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Everything posted by NewlyMinted

  1. NewlyMinted

    Muzzleloader Madness

  2. NewlyMinted

    Spotting Scope Cover ?

    I bought a straight Vortex spotter from a CWT member, and the cover was incomplete. Any chance there are good replacement options, it got pretty dusty this season.
  3. NewlyMinted

    Container gardening for a total begginer

    Recommend this book for timing, although you might be greener/wetter in SV then in Tucson, it's a great guide. Used version available. https://www.amazon.com/Month-Month-Gardening-Deserts-Arizona/dp/1591863457/ref=pd_ybh_a_51?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=CYSWMTBAYA275561X7A1
  4. NewlyMinted

    Late hunt tactics

    in the face
  5. NewlyMinted

    What is it?

    You win the internet today!
  6. NewlyMinted

    WTB 6.5 Creedmoor Precision Hunter Ammo

    Sportmans has this available to buy online and pick-up in Tucson: https://www.sportsmans.com/shooting-gear-gun-supplies/ammunition-ammo-for-hunting-shooting-sports/rifle-ammo-hunting-shooting-sports/berger-hybrid-target-65-creedmoor-105gr-jhp-rifle-ammo-20-rounds/p/1660051
  7. NewlyMinted


    First day hunting and an adventure for the books.. that's pretty good. You're the favorite cousin for sure.
  8. NewlyMinted

    First hunt for Enoch, 35a second hunt.

    This is awesome!
  9. Great Buck!! Thanks for sharing man.
  10. NewlyMinted

    Credit card hits tomorrow ??

    Any chance they are still processing?
  11. NewlyMinted

    Trail cameras and wildfire don't mix

  12. NewlyMinted


    there's a big Tom that likes the hills south of the Sierritas. I was glassing and 1 ridge over he just walked along up and over and out of sight.... dark brown. Do their coats change like deer?
  13. NewlyMinted

    WTB 1911’s

    A buddy started a Tempe based company last year and has a Kimber Target II in his safe and has a line on a Colt Defender 3" barrel: https://kaibabtrading.com/shop/ols/products/kimber-stainless-target-ii-1911-45-acp He's a good dude and gets some interesting things through his hands. Tell him Ed sent ya
  14. NewlyMinted

    Need Glassers in unit 22 tonight & tomorrow morning

    Post the story (in a different thread maybe).. seems like it'll be a good read
  15. This was my plan. I was blown away to see ducks on the ponds and bought my first duck stamp a week ago but with such low rains my pond plan needs to change ... they are all dry or puddles! It’ll be fun to learn this season for sure
  16. Do we even have huntable water in the southern units this year?
  17. NewlyMinted

    Interesting To See...

    Agreed.. love the videos when the animals are interacting with each other.
  18. NewlyMinted

    Frustrated newbie seeking advice

    It’s corrected! Thanks
  19. NewlyMinted

    Frustrated newbie seeking advice

    October 36A Muzzleloader was my first ever tag, started the season after a Mr. Adams glassing lesson, reading every book and forum post I could find, and spoke to anyone I could. ultimately it was the months before the season driving and walking around that eliminated the area and the time of deer. I found my bachelor group in lateAugust about 10 weekends into starting to look at the unit ... then spent the next 8 weeks coming up with a plan and learning everything I could by watching them and losing them in front of my eyes. I started hunting quail for 2 seasons before the muzzleloader. Grabbed my first dove this season, have an archery tag and bought a federal duck stamp last week. The more I learn about the desert he more I just love it out here. Life prevented putting in for the draw this year, but with archery and small game I’m still heading out and dropping pins and picking cactus out of my shin. i was lucky enough to have a great series of conversations with forums members here before and during my hunt. I’m addicted as evidenced by buying a bow because I wasn’t going to be able to wait 12 months. I cannot recommend Duwane’s glassing lesson enough.. not just because he grounds you in the important use of the glass, but also because he is genuinely a good person who’ll answer novices questions with great detail. I’d also recommend the book above.. the stories are great and the info is solid. Jay Scott and Duwane have spoken on the podcast a ton.. search and listen to those episodes. keep hiking and learning.. im too new to offer anything other than encouragement, but this forum and these hunters have been a great resource for me personally. ed
  20. NewlyMinted

    Need Glassers in unit 22 tonight & tomorrow morning

    This is awesome, do you have the story?
  21. NewlyMinted

    Sous Vide - Sounds weird.. changes the game..

    The first Sous Vide'd meat I had was goose. It was sitting with pear and some seasoning for a few hours and was delicious and tender. I knew I had to get one and play. Routinely cook beef and pork in it, and definitely pick your poison when it comes to books and resources.. there are a ton. The only advice I have would be (a) get the highest wattage you can so that you can submerge it in a large stock pot and not have to wait for it to come up to temp or adjust to the newly introduced meat and (b) don't get one that work *only* via an app. Phones and apps change all the time and in 3-5 years you might regret having a useless Sous Vide. Mine is a 1000W that I use with a massive stock pot wrapped with a towel and I use Saran wrap on the top to reduce evap. not using saran wrap works out fine even for 24hr, but the pot needs to be cleaned more due to calcium lines. If you want to experiment before you test out your game, get some of the Costco marinated tri-tip. It's already in bagged up perfectly, so peel the sticker off and cook for 14-24 hours at 132C. Then like dmoto said very hot skillet or grill (there'll be flame) to finish.. it'll pull apart or slice up like a dream.
  22. NewlyMinted

    My daughter got her first elk

    Congratulations! Great videos!
  23. NewlyMinted

    Honda Pioneer 1000 Wheels and Tires

    Do you know the bolt pattern on these?
  24. NewlyMinted

    Daughter gets her biggest buck to date

    Great video, awesome shot! Thanks for sharing... Cajun spice was on point.