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Everything posted by Bucks&bulls

  1. Bucks&bulls

    Old rifles New powders

    Edge and I talked about this awhile back. Wish I had a good answer to the question. I have been looking at a ton of stuff on the internet and old loading manuals. Have a bunch of Unique on hand and found Winchester & Marlin loads using Unique. Loaded up 10 but only shot two. Reason being the velocities I got were WAY off the data. I’m shooting a 1895 Marlin 45-70 and while the loads were still safe in that rifle I didn’t care for the deviation from the data. I will try H4198 when I can find some. Data shows low pressure for that powder. Will report back if and when...
  2. Bucks&bulls

    Colt Trooper rescued

    Nice looking revolver and definitely worth saving. Now that she’s almost ready for the dance I think she deserves a dress tailored just for her (new holster). Leather in the picture looks like it got “massaged” with a dull knife. Not a pro by any stretch of the imagination but I have made a few field rigs that are at least serviceable.
  3. Bucks&bulls


    I’ll take the other pound of Varget. Jim
  4. Bucks&bulls

    Remember this.....

    And if you were shopping at Smitty’s you could eat breakfast first for a couple bucks, including coffee!
  5. Bucks&bulls

    WTB 10/22 and A17/A22 Trigger

    Look up Brimstone Gunsmithing, they do work on YOUR trigger group and do it for a reasonable price, might be an option for you.
  6. Bucks&bulls

    Winchester M70 Featherweight Stainless 300WM

    I have a model 70 classic in .270 Winchester, not sure of year. Bought it used unfired. Blue steel, wood stock. I was told the factory trigger was worked on at Don’s Sport Shop. The rifle is very accurate, smooth action, fit and finish is pretty good. A friend who passed away last year had two classics, one was stainless, earlier production and the other was blue, later production - both were nice rifles. I am somewhat surprised this has not sold. Especially considering the aftermarket barrel, bedded action and very attractive price.
  7. Bucks&bulls

    ISO 45-70 brass

    Looking to buy 45-70 brass. Got a new lever gun and need to scratch that itch!
  8. Bucks&bulls

    ISO 45-70 brass

    MidwayUSA, product #568756 Bet that 45-90 is a hoot to shoot!
  9. Bucks&bulls

    ISO 45-70 brass

    I do. I also located some brass and have some 405 grain cast bullets on the way. Should be up and shooting soon!
  10. Bucks&bulls

    ISO 45-70 brass

    I won’t be out that way during the week but might be on Sunday.
  11. Bucks&bulls

    ISO 45-70 brass

    That’s a more than generous offer and will take you up on that. I have some on order but who knows when it will show up. I can pay you back when it shows up. Where are you located? I am near 75th Avenue and Broadway in Phoenix.
  12. Bucks&bulls

    ISO 45-70 brass

    Thanks for the offer Phil but just looking to roll my own at this time.
  13. Bucks&bulls

    WTB, Contender Frame

    Do you want the original or the G2 frame? I think I saw an original frame at Pistol Parlor yesterday.
  14. Bucks&bulls

    Garage clean out - HD stuff

    Harley Davidson parts that I won’t be using. HD passenger floorboard with mounts and script covers, look new, $100, should fit 93-08 touring models but I am not 100% sure. After market pegs, used good condition, $5. HD mirrors, used good condition, $30. HD Sideplates and short sissy bar with pad, used one plate has some scratches, came off a 99 FLSTF, 9-1 4” hole spacing, $20. HD Sideplates, used very good condition, 9-1/4” hole spacing, $10.
  15. Bucks&bulls

    Garage clean out - HD stuff

    TTT Will consider offers
  16. Bucks&bulls


    Can’t help you with Ammo but show us your work!
  17. Bucks&bulls

    Stolen Hunting Rig - Recovered!

    Actually had the same idea an posted it in the caption thread before I saw this...
  18. Bucks&bulls


    Not really a caption but, Johnny Cash, one piece at a time...
  19. Bucks&bulls

    The Myth of the Corn Fed Deer as Good Eats

    What big orange said! I would add that if you share with anyone, tell them you hunted Alaska, no deer in the lower 48 tastes like this...
  20. Bucks&bulls

    Selling H4350, RL26 and Fed 210 Lg Rifle Primers

    I’ll take a pound of H4350.
  21. Bucks&bulls

    Knurling tool

    MSC value line #00227975, and 3 knurls of your choice. But, may be cheaper to have it done, pretty simple on a lathe.
  22. Bucks&bulls

    700x powder

    I have an opened 4pound jug with about 3-1/2 pounds left that I would part with.
  23. Bucks&bulls

    12g wad info

    Do what AZ Free Man said, get a manual and read up. You say you have a bunch of spent hulls already, if they are all the same hull great, if not, sort them. Hulls, even the same mfg., need to match even if all are high base. Make sure you get a manual that lists the specific hull or hulls you will reload. When reloading for shotguns you must follow the manual, don’t make any changes in hulls, wads or powder
  24. Bucks&bulls

    Surveillance package!

    I will second Simplysafe if you want to have 24/7 monitoring. Monthly charge is reasonable and is nice if you are w/o cell service. I have an older system that started giving me problems connecting to the monitoring service. Tried three times with technical support to get it resolved with no luck so they are sending me a new system at no charge. That is good customer service in my opinion.
  25. Bucks&bulls

    Range Finder feedback?

    I have a kilo 1250 (now a discontinued model) that I am happy with. Probably not too much different from the newer entry level models. Let me know if you would like to borrow it for a field test. Ironically, I have no tags...