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About justanotherpunk

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/21/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tucson, AZ

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  1. justanotherpunk


  2. justanotherpunk

    05 fleetwood highlander niagra 4kobo

    asking 4kobo. will take 3k cash + 1k trade quality optics, firearms, etc. what you got? will answer questions to the best of my ability. bought it last winter. haven't used it yet. doesn't look like it fits into my life the way it thought it would. thanks for looking text 5203699080 pat
  3. justanotherpunk

    springfield range officer 1911 9mm

    pm's replied to. spf thanks for the add space.
  4. justanotherpunk

    springfield range officer 1911 9mm

    spf bought this and have come to the conclusion I don't really have room/need/want for it. was planning on shooting a competition here and there. been out of the case to load mags and cycle the action cold otherwise its lived in its case, never been fired. includes 3 mags and hard case with all the original paper work, lock, etc. 700$ call text or pm Pat 520.369.9080
  5. justanotherpunk

    07 yamaha R1 open to trades (pics added)

    only bump
  6. I realize this isn't hunting gear but I know many of us have other hobbies. I willing to trade for hunting gear so I think its appropriate. If not nuke the post. 18k miles mechanically sound, fast, fun and truth be told dangerous in the wrong hands. Stock other than two brothers carbon fiber exhaust. willing to take partial trades for high end optics, rifles, over/under 12 gauge, 4x4 quad, maybe a harley but no sportsters, etc. open to offers and enjoy the art of the deal. have no problem horse trading. 4,500 obo Pat 520-3six9-nine080 call text or pm
  7. justanotherpunk

    Optics, firearms, reloading stuff & misc. for sale

    Pm sent on Dillon press
  8. justanotherpunk

    sold please delete

    some of its been around for quite a while but i also know how particular some rifles can be and how hard it can be to keep powder for a favorite pet load.
  9. justanotherpunk

    sold please delete

    all sold thanks for the ad
  10. justanotherpunk

    mossberg trek .243

    pm sent
  11. justanotherpunk

    leica 1600b

  12. justanotherpunk

    leica 1600b

    Maybe if i play around with it a little more it'll grow on me. I'm in no rush to sell it.
  13. justanotherpunk

    leica 1600b

    Bought from a member here on Sunday. Objective lens has some minor scratches that do not impact function at all. I already have a 1000r and I am having buyers remorse. It functions perfectly. I used it monday morning to range deer out past 1200 yards. I just don't think this is the range finder for me. Selling for what i paid even though its worth more than 300$ Includes the original case, strap, box and paperwork. $300 plus the ride if I have to ship it. Will add pictures later today. Call text or pm Pat 520.369.9080
  14. justanotherpunk

    Leica 1600-B

    min range is 10 yards and yes they are great for archery. very easy to use one handed