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Everything posted by Boarman03

  1. Boarman03

    WTB Remington 770 SA bolt assembly

    Pacific was a no.
  2. I need a Remington 770 SA bolt (243 through 308). Please let me know if you have one or if you know where one is. These typically run around $99 to $140.
  3. Boarman03

    WTB Remington 770 SA bolt assembly

    Brownell's was a no go. Will check Pacific. Thanks
  4. Boarman03

    WTB: 3 Lug Parts (SilencerCo)

    Please educate me, but are those restricted ATF parts? I'm thinking about getting a silencer but I thought all the parts are restricted. Or is that a muzzle break made by the company and I'm just old and confused.
  5. Boarman03

    Seeking a little help!!

    The '03s are extremely beautiful with high gloss. It's amazing what the old custom rifle shops were able to do with them. The '17s were much heavier.
  6. Boarman03


    A previous ad said Payson.
  7. Boarman03


    Kent is top notch. I've dealt with him a few times.
  8. Boarman03

    Seeking a little help!!

    The bluing is the challenge. Those '03 are shooters. My "Hog" gun is a very modified '03 with a 19"pencil barrel and cheap (BEC) lit scope. A lot of history in those '03s. I don't think Todd South at Southern Xpress does bluing. He does cerakoting. You ought to have them do the Hunters Safety Class and get them to put in for the youth hunt as well.
  9. Boarman03


    Pm Stanley on all scammers.
  10. Boarman03

    Ammo and dies

    Is the ammo in the poly boxes reloads?
  11. Boarman03

    30-06 Remington 700 for sale

    Nice older ADL. The bolt still has a lot of the jeweling. Fun die hard!
  12. Boarman03

    Scheels has Hornady 143 eldx bullets in stock

    Thank you. I applied for their credit card, got accepted, received an $85.00 e credit, applied it towards the two boxes of bullets, and with Free shipping and taxes, wound up paying $1.67 for the two boxes delivered. Now that's a deal! Thank you for the notification!
  13. Boarman03

    Sold of STIHL MS261C’s for sale

    I've used chainsaws for years. Even spent a couple of nights on the couch for pranking my wife that I had cut off my fingers, glove was fingerless and gave me the idea. She still doesn't think it was funny more than ten years later. I had her going. She is adamant that I don't get another prank like that though. But I've never had to use chaps although I can see why they could be useful. Especial where kick-backs are concerned. Jeans just wouldn't hold up and chainmail is heavy. Had a friend accidently cut the end of his shoe off in a kick-back scenario and we still don't know how he missed his toes. But we're glad he did. I've not really been injured yet but then I greatly respect my equipment.
  14. Boarman03

    Sold of STIHL MS261C’s for sale

    If you sell both, you'll have none. Or do you have others?
  15. Boarman03

    Sold of STIHL MS261C’s for sale

    To protect your legs from the chain, or from the wood chips?
  16. Boarman03

    Sold of STIHL MS261C’s for sale

    Why are you selling the new one?
  17. Boarman03

    65mm non HD spotter

    I like the magnification, but biggest question is how great is the difference between your spotter and an HD? I only want to buy one once.
  18. Boarman03

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Since people's honesty is at the root of discussion, you may want to revisit and old post I encountered on here. It was extremely long and a lot of people posted their thoughts to it. Quite an eye opener. Find;. "Card Hit - 2016 style" have fun!
  19. Boarman03

    65mm non HD spotter

    Yeah, if I had looked at your profile I'd have seen you started about 7 years ago. I'm still waking up, I guess.
  20. Boarman03

    65mm non HD spotter

    Good to know. Looks nice.
  21. Boarman03

    65mm non HD spotter

    Good morning. Looks like you are new to Course Whitetail. Where are you located?
  22. Boarman03

    Hornady Superformance .222 50gr V-MAX Trade

    I'll check for the 223 tomorrow, but either way I'll take it.
  23. Boarman03

    Hornady Superformance .222 50gr V-MAX Trade

    I'll take it. I'll
  24. Boarman03

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Stan is correct IMO. Also, statistics ( yeah, serious math analysis and calculations) can be more accurately applied when better basic information is obtained. Some call it mathematically guessing, but real standard deviations occur and with near 100% reporting, they can be fairly accurately calculated, even from an armchair.