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  • Birthday 07/02/1937

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    Unit 11M bull hunt

    You are so -polite, Just try holding your breath until you see it. You are in luck - I posted my 410 bull , I harvested in 2012; Alive with his 40 cows,and the antlers in my back yard. advise= learn how to hunt & harvest this type of trophies! That way you might be able to enjoy - the real thing.

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    Who do you think that you are ? One of the seven horses mentioned in the Bible. I f you ever harvest a bull like the one I posted. Then - send me a picture & you can continue -the chatter!

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Almost right.... always the-- BUT, But you will not be tasting the elk steaks or enjoying the trophy. All you can think is--- why in the heck , DID I - NOT HAVE A FOOL-PROOF PLAN? I have heard that over 50% of all the big game taken -is by poachers. But (again) has anyone ever heard -truthfully- what % of the poachers -- get convicted?

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    Ethics & morals: You are right- definitely different. This is how I see it, after 7 5 years of hunting. In the Bible gods rules & laws of Morals are very clear . One law about hunting is ( do not waste , take only what you can use ) Ethics are made up by people who believe that they are smarter, and what hey say will have more influence upon the actions of people. Most modern day ethics are good, but lots are far from realism , or good sense, as described clearly in the most followed book ever written. I could list some of the senseless ones , but each person has an opinion.

    Going Goulds hunting in 35A!

    I know only one thing for sure about the AZGFD big game draw: Unit 1 one early bull hunt is one of the most difficult to draw. I know one other thing - without LUCK you are S O L. My wife -on her first application drew Unit 1- E B H, Then 5 years later 2011, she drew the same hunt again; with minimum points. So, How do you - rate this? I have been applying for big horn since it all started. Now I'm 82 with failing lungs, heart & Cancer -for 5 yrs. I know when it's time to quit. But, being as my wife is extremely lucky and a very successful hunter; I may ask her if I could be her guide on her BIG HORN SHEEP HUNT-- when she gets drawn!.... (She really likes her 257 Weatherby Mag).

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    This looks like the first TANK, right off 237-going east- off 89 A ????? A shot a huge bull , near there last week 7 X 7 About a 430 bull. This is my 2012, 11 M Bull.

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    A H N. **** answering your request> The pictures of my Bull (here-in) - with me holding the antlers. And of him alive before I killed him. What do think? On my 11 M hunt last week , I shot one - 30 points larger than this one????

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    WOW! You must have seen my ( Hunting Plans )Book , Because you described my 2nd. best plan; It,s on page 5 of the book. I used this exact plan to harvest my ,largest Bull-ever : In 11 M . In 2012 early hunt. He is a HUGE-GIANT 410+ , OLD HERD BULL , with approx 50 cows. Many hunters saw him up there , but he always eluded them all. But with this plan , It was so easy- each step fell right into place. Wow- Now he is the outstanding ** STAR** a.mongst , All my trophies. Some time , you might like to hear -just how the #1 plan in my ( plan book ) worked out ? * I do not sell hunting books, or offer advise. The SEEKER
  9. I agree- who wouldn't! Sitting is boring . I think for archery - ambush is more successful. Bit still I am the SEEKER, CHASER,& ( the old saying) get m -while they are there!. My SAMSON -IS FAST, FLAT ,ACCURATE & EFFECTIVE -ALL REASONABLE RANGES!
  10. C/P- Thanks for you answer.Yes ,a full mature bull is o k . Because the odds of a really nice bull are - not good. I saw a really big one in 6 b a few days ago. But he may not step over into 11 M. Too much going on.
  11. I've had my 10 x 50 nk. over 20 yrs,still good enough. If I need to see see it better, i just become a better seeker. This is my best mule-32 inside.
  12. C/P ....See that you live in Flagstaff. Seems to be a good place for outdoors men. Saw your discussion on sitting water. Sounds good. Especially for a man of my age 82.. I Tagged a really big bull (400+) in 2012 this way. This year I will not try for a huge bull. Just wondering if the elk are very vocal yet? I was thinking about trying Schultz area first?What do you say? My second choice - flagstaff-Ranch area. Are you hunting this year? Thanks
  13. SEEKER

    Going Goulds hunting in 35A!

    Bob ,, You are right on. I am 82+ , and have --zero-- of my hunting friends ;The last two moved upstate . One (lives close to Flagstaff , ask me to stay with him during my (13 SEPT 2013 ) Bull hunt. We did a lot of hunting-past 25 years ago . He ask to go along on the hunt. It's about 20 min. to the area. I did all of his taxidermy. But * Big problem* this last Sat. my wife had a STROKE-DISABLED, THE LEFT SIDE. She is out of the hosp. & making excellent progress using walker. Our son ,said -go do this hunt ,l take care of Mom. They are aware that this is my last hunt. I have survived -Cancer-6 yrs. HEART ATTACK -15 YRS. ABOUT TIME i SLOW DOWN. . But -now I am healthy & All systems(Functions ) work O K. Sorry to hear about your Dad.... It,s all part of that journey -called Life. Don
  14. SEEKER

    Taxidermy advice

    This is my 44 , bull elk hunt ,and my last hunt. Physically O K (stre I modified it to a ngth) But things are wearing out. Cancer for 7 years; Many heart surgeries,, and I Am still here. God (Jesus Christ) has kept me living through all this for some reason. He has answered my request, while I was defending this U S A . I may guide for my wife, 20 years my Jr. She has taken 2 really nice big bulls in area 1, 2005 & 2011. I was never able to get drawn for the early bull hunt there. This is my elk hunting bow ,( Bow Tech 105 lbs draw. Samson. I modified it into a vertical -CROSS BOW.) Shoots easy, very fast , accurate,quiet, and most important= no movement -before the release! The bull is totally unaware , until he hears the string. He has no time for movement.( string-jump) I shoot short shots. under 35 yard -only----could shoot 80 -but I like to be sure. The ole outdoors man! Kathleen Davis Johnson Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information.html DriverSupport (6).exe DriverSupport (5).exe
  15. SEEKER

    Taxidermy advice

    I Defended my country -30 years in- US military & retired. U S A F, all over this Earth, So ,that any type of person- can have freedom of thought & expression; So- go for it- until you are content.