

    So no room for asking questions about something you're learning about? I'm just starting out and get my questions are basic, but to mix up me asking basic questions with me being safe in the field seems like a very exclusionary clique-like behavior. I get it. I'm Stoopid. But can you please explain the b&w features on the tail that make it a muley? And how is that right antler a 3 point versus a main beam with times and a nyguard? How are they different from this guy:
  3. NewlyMinted

    Coues or Mule Deer

    What about the right antler? Doesn't that show a beam with 2 tines coming off? Looks very different to the left one that's more fork and fork
  4. One of the things that I can't seem to find desert specific info on yet is closing the gap when stalking up to a buck. I'm imagining I glass one up from fairly far away and get within 200-300yds if I'm lucky, but what are the main things to think about not doing (or just doing) when I'm trying to get close enough to a shot. At the range I'm really happy with my groups at 100yds (Accura V2 LR 112g Pyrodex RS and 300g SST), so I'm guessing with nerves, excitement and wind I'm really looking at 50-75yds as my longest shot. That's pretty close! Most desert hunts seem to be around juniper and open ground that I read or watch, but what about desert scrub mesquite. There can be so dense and so loud. If there's anything you think I can practice while I'm scouting this summer I'd appreciate it! Thanks, Ed
  5. NewlyMinted

    Water in 36A

    Dumb question maybe, but hiking around 36A I've found active wells w/ water troughs, orphan dry water troughs, dry wells and troughs, and tanks of all sizes. Which water types are the best to get familiar with over the next couple of months. I'm guessing the troughs are maintained by the ranchers as there's been cattle all around each time I've found one, but do the tanks fill and stay wet for any serious amount of time during the summer? Are the windmill wells activated by ranchers or AZGFD? Are the ones man made wells and troughs I find dry now going to stay dry through out the summer? My tag is for the early part of October, and there will hopefully be some good rain over the next couple of months, so should I get to know the areas around the tanks or are they too hit and miss for Coues bucks I'm trying to pattern? Thanks!
  6. NewlyMinted

    Water in 36A

    Thank you for all the clarifications. Everything is new to me, so I want to run a couple of cameras for a couple of weeks at each spot and figured water would be a good place to start to see if the right kind of wildlife shows up there to drink, while finding a back way in to glass the general area from up high. Sort of an inventory type thing mixed with scouting. With so many dry tanks, dry wells, and solar/windmill drinkers I'm wasn't sure where to start, or if I'm even allowed to place the cameras near the drinkers. After this week's rains I'm excited to see what filled up this weekend!
  7. NewlyMinted

    Apply the tag

    Sorry, new hunter questions will flow from me for a bit. The tag arrived today and it showed putting it around a moose like antler of a deer like gambrel. For Coues (if I'm stupidly lucky to fill my tag) does it need to be on the head gear or on the hind leg? Thanks!
  8. NewlyMinted

    Apply the tag

    thank you!
  9. NewlyMinted

    Water in 36A

    Awesome! Thanks everyone! I was out there on Sunday and none of the tanks had water .. After this weeks rain I'm curious to see which ones got wet. I know the mule deer are meant to be low and the coues high, but most of 36A seems to be a gigantic transition so am thinking it might be one of those mixed areas.
  10. NewlyMinted

    Water in 36A

    Tanks with big trees makes sense. Are the solar and windmill driven wells with concrete troughs owned by the state, or local ranchers? There's no signage either way and it's definitely state trust land.