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Everything posted by Boarman03

  1. Boarman03

    Toyota FJ Cruiser OEM Spark Plugs

    You certainly list and post a lot of unique and unusual things. Never know what is coming next.
  2. Boarman03

    Wanted non-working or unwanted lawn equipment

    Everything helps. Good info. Thank you.
  3. But I need a size 9!😂
  4. Boarman03

    Looking for a plumber

    Previous post. If you were closer I'd help you do it. But Mesa is a bit far from you.
  5. Boarman03

    Looking for a plumber

    Where? 67th Ave and Happy Valley?
  6. Boarman03

    MESA 265/70R17 AT Tire

    Memories! Pretty buck! Looked like fun packing it out. The rest looked like work! Later in life it will more humorous. Good job!
  7. Boarman03

    Whats up with GZSVESTY pots

    No problem. I appreciated the explanation. And I'll always remember the best trout fishing trip I've ever had. Thanks again!
  8. Boarman03

    MESA 265/70R17 AT Tire

  9. Boarman03

    MESA 265/70R17 AT Tire

    That was unfortunate. I hope the hunt went well.
  10. Boarman03

    Whats up with GZSVESTY pots

    Thanks! Wildwoody clarified in a text. Guess I missed all the fun, somehow. Thank you for the answer as well. You guys are awesome!
  11. Boarman03

    Whats up with GZSVESTY pots

    Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly are they?
  12. Boarman03

    2004 v8 4wd Toyota 4runner for sale

    When was the timing Belt/chain last replaced, in miles?
  13. Boarman03

    Need a really good night scope

    I'm having coyote problems and I need a really good night scope that will reach out to 100yrds. If you have one or know which one is really good, please advise. Thanks for your help.
  14. Boarman03

    WANTED broken Chest Freezer

    He's going to check the used and new appliance stores. Also, used totes with the tops cut off might work. Try to think of anything relatively inexpensive that can hold volume similar to a large freezer chest.
  15. Boarman03


    What was the purchase date?
  16. Boarman03

    For Sale Ruger SP 101 22 LR. Cal. $400.00

    I'll take if we can figure out logistics.
  17. Boarman03

    Need a really good night scope

    Yes for predation, but cats, and your own animals may become unintended victims.
  18. Boarman03

    Need a really good night scope

    When they come in in one area, the animals do not..in that area I place several leg traps clustered in groups of three and four such that if the yote steps in one the will wind up stepping in another while trying to get out of the first one. That way there will never be a three legged yote walking down the street or, that yote definitely will not be walking anywhere again after I do what I do naturally.😁
  19. Boarman03

    Need a really good night scope

    Problem is the other animals roam the same area. I don't want to trap my own animals in the traps.
  20. Boarman03

    Need a really good night scope

    These yotes are avoiding the live traps,
  21. Boarman03

    Need a really good night scope

    As I hunt Texas hogs on occasion (thus the name), and this is a predation situation, and they have and do attack and kill my livestock, per AZ Law I am permitted to take all reasonable means to stop them from killing my livestock, including killing them by any reasonable means since they are not protected. I don't have enough of the larger leg traps (I place them in groups of four) and where they are attacking from I can't stop them. The police and Game and Fish have both been aware of my situation for many years. Neither will do anything about the problem. I can NOT stop them off of my property, but ONLY ON my property. I am responsible for containing all methods to my property boundaries. I've been able to avoid needing a scope for many years but now find I must invest in one. It is too dark for the lit reticles. Those I have. Also in Texas it is getting such that I leave the lightly lit areas and thus need the night scope. I just didn't know which really was best.
  22. Boarman03

    Delete long post

    Southern AZ in Green Valley. Nice area. Too far for me. Best Wishes.