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Everything posted by Boarman03

  1. Boarman03

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    Just checked out the 44 amp. I'm not going down that rabbit hole. They are marketing it as a come back, but that's not where I want to go. But looks like fun, for someone else.
  2. Boarman03

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    First, I thought it was 44 mag, not auto mag. Still learning. Second, Colthutton,, check my history to see what I have sold, or resold. I don't get things to resell. I get them for myself, some youth, or my friends that could really use them, mostly who have kids. Also, I don't grab all of the free stuff by a long shot! But yes, I do ask for quite a few things. Making intentional false claims about someone is not only rude, but it is unconscionable, "fake news" , and liable or defamation of character which may lead to potential litigation if a person decides to follow such a route. If nothing else, it demonstrates a weakness in one's own character. I'm certain you meant it jokingly and will take it it as such. But it wouldn't hurt you to think twice about what you say before you say it Yes I get several things for free. No, I do not get them all by far and I pass up many. Yes I've purchased a lot of things. No, I don't purchase the majority of things. And no, I haven't sold very many things. Yes, I make a few mistakes. I've only heard of one perfect person and I certainly have never held myself up as a perfect example I know a lot of people who have stopped paying much attention to Coues Whitetail because of the " keyboard giants". I have at times been guilty of it myself! I hope we can all get along and "play nice" like we were supposed to learn playing in the sandbox back in kindergarten. Couzer, I guess I could buy one and find out, especially with guns being so cheap right now everywhere. But I'm not that big on pistols. But I do like the S&W 500 that a member sold me and I would assume the 44 auto mag would be similar, just faster? I know a guy who most likely has one. I'll see if I can find out and I'll let you know in a DM. It will be a while, he decided to start living in Mexico.🤣 He's a Gringo and his Spanish is pretty broken, but he really likes it and they love his money, especially the women. He keeps trying to convince me to go. It's pretty easy to "buy" your permanent residency and even your dual citizenship papers from what he's told me. But I spent time in a foreign country and know what rights you don't have anywhere else but here in the USA. So even though I'm very fluent in Spanish, I don't even visit him down there and I'll have to wait until he's up coming here for a decent stay before I can find out. He's the one who got me into and hooked on guns. Ultimately, I do not believe I have a 44 auto mag pistol. My apologies. I do have the 44 mag revolver. My error.🤣
  3. Boarman03

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    I'd like them please.
  4. Boarman03

    Sako l61r .338 win mag

    You can't receive messages.
  5. Boarman03

    Remington 700 300 wm

    PM sent.
  6. Boarman03

    Caldwell Lead Sled DFT Rifle Rest

    These are really awesome for sighting in a rifle. The tray holds the weights, sand bags or lead filled bags, and they have lots of adjustments. I have two and love them. These typically were $175:and up new. Seldom went on sale for less. If I didn't already have 2 I would be sending a PM.🤣
  7. Boarman03

    Marlin 1894 SBL 357/38 lever gun

    From Surprise, better than Tucson?
  8. Boarman03

    1980 Chevy Camaro

    What's the actual problem with the Complex rules? Why won't the apartment complex let you keep it there? Too many personal vehicles? Is it not currently tagged? Many times you can rent a home for the same or almost the same price as an apartment. Also, check your rental agreement before you rent for restrictions. Might be time to find a different Landlord.
  9. Boarman03

    1980 Chevy Camaro

    I had a brown one with a 3 speed tranny.🤣 Fifty years old? Where has time gone? I bought it cheap in 1988. I drove that through snow storms up to Boise for Christmas with my wife's parents and back down again. Snowed all of the way into N Phoenix that year. I sold it and went to a four wheel drive 4 Runner for my wife and I eventually got an 87 Extra Cab Turbo. I bought both as salvage and put them back together. 4 Runner was a theft recovery missing Wheels and just a few things. The Turbo was a slow roll over so I replaced the cab and bed from a donor two wheel drive, using the 4x4 front inner fender assembly. Tore it down to the frame and put it back together. I had more energy and ambition back then.🤣
  10. Boarman03

    WTB Tanned Hide Pieces

    Shoot some coyotes. Their tails and winter hair has to be good for something!😂
  11. Boarman03

    WTB Tanned Hide Pieces

    I have sheep short hair and wool, two different breeds, live. I have guinea fowl, turkey, chickens, a steer and 2 horses (Todd South's) live. Come gather what you want to try to use. Horse mane and tail with Todd's permission. Everything else is mine.🤣 Guineas are white, light grey, speckled dark grey. Chickens are many different colors. Turkey is bourbon red, a shade of brown like the ones in the wild.
  12. He PMed the price. I guess he wants to keep it private. I'll respect that, but I don't understand it.
  13. Boarman03

    Timney trigger for Remington 700

    Lightning ⚡.
  14. The suspense is building. Are we waiting for a drum roll to get the answers? 😁 I'm sure he just got preoccupied handling something else. Hopefully we'll have answers tomorrow.
  15. Boarman03

    (Price drop) Rare!! Dan Wesson 445 Supermag

    Definitely a beauty.
  16. Boarman03

    Ruger SP 101 9mm (Sold)

    DM/PM sent
  17. Boarman03

    Wtb spring tooth harrow

    40 horse should be a Cat 1. If it is by chance a Cat 2, bushings can be used to make a Cat 1 implement work. I have 1 Cat 2 and several Cat 1 tractors of varying ages.
  18. Boarman03

    Wtb spring tooth harrow

    To be clear, the ones that are pictured are pull behind drags. If it hooks up to your tractor using the two arms and the third point, this three point hitch, then it's not a drag behind.
  19. Boarman03

    Wtb spring tooth harrow

    DR drag harrow. Says free shipping.
  20. Boarman03

    Wtb spring tooth harrow

    From Tractor supply for drag behind.
  21. Boarman03

    Wtb spring tooth harrow

    If 3 pt, Cat 1 ( most common for smaller tractors 45hp and down) or Cat 2 ( roughly 40 hp to 100hp hp)? Most likely Cat 1 for that size spring harrow. Cat 3 are the really big tractors roughly 80 to 225 HP and Cat 4 is for the monsters 180 HP and up. Isn't farming/ranching fun? Also, what is your general location? Still Rimrock/Camp Verde?
  22. Boarman03

    Champion trophy 50 gun safe lowerd price

    Vail, AZ is a bit far from Mesa for me to buy and haul. But very nice safe. Certainly wins the beauty award!
  23. Boarman03

    50 Cal Muzzleloading Supplies

    PM sent.
  24. Boarman03

    Lever actions

    OK, you got me! I thought this post was by Levers, not about lever rifles.🤣