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About AZ11

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  1. AZ11

    Landowner Tags

    This bill needs to go nowhere.
  2. AZ11

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

  3. Early bronco and mattman215 must be anti hunting plants
  4. AZ11


    Awesome! Congrats
  5. AZ11

    Unit 10 Buck

    I'm not a good scorer of antelope, but I'll say 84. Nice lope!
  6. AZ11

    Latest Project

    I like the kitchen, and the Trump hat.
  7. AZ11

    Mayor of Mesa

    With the lockdowns almost all of the liberal governors wanted to keep everyone locked down forever while the republican governors put people back to work. With the vaccines the liberals loved them so much that they were getting people kicked out of the military for not getting vaccinated. Also, thanks to liberals first responders were losing their jobs for not getting vaccinated.
  8. They're slowly taking away forest access.
  9. AZ11

    E-Tag Poll

    It should ask do you like the e-tag or not. You dont need experience with it in the field to know that it's a dumb idea.
  10. AZ11

    Double Down

    Impressive, congrats
  11. AZ11

    shuttin 'em down

    I wonder why earlier today they had unit 1 and unit 6A mule deer shutting down at sundown August 30th, 2023 but now they both say closed as of sundown September 6th, 2023? Both of their quotas were filled before sundown August 30th, or atleast that is what it had shown for the number killed for each unit.
  12. AZ11

    New National Monument in Arizona

    This state is ruined now.
  13. AZ11

    Early vs Late Season

    I've had a little better luck on the first hunt, but the second hunt can be good too.
  14. AZ11

    Colorful Colorado

    Great looking photos
  15. AZ11

    7 West Elk Hunt

    You can pick up a off road travel management map at the forest service office in Flagstaff or William's Arizona. The arizona game and fish office in Flagstaff, Arizona might have them as well. The travel management map just shows you what roads are open to go down. Although I don't agree with the travel management, it is what it is. Also, on the south Kaibab national forest you can go a mile off road to retrieve your downed elk. Most of unit 7 west lies on the south Kaibab national forest. ATV's are legal on all opened roads on the travel management map, you just need an OHV sticker. Good luck on your hunt if you decide to go.