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Everything posted by coueswt

  1. coueswt

    Game and Fish working hard ....????

    This issue and how could they not be ready for the Elk and Antelope draw definitely puts AZ G&F at the top of worst G&F Departments in the US. Excuse of 10% more apps is ridiculous. If we didn’t have Reservations and National Park to protect the elk from AZ G&F there would be a lot less apps.
  2. coueswt

    Tick Tock

    24 Antelope and 13 Elk. Have not drawn Antelope tag yet but have drawn a couple of Archery elk tags. Crazy AZ G&F have the worst online app process in the west IMO and still can’t get it right with all the time they had prior to the Elk/Ant draw Sure hope they are holding someone accountable for the bs
  3. Some are so worried they will be forgotten without being able to run cameras. Boots on the ground will mean something again.
  4. coueswt


    You might want to look what SLCs have sold for in the past on here
  5. coueswt

    Former marine killed on Missouri's Metrolink

    Won’t see this covered on TV News Stations across US. Very Sad
  6. coueswt

    Infrared ???

    AGREE This is a problem and going to get worse when cameras get banned or seasons are set. Outfitters, and maybe a couple DIY hunters, will do everthing possible to look good on social media and don’t care about overall hunting experience for anyone. Spotlighting and Radios is another issue during seasons IMO.
  7. coueswt

    Smuggling hides

    I use ether(starting fluid) put hide in trash bag and spray quite a bit in bag and tie off. In 30 minutes you should be good to go. If you by chance see a live one I will re-gas again. I had to this a couple times this year and was a first, thinking the cans I bought didn’t have a high ether content. We bring in a camp helper to help with hides, boiling and anything else we can think of. We each give him $100 and best money ever spent. We double check(1-3 hours)and freeze until day before we leave. The gentleman that Basser15 mentioned would give us a hard time about the ether smell but he would get over it. Glad to hear he is gone. i also think having them in a big zip lock bag all cleaned up and looking like we cared for them helps. If you would have seen the mess the others hunters dumped out was an embarrassment to all of us that go down.
  8. coueswt

    Smuggling hides

    We have not had any issues brining hides across and all 7 this year had no issues. Spend the time cleaning and doing what is required and you won’t have any issues. There was a group crossing at same time this year as us and there hides looked like they rolled them in dirt to hide the live ticks I think. And they still tried to arque, idiots. Apparently this year a lot of guys are bringing hides to border with live ticks still which everyone knows is a no go. Do whats is needed and required and you will be good to go!
  9. coueswt

    Remington 300 Ultra Mag FS (SOLD)

    Check your inbox.
  10. coueswt

    There will always be Cameras on water!

    Agree. Same outfitters are the problem up there also for most part.
  11. coueswt

    There will always be Cameras on water!

    Cameras have ruined hunting in a lot of units, especially unit 9. Anyone disagrees are part of the problem or never been in unit. Wanted a season but more I read stupid comments/posts more I’m leaning more to all out ban. Hunting will be so much more enjoyable though do think some of the outfitters will post guys at every water hole and be the new issue hunters have to deal with.
  12. coueswt

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    What will happen in units like 9 for elk and strip for deer if cameras are banned right before season and during is camps that are 20+ deep now will be like 50+ deep and instead of cameras we will have a guy sitting every tank before and during season that doesn’t have a tag. Probably be sitting tanks all night with night vision also. I think the worry for a lot of hunters/mostly guides is how will they scout without driving or having others drive all day and night checking cameras for them. Now a lot of guided hunters will have to experience a real adventure and hunt rather then wait for the night or morning trail camera runner report of where a trophy animal watered with area surrounded by a dozen or more guys/kids waiting for the call that the animal has been spotted to be walked in. There is quite a few very good guides that have been vocal about need for ban of cameras also.
  13. coueswt

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    I’m hoping AZ G&F does something like what NV did. Something needs to be done.
  14. I'm going to start looking for a new Chevy Truck and wanted to see if anyone on the site works for a Chevy Dealership as a Salesman. Thanks
  15. coueswt

    Who hear is a leader/boss?

    Lead by example. Won’t be respected if your a spectator.
  16. coueswt

    2020 Unit 10 antelope

    Too many antelope tags and no predator control on ranch due to new rules. Blame G&F for too many tags and Wildlife Manger for ranch that limits access which equals a lot of coyotes and no fawn survival.
  17. coueswt

    White tank regional park

    Quite a few years ago a buddy had his car vandalized by anti hunters while inside park. Because of his story I wouldn’t park and take off from there. As the West Side grows there is more and more people hiking from park. When weather cools there is a steady stream of hikers and mountain bikers going in every day
  18. coueswt

    Bipod Height for Southern Units

    I use the Medium Harris which works for me. If I’m on a steep hill then I will use my tripod to shoot off of.
  19. coueswt

    Buffalo draw strategy

    Have been building points, applying some years and building others due to other planned hunts. Been a hunt I want to do but keep hoping for future changes that will make for better experience. Have not experienced the hunt myself but others tell me the organizer up there doesn’t help the experience but has some coming competition so maybe this will improve the experience, or make worse. Sitting out spring in 2021. Those that have hunted share some pictures
  20. coueswt

    Willow Springs Smallmouth

    I just don’t understand the AZ G&F fishing strategy is for AZ. Has to be one of the worst overall fishing states in US. Smallmouth are a great sport fish and having them feeding on trout isn’t hurting anything. I don’t know of anyone thinking the bass are ruining their trout fishing. IMO
  21. coueswt

    Sitting Water

    Hunting water holes will quickly show you how unsportsmanlike hunters and guides are. There was probably more competition this year on water then ever.
  22. coueswt

    A sad dry summer

    This is sad to hear. Where is the money going for the raffle and auction tag? ADSS? Seems the wildlife manager and G&F officer for area is failing at their job for sure.
  23. coueswt

    BOLO: Stolen camp trailer from San Tan Valley

    Post pictures of truck that stole it also? I’m sure the storage facility had cameras. Sure hope they catch those who stole it.
  24. coueswt

    surrendered tag call 2 years in a row

    Sure wish they would call me.
  25. coueswt


    Anyone get their hands on the new NL Pure binos? Seen some YouTube videos with comparisons and sounds like the glass and field of view is amazing.