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Everything posted by Boarman03

  1. Boarman03

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    Was that per month, or for those time periods?
  2. Boarman03

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    I've heard similar things. I'm considering doing a couple of houses that way. Typically larger homes with pools, spas work out real well I'm told. I'm fairly slow at entering new areas and do so with great trepidation. I did discover that if any management company does not collect and pay the sales tax that then the Owner would still be liable with penalties. Also, for me, I like the greater likelihood of a steady stream of income and more steady people. I don't have to furnish my rentals and don't include refrigerators. I don't want to get sued if someone gets sick. Same with jacuzzis. If a property has one I remove it due to greater liability. I only have one property with a pool.and it's not in use, needs to be rehabbed. I have two smaller properties but they are located near the Hohokam Stadium that Oakland uses for Spring Training.They are quaint older properties with orchard and land. But I would then also have the added expense of yard and regular cleanup. I'm not sure my net would be any better with the rents the way they are currently. Part of the rent increase, I'm certain, was due to the few dead beats (or potential deadbeats, and I evicted 2 to their surprise during Covid) who didn't pay and caused a greater expense, not to mention increased insurance and property taxes/sales tax. Insurance increases if the use changes. And some neighborhoods are beginning to fight against VRBO's, and cities are passing strict laws. My Rant: I never understood the greed of the cities putting sales tax on regular residential rentals. Why are they extra taxing the poor? Property tax is also higher. That extra $40 to $60 a month can really hurt a poor family, and the property owner is not going to absorb the cost. It is passed on to the tenants. Back to the subject: Everything has its pros and cons. The more knowledge one has on the subject, the greater the chance of success if one does decide it merits the risk. Otherwise, one is just gambling blindly. "A wasted dollar is never regained."
  3. Permanently. But I was kind and took him into my home, the freezer.😁
  4. Boarman03

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    All I can do is relate my 40 years of experience. I never lost a house, suffered some setbacks, didn't manage them always like I should have, but I am putting my kids through college and helping one with free rent (she puts the rent amount into her savings account each month) to get ready to buy a house in the next crash. She just graduated as a Civil Engineer and immediate was hired. No student loans, no car payments, no rent. That's what rentals did for me, and her.
  5. My hunt started on Friday, October 22 and ended Monday afternoon, but could have continued until Sunday the 31st. I was lucky and was done in 4 days. Only ever saw 8 deer. One dead on the roadside, one behind the cabin (the tease), two young bucks feeding alongside the highway, and the four we encountered that became three. No does, no others.
  6. Boarman03

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    That was a new twist. But there were rules people had to follow or they could still be evicted, and deserving people were evicted if the property owner knew the rules. Still one of the safest and most consistent investments I know. Not for everyone. Just putting the info out there. Not a judgement.
  7. Boarman03

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    You can. Never said you couldn't.
  8. Boarman03

