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Everything posted by Boarman03

  1. Boarman03

    Fried Cheicken

    I am not and educator and ceased college a year and a half before achieving my degree. That was a mistake. I have found that, as a parent having children late in life, teachers cannot not be solely responsible for my child's education. We started with reading to them every night. Books were special and gifts. We taught them our values and explained why ours varied at times from others. We taught them acceptance and tolerance of others and their opinions without having to agree or debate, unless invited to debate-and then in a civil manner. We taught them to respect others and not to judge without understanding the circumstances. Defend their selves when necessary but reduce and avoid conflict. Try to make things easier for others, especially teachers, while understanding everyone is imperfect, including us. They learned to play a musical instrument and participated in their school's orchestra. Knowledge and understanding are critical along with a strong work ethic. We researched our schools and their programs. When the school in our area was struggling with the challenge of kids whose parents left all of their education to the school and the teachers, we boundary-exceptioned them and drove our kids to schools where parents supported the teachers. We figured out that teachers get over whelmed and face an impossible task in areas where parents don't support the teachers and don't get parental help teaching the parent's children. Teachers cannot do it all alone. The school districts have one main fact screwed up. The teachers and kids are the assets, the school buildings and fixtures are the expenses. I'd rather have my child do without comforts and the pretty things but have the best teacher. Aristotle, Leonardo Di Vinci, etc. lacked the great comforts we enjoy and taught under trees and where ever. Teachers, schools, and school districts all vary. Parent's attitudes vary as well. But it is the parent’s responsibility to raise their child and be active and vigilant in their child’s education. Our kids are our greatest asset and legacy. We all need to make them our primary responsibility. Our lives come second once we have kids. We can still have fun and enjoy life. We may be broke, but we are rich beyond measure in our children. Each of my children is half of me, and I will live on long after my life ends. I'm taking care of me when I take care of my kids. May you be as wealthy in life. Just do your best at taking care of all of you. And spoil yourself on occasion. Be very involved in your children’s lives and education. Support the teachers, criticizing when absolutely necessary, but work with them. And don’t be too serious all of the time. The joke was funny and I could see it happening.
  2. Boarman03

    Howa .308 American Flag Chassis Rifle

    Rifle package only or scope package?
  3. Boarman03


    Why are you not going to use it?
  4. Boarman03

    FS: $350 Savage 11 .223 with 2 extra mags and rings

    My daughter was looking at the Savage 110. Choices are always good.
  5. I think my daughter needs to earn a little more money yet. She bought a Prom dress and doesn't quiite have enough.
  6. Soooo sorry. I didn't see your reply and left town Friday after 4:30pm with my caboose son (13 yrs. old) on a father & son camp out. No service up at Green Howard (near Blue Ridge Res.) with my phone service. Came home to problems Saturday and this morning. Saw your post finally, tried to login, got locked out for wrong password. Now I'm in. Could have been much worse. How do I contact you more privately? I don't even now the terms, PM, etc. I don't know what others do and don't see. I am soooo green. Much to learn.
  7. My daughter may be interested if we can agree on a price.
  8. Boarman03

    222 Remington *Price Reduced

    Sorry, new, but I am interested. how do we discuss in private? I am in Mesa as well.