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About Boarman03

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mesa, AZ
  • Interests
    Gun Entusiast. Learning to hunt late in life.

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  1. Boarman03

    Coming soon... commuter car

  2. Boarman03

    Stevens Model 200 223 Remington

    Rifle, sling, and scope for $350 in a great youth round. Shouldn't last long! I have too many or I'd be on this!
  3. Boarman03

    WTB Kids ATV

    You can't receive messages.
  4. Boarman03

    Wtb big bore bolt guns

    Man after my own heart! Those are the big boy rounds! Best Wishes.
  5. Boarman03

    Sold 2004 Tacoma 4x4 5spd V6

    It's a magical truck and way too clean for sooó many miles. Eddie to the rescue.....again! What an awesome guy!
  6. Boarman03

    Contender/g2 barrels

    Makes me wish I had a contender! But alas, I have way too many too shoot as it is. I'm partial to the smaller calibers .22 and below like the .204 and .17 and then the really big calibers/magnums above .30. I'm especially fond of my .45 muzzle loader that Todd South (Southern Xpress Custom Rifles) built for me. That rifle shoots lights out at well over 300 yards using Blackhorn 209 ( Black Gold🤣) Best of luck with this sale. Fun barrels.
  7. Boarman03


    In my case, old eyes and sloppy fingers!!!🤣
  8. Boarman03


    GpaBobo is getting the bear is the first part of the statement, then thanks Couzer (a really great guy), was the second part. I assume khmer6 is related or a close friend of GpaBobo. If I interpreted this wrong, please correct.
  9. Boarman03


    Not me... But nice!
  10. Boarman03


    Gee, this, like many free things, I'll pass on. I don't know anyone looking for one and I'm definitely not a youth. Sorry to disappoint the keyboard giants on this forum! You know, the ones so unhappy with the life that they have created that they take every opportunity to attack others to make themselves feel better. Just watch them respond! BTW, that's extremely awesome of you!
  11. Boarman03

    2023 Toyota Camry XSE

    That's what I thought I read. Nice car. Good color.
  12. Boarman03

    2023 Toyota Camry XSE

    Is this a hybrid?
  13. Boarman03


    Todd South. Perfectionism at middle of the road prices. About 2 miles from Bass Pro Mesa. Built my 45 cal muzzle loader that killed my first mule deer at 334 yards in 2021!
  14. Boarman03

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    I don't know about the schools, but look at Coolidge and Eloy. They are probably about the cheapest land wise and in your path.
  15. Boarman03

    Stock / Investment Scams Alert

    Received this recently.