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    Just an FYI: A house purchased in 1993 for $45k that originally sold for $50k in 1981 is now worth nearly $250k - $300k. If it was a rental and managed correctly, somebody else would have paid for the property, maintenance, and taxes, while you got a reduction in your income taxes and received some income. It's physically there, you can sell it any time. The banks recognize it as a real asset and you can get real $$$ if you decide to sell it or receive monthly income. There is work though. And you need to know the rules and manage it. Rents have gone up from $650.00 per month in 1993 to $1,800 per month in 2021. 10 houses paid off would net approximately $1,300 per month each in 2021. That would be $13,000 a month or $156k per year, plus you would still have the gross value of the houses that would be roughly $4 million. Not instant, but it happens. But I repeat, there is work and you have to know the rules! Next "big adjustment" will probably be 2026 or 2028 ish. Buy two to three years after the "crash" for lowest prices. House in 2011 that sold for $67k is now worth $390k if all spruced up. House in 2011 that sold for $80k is now worth $450k. "Crashes" in 1968, 1988, 2008. Economy has "peaked" every 18 years since the late 1800's with few exceptions. History tends to repeat itself. Big boys at the top controlling it all to make money on both sides? You don't have to believe or trust me. Check the data. I would not buy a house now for an investment because the numbers don't work, but I am looking towards 2029 - 2030 ish, if I'm healthy and my kids are pretty much out of college. BTW, I'm over 60 and have lived through two adjustments. Everything is looking like it is a repeat and on track with the past overall. Enjoy the ride! I am not a Realtor and am not pushing or selling anything. I get nothing out of what you choose to do with this information. I have been aware or involved with rentals since 1983 to some degree. Use this information at your own discretion.
  9. Thank you. Todd does extremely nice work.
  10. Posted as requested. Thanks for asking. Gun has less than 15 rounds down it, all but two used to sight in the gun. One round was so Todd's Friend could try it out. The other non-sighting round was the hunting round. I believe the total round count to be 11, but I may be off by two or three more. Todd did an excellent job helping me sight it in and learning to use it. Todd and I sighted at 100 yards, then two or three shots at at 610 yards. That's all. One of his rancher friends shot it and then the kill shot at 320 yards with that gusting wind by me. I was sure I couldn't have hit it, but took the shot by the book and got "lucky" or "blessed". That shot in and if it's self was a great experience! Plus we had all of the other drama in the previous days. Crazy Lady Amber was the most dramatic and truthfully somewhat scary. She is an example of who shouldn't own a gun!
  11. Here's the rifle, as requested. I took the bottom picture, Todd took the one with me looking under the hood of the truck cab in the background.
  12. Yes, that is me with the buck on my back carrying my now priceless rifle! Love that gun!
  13. Boarman03

    Lost hitch in 12b

    Sorry for your loss. Sucks when you lose stuff. I went back to my hunt area Tuesday to find my glasses I set down Monday at Sunset while taking a 320 yard shot at a mule deer with my BP rifle. The wind was gusting 15 to 40 mph. In the excitement of hitting him I walked away with out them. My sight is almost legal to drive without them and when I realized what I had done, it was getting dark fast and we had to get out gear to the truck and take care of the deer. I was lucky to remember approximately where I took the shot from and found my glasses Tuesday morning. The deer would have been worth it even if I had lost them but I was fortunate. I hope you are as well.(At least you and I didn't lose our rifles.😁)
  14. Boarman03

    Misc reloading components for sale or trade

    Tried to send PM. You cannot receive messages. You may need to clear some out for space.
  15. Boarman03

    WTB Lever Action

    Contact Levers, he might know of one.
  16. Boarman03

    WTB youth camo

    Size? 12 year old boys can vary a lot.
  17. Boarman03

    FS Remington 700 BDL 30-06

    Which scope?
  18. Boarman03

    Mobile Detailing with CWT Discount

    Why not schedule a day for Tucson boys? Put them all on one or two days with enough lead time to fill the days? That would make it worth the drive?
  19. Boarman03

    6.5mm 140 BTHP projectiles

    I'll take them.
  20. Boarman03

    WTB Lever Action Rifle

    Try contacting Levers. He may know of one.
  21. Boarman03

    Lost Your Rifle?

    WildWoody is a great guy and avid hunter. He's been very good to me and others. I appreciate his goodness! Why not afford him greater latitude for something less serious than losing a rifle. I hope the lost rifle was not do to an injury or other emergency and that the owner is able to recover it. Kudos to the honor of the OP! And to azsugarbear for posting this to help out.
  22. Boarman03


    I believe Axis ll has the accutrigger To quote the site; Finally, the primary difference between Axis XP and Axis II XP is the Savage® AccuTrigger™ system. This light trigger system can be customized to your individual preferences and shooting style. You can set the trigger pull yourself without having to pay for a gunsmith.May 14, 2018
  23. Boarman03


    Interested, let's talk?
  24. Boarman03


    You cannot receive messages. Please pm me with your cell #. Would like to pickup tonight. Mountain man starts earlyThursday AM. Russ