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About Jeremy350

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/24/1981

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  • Location
    Cottonwood, AZ

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  1. I see Grong just about everyday but I also saw a tan Chevy 1500 with a camper shell on Tuesday going south on 89a.
  2. Jeremy350

    Ground blind

    Elkaholic no harm no foul, text is hard to read emotion. The blind was stolen, it wasn't the wind because then the two folding chairs would of still been there and it wasn't a gov. official because they would of taken the half drank Gatorade bottle. So all it was was some p.o.s that thought he deserved my stuff more than me. All I can say is oh well just have to buy a new one and do like some people here have said and take it with me every time I get out.
  3. Jeremy350

    stolen flat bed trailer

    That sucks! Hope you find it. Ask elkaholic his opinion about it.
  4. Jeremy350

    Ground blind

    Yep, I understand that by leaving it out it was an easy target for theft but at the same time I didn't feel that one day was to long especially in the area it was in. There is a treestand in the same area directly off the road that has been there for over 7 months so using the same logic as elkaholic that should of been hauled off long ago right? Elkaholic, I'm not really sure why you feel that you need to pipe in with a smarta** comment on my last two posts but thanks for your input hopefully we don't ever meet!
  5. Jeremy350

    Ground blind

    Takes a real special breed of person to walk up to a ground blind at a water hole and steal it!!!!
  6. Jeremy350

    USMC birthday

    09/1999 - 09/2003. Iraq spring 2003. 3rd LAR Bn. Semper Fi!
  7. Jeremy350

    USMC birthday

    Nov. 10 1775! Happy birthday to any of you fellow devil dogs on this site! Enjoy your day and get after some steak, lobster and birthday cake!
  8. Jeremy350

    Rainbow Valley Sighting

    That was me but now I'm up in cottonwood
  9. Jeremy350

    unit 8

    did you check into that area I PM'ed you about?
  10. Jeremy350

    white dodge

    saw you friday evening pulling a trailer load of porta-poopers towards Cottonwood. White 4 door dodge lifted
  11. Jeremy350

    Verde Valley

    good ole internet - first search-- http://campverdebugleonline.com/main.asp?SectionID=7&SubSectionID=246&BrowseClass=1&Category=500 huh? thats weird I thought this was the internet?
  12. Jeremy350

    Verde Valley

    hmmm... looks like this will be harder than I thought!
  13. Jeremy350

    Bear Down

    Your the man Nate way to get it done on another trophy!
  14. Jeremy350

    Verde Valley

    I will be starting a new job in Cottonwood soon and I'm looking for a place to rent somewhere in the Verde. I'm looking to be moved up there by the end of the year. If anyone on here lives up there or knows someone up there looking to rent a place out could you please let me know. PM, or post here, email: jselting@gmail.com or call 406-241-9238 Thanks Jeremy
  15. Jeremy350

    Black FJ

    Next time I see you I will try to stop you again. I work for The Rosevelt Irrig. district, its the first one you croos when going south on hwy 85. Pm on the way.