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Everything posted by Boarman03

  1. That's the difference. You actually HELP people, not critique them. You've always been a stand up guy Eddie. I personally appreciate you.
  2. Boarman03

    FREE Stuff

    I'll take it all please.
  3. Boarman03


    I'll buy them all please.
  4. Boarman03


    I guess I snoozed too long.😂
  5. Boarman03


    I'm thinking about the water containers. Are they freezable and do you have all three caps?
  6. Boarman03


    Don't worry about it. There wasn't any problem. Just a guy who likes to critique ads for people. You are doing fine by me and hopefully most others feel the same.😁
  7. Boarman03

    retainer block

    Looks like a lot of work!
  8. Boarman03


    Maybe the other person had his number so he went direct. You don't know what the circumstances are. Too quick to judge! If someone DMs before posting, who's to say what trumps what? You? It's his posting, his things, his way. And no, I'm not the one who's buying it.
  9. Boarman03

    Anyone sell poultry/ turkeys?

    Have you seen actual sales or just the price they were asking? It is not cost effective for the small guy to raise animals for profit. Large outfits get their feed prices down much lower than the small guy can. This goes for most all livestock and poultry. The product may be better but the final cost is typically not justifiable, plus the time spent raising them is typically not recoverable. Welcome to the reality of the American Dream. If you find a way to make it happen, let me know. I've been trying against all odds since 1997. But it was a great way to teach my kids responsibility, albeit painful at times. Last child is about to leave home so I will be reducing my animals down to a functional few. The sheep get watered, they mow the pastures, we eat or sell their kids. The poultry will get reduced to what can survive foraging for bugs, grass, and whatever on the lot. We'll just keep them watered. Good luck and welcome to the masochistic club! ( Not meant in the sexual way).
  10. Boarman03


    Might be like finding a needle in a haystack? Best Wishes.
  11. Boarman03

    ISO Helium Tank (High pressure DOT) kind

    Transporting it, because of weight and size, would be the problem with a 50" 300CF. I recommend you visit a welding gas supply company and try to move the different sizes tanks before you buy one. Also, tanks have to be inspected/hydro tested and pass at certain time intervals to remain safely in service. The tank needs to be secured such that it will not fall while standing. A good gas cylinder cart would help with some mobility and stability. You should be able to research most on line or through conversing in person at the welding/gas store. Best wishes. I am not a know it all. I've just done many things in life and am getting too old to still do some efficiently. And I still make too many mistakes for my own comfort.
  12. Boarman03

    ISO Helium Tank (High pressure DOT) kind

    What size? 40, 80, 125 cu/ft? Since helium is innert, flammability is not a concern. But proper transportation and max temperature avoidance/regulation of highly compressed gas needs to be observed and followed to avoid possible explosions and potentially life ending situations.
  13. Boarman03

    Game processors N Phoenix

    That would be the only price in this economy to go down if they did, excluding the yo-yo effect by Petro.
  14. Boarman03

    Couple of old chainsaws-SOLD

    I'm still interested. Can we meet on your way. I'm in Mesa, so Tempe?
  15. Boarman03

    Couple of old chainsaws-SOLD

    See next.
  16. Boarman03


    Sorry for your loss. Best wishes and I'll keep my eyes and ears open.
  17. Boarman03

    Traeger Jr (SOLD)

  18. Boarman03

    WTB an F 150 18" stock wheel

    18 x 7.51 pattern rims. I'll check tomorrow.
  19. Boarman03

    WTB an F 150 18" stock wheel

    Take a picture of an existing will help. Then I can check and see what I have.
  20. Boarman03

    WTS: Gun Parts and Shooting stuff

    Profile shows Safford.
  21. Boarman03

    Nice Rifles sold

    Safe Queens?
  22. Boarman03

    Pecans for the Holiday's

    Yumm! Can you smell the aromatic aroma of freshly cooked pecan pie? Forget pumpkin for Thanksgiving. Fresh pecan pie is by far superior!!!
  23. Boarman03


    PM sent.
  24. Boarman03

    Pecans for the Holiday's

    Tis the season. AZ pecans are some of the best and Phil definitely is a stand up guy.