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Everything posted by coueswt

  1. coueswt

    Women's Cartridge

    My wife uses a 7-08 and has taken deer and a bull with it and no complaints but I would defiantly not go smaller then a 140 grain bullet if she was going after a bull elk. Bull elk are big and can take some lead. She has no issues with recoil at the range which is important and the rifle and muzzle break help with that. Thank you WhiteCloud Gunsmithing for a great rifle! Rageinthesage mentioned 7wsm which would be great choice and wonder what the difference in recoil would be. I don't understand the pleasure and why you would attempt to take game with calibers/bullets that are questionable for what you are hunting. We're not willing to take chances like that due to respect for the animal and wounding a animal would ruin the hunt and could ruin hunting for her. Tracker or tracking dog in camp helps with recovery though but I have neither.
  2. coueswt

    Outdoorsmans Tripods

    Thanks. Just read that. Shaves off 4 oz's and is a little cheaper. I will stop bye the Outdoorsman to check it out.
  3. coueswt

    Outdoorsmans Tripods

    I'm getting the tall this year for my wife as she like to be able to stand but not sure on what head to get yet. With not being able to get parts for the JW head it looks like the options are down to two. Need to check out the new Outdoorsman head. Good luck to everyone in the draws.
  4. coueswt

    Card Hit

    Last year my wife's elk tag didn't show up on the WF CC until five days after the start so still hope.
  5. coueswt

    Not ALL Taxidermist are created equally!!!

    Wow. Great job fixing the mount. Somebody apparently didn't do any research before dropping of their trophy or tried to do it on their own.
  6. coueswt

    Outdoorsmans Tripods

    The Outdoorsman tripod is the best that I have used or tried so far for a light weight tripod IMO. The compact medium version will fit in most backpacks even with the pistol grip. The carbon tripods always seem to have to much vibration for me.
  7. What is the weight on the Winchester?
  8. coueswt

    San Carlos

    That is quite an increase. The draw odds just got better.
  9. coueswt

    3 Bulls poached

    I wish the G&F would post all violations with names once found guilty. I bet this would get some to think a little more before breaking laws like guides/outfitters and let us know who the low life poachers are that get caught. If there is a public place to get this info, please share.
  10. coueswt

    Unit 10 Late Rifle Palmated Bull

    Very cool bull. love the mass. Congrats!
  11. coueswt

    My unit 9 archery bull 7x7

    Good bull! Haven't seen much bigger then that come out of 9 this year. Self guided and with family and friends, doesn't get any better then that. Congrats
  12. coueswt

    260 rem vs 7mm-08 vs 243 vs ?

    My wife has taken a bull Elk and two Coues the past three years with her 7mm-08 and there was no tracking. She has a muzzle break and recoil isn't a problem for her at the range. I have been very impressed with the caliber and how she shoots with it. Good Luck
  13. coueswt

    alleged camera thief

    I had a camera stolen in 9 this year and man does it tick me off that fellow hunters would steal and carry bolt cutters with them everywhere they go. They need to come up with a tracking tool or gps for trail cameras so we can find the pieces of crap that do this.
  14. coueswt

    Opening Day Muzzleloader Buck

    Great buck and congrats!
  15. coueswt

    18 points for Elk

    23 early rifle and 23s archery
  16. coueswt

    Horn Quality This Year ??

    From what I have seen the lack of rain the first half of the year has impacted the units south of the GC at least. The back ends in particular and over all the horns never reached their full potential. This was the case also last year in these same units. With a lot of tanks being dried up the elk get concentrated which means even less feed in those areas. Sept is almost hear and good luck to everyone that has a tag or will be helping out!
  17. coueswt

    ** Snake identification

    Last year while scouting in Oct I had a rattler scare the crap out of me while hiking out in the dark. It had black rings. Which rattler was this? It was about 3ft long with an attitude. I tried to get a pic but to dark and I wasn't getting close to this one.
  18. Great Pics - Thanks for sharing! Looks like a place I have to visit
  19. coueswt

    35' toyhauler

    Would a 2013 ranger four seater fit?
  20. coueswt

    Shopping for a meat cooler

    I use the big Igloo's but get mine from Sams Club. It's almost identical to Costco's but $30 cheaper. I got another one recently for I think $65. 80WHUNT247 idea sounds like something I have to try.
  21. coueswt

    Unit 9

    Anyone been up in 9 lately that can report on moisture and how dry it is? Water having to be hauled in yet? Been watching the weather and doesn't seem to be getting any rain. Thanks
  22. coueswt

    Unit 9

    Azsagebrush. Did you get any rain today? The weather app on my phone said rain today so I'm hoping it is correct.
  23. coueswt

    Polaris Quad tires help

    I have a 2002 Polaris Sportsman 700 and need to get some new tires? Recommendations on where to buy them from and type? Thanks!
  24. coueswt

    Unit 9

    That's awesome to hear. Great job AES!!!!
  25. coueswt

    Waddell - White Dodge

    Seen a White Dodge truck leaving my neighborhood this morning near citrus and olive in Waddell with a coueswhitetail.com sticker