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Everything posted by Desertguide

  1. Desertguide

    Dehydrated food

    No MRE's???? You mean you don't like Meals Refusing to Exit?
  2. Desertguide

    127 Years AGO Today

    Amazing history. Thanks for posting this. Fire season is fire season no matter the century
  3. Desertguide

    Save the Hueys and well Cobras too

    I know that view well. I was at MCAS Pendleton from 97-99. Saw fire AND flood while I was there. That flightline in the picture was 4 feet underwater.
  4. Desertguide

    Where are the posts about how G&F hasn't posted results yet

    I think I heard somewhere they're going back to the system they used last year and years prior. If that's true, should be the same as it's always been
  5. Desertguide

    monsoon here???

    Lol... I laughed at this with my outside voice
  6. Desertguide

    monsoon here???

    This made me uncomfortable for some weird reason... 😂😂😂
  7. Desertguide

    monsoon here???

    Had a storm roll through Pima a couple days ago. Some rain but NASTY winds. Busted up a few trees on the property. Hopefully its a precursor for what's to come!!!
  8. Desertguide

    Trying to find this ruin..

    97 and change. Might have broke 100" had he not been busted
  9. Desertguide

    Trying to find this ruin..

  10. Desertguide

    Trying to find this ruin..

    Killed this guy not far from there...
  11. Desertguide

    Trying to find this ruin..

    That's no BS!!! I've hunted in there quite a bit on foot and it'll wear you out quick. Looks like a yellow grass golf course till you get into it. Nice thing is you won't see a soul hunting those canyons.
  12. Desertguide

    Trying to find this ruin..

    This was 10 feet from that petroglyph. No idea if its recent or ancient. I like to think its as old as the petroglyph.
  13. Desertguide

    Trying to find this ruin..

    I've been to a lot of the ruins around New River Mesa. Here's some native graffiti from there. Nevermind... I can't find the pic in my phone Found it... lol
  14. Desertguide

    Gun show

    Did someone say gun show?????
  15. Desertguide


  16. Desertguide


    Sorry to hear that man!!! That's some cool old stuff though!!! What's that metal thing?
  17. Desertguide

    Tipping guides

    Oh gotcha, I get what you're saying. Yeah there are definitely a lot of those guys. I actually love hunting with guys like that. Had a hunter kill a giant in the desert a couple years ago who was in that boat. Still talk to him. If I told you his story you'd get choke up.
  18. Desertguide

    Need Help Valuing a 2007 Rhino

    My parents are interested. Pm sent
  19. Desertguide

    Draw hunting dates overlap?

    The overlap is stupid. I've never understood why they do that. Some can't be avoided.. especially late hunts but some make no sense. On the flip side, you'll probably only be competing for camp spots. Most rifle muley hunters up in that country won't hunt nearly as hard as the coues guys.
  20. Desertguide

    Tipping guides

    That really hasn't been my experience. I've never expected or counted on it but I can only think of twice in 5 years that I haven't been tipped. But... because we do a lot of desert muley hunts, we tend to get a different kind of hunter. Most of our hunters have a ton of experience and have been on a lot of guided hunts. I think that makes a big difference.
  21. Desertguide

    Tipping guides

    I average 12% but it is NOT expected.
  22. Desertguide


  23. Desertguide


  24. Desertguide

    Bison reduction project

    Don't know any details but I'll get some soon.