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About MattMan

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  1. MattMan

    Coleman stove

    I’ll take this if it’s still available. PM sent
  2. MattMan

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    What’s your source for estimated SWE storage for each basin? Asking because I want to know, not to challenge. Even based on those estimates the Salt side would need to spill roughly the entire storage capacity of both Verde lakes… (the sediment trap, and Bartlett). Just sayin…
  3. MattMan

    What the …

    Ever seen this movie? True story, and seems similar, but I’m no medical expert… A Beautiful Mind
  4. MattMan

    Optics for kiddos starting out

    The original Bushnell Legends were incredible glass for the $$. They made 10x42 and 12x50, both tripod adaptable. Can’t speak to current models, I’m talking about the ones from 10+ years ago, Like this- https://www.ebay.com/itm/125537707984?hash=item1d3aa167d0:g:aAoAAOSwQs5i2GqZ&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4A%2B6tU5QfLPeffplNWizETi0ZYYsBQ8D8eYHDrWwtYzFZ5AXIJ4Ft1KFkkb3Y9DSfYchhO5gj773%2BX%2FTQJl27Q4DKCimkwjGtFr5a22euwvAWVbB%2FSONOvQeqrDOEJqTtBT%2FZMfvcr%2BJaMtmO87%2FYE41WWDRRTHVHBAYa8F6NOr%2BD3rCt9rKMWEtBVJrgycMG6AUr5KTmNuKA9Uud6IbLXxD%2BezfXRQTxnp%2F6mLexiyp3e8Yfd3Inle%2BXaT45ofPPrzSTSUiNw5jQCU7eeHTSNyk2uW4J6th0tgsY3V7aRed|tkp%3ABFBMtNvZ4f1g
  5. MattMan

    Great find

    It’s a shoe for an ox….
  6. MattMan

    Remington Ultimate Muzzleloader

    I’ll take it. Message incoming
  7. MattMan

    Its over!

    Please post documentation of your claim...
  8. MattMan

    Its over!

    Or more lifts, Method wheels, and BFG muds for those G&F trucks parked at headquarters.
  9. MattMan

    Need Help.. Missed biggest deer of my life

    4-6 feet high at 400 is 12-18 MOA. You could gorilla tape a potato onto the end of the barrel as a suppressor and not be off by 15 Moa.
  10. If you want a real response, send it to the commission in writing, and request the commission to investigate as an agenda item why fees aren’t charged up front. If it’s a state law, request that they pursue legislation for an exemption. After your letter is received, follow up at meetings with public comments requesting an update or status on the agenda item. Send the same letter to the Director. Public comments presented can’t be discussed or commented on at the same meeting. 3 minutes, tops. Know the meeting rules, it helps. If it’s really in statute, they’ll respond ARS xx-xxxx, if it’s code, they’ll respond it’s AAC xx-xxxx, etc. Any of them can be exempted for the draw by legislation, code, or rule. It’s not rocket science.
  11. MattMan

    AZ is sad

    NM draw is simple.... Pass out tags to landowners, draw what’s left while excluding non residents from many of the hunts. No points, bonus or preference. They could do it with paper apps in a basket at the state fair and it wouldn’t take more than a day.
  12. MattMan

    Tick Tock

    Full fee up front solves it all.
  13. 😂. Speed Boiled. Don’t you have a ninja rice cooker?
  14. MattMan

    Late October bucks!

    Beautiful bucks... congratulations. Looks and sounds like a great multi generation hunt. FWIW... First shot impact on the second buck was low, basically hoof level, as called by the spotter. NOT high, or anywhere even near over his back. The only thing “high” was trace, which is expected by anyone who’s shot or spotted. Even a little bit. If you’re gonna shoot that far, practice further. Some audible commentary in the video isn’t confidence inspiring as far as practice and familiarity with shooting the distances involved in the video. Past around 400 yards, neither is a f’n 270 or 6.8 anything...
  15. MattMan

    The virus

    “All of my family members work in essential businesses.” would have been a much better description based upon your replies. I assure you, I’m not stupid, nor am I uneducated.... I haven’t argued yet. All I’ve done is ask questions. You haven’t answered where.