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Everything posted by coueswt

  1. I hope it remains like it is except for the 12's and 13's. To many non-residents (CA/UT) in the North Kabiab.
  2. coueswt

    Unit 27 in NM

    I had a 27 coues deer tag a couple of years ago, great unit for coues. Seen lots of deer and hunters even though there was only 25 tags. I quit hunting after some piece of crap let of the air in my tires for the second time, I guess they did not like the AZ lic plates.
  3. coueswt

    Helicopters Collide

    Did they catch the piece of $hit that stole a couple of vehicles that they were following? Sad story..
  4. coueswt

    having a fire while hunting?

    Some friends of mine will never have a fire in camp when they are scouting, hunting or guiding and they usually never hunt around camp. They do not have a fire as they do not want the smell on them or their clothes. I on the other hand love to have a camp fire at night, have a drink, talk about the days events, etc... But I also take a shower every morning before i leave camp and change clothes daily. No matter how much I try to be scent free, and I do my best to be scent free, if you don't have the wind in your favor it doesn't matter what you smell like. I sometimes camp within a few miles from a area that i want to hunt incase it rains so i can walk to a good area right from camp, don't want to tear up the roads and make the land owners/ranchers mad like in New Mexico or even Arizona and the Elk bugle all night around camp with a camp fire going. Even had them move right in camp one time with a fire going and us setting around it.
  5. coueswt

    Monsoon Season...

    Anyone know how much rain 7W, 8, 9, 10, 18 A/B have been getting? It's kind of late for horn growth but sure would help the rut if we could get a bunch of rain....
  6. coueswt

    New Mexico 2C Muley tag

    This is what i would be using: http://www.gilawildernesshunting.com/
  7. Holy crap, I had no idea an eagle would kill something that big.
  8. coueswt

    got the new rig in!!

    Looks great to me Scottyboy and I like the muzzlebreak, looks like a Magnaport. Do you know what the rifle weighs? I have been $aving up for a Ed Brown Savanna or a H-S Precision and how does your new rifle compare in price?
  9. coueswt

    i hate SW

    SW never has what I'm looking for, always out of stock. Max-1 camo is probably one of the most popular patterns and you think they would have short and long sleeve t-shirts in sizes other then medium. The staff is always very friendly. I can not imagine buy optics from anyone other then Arizona Outdoorsman.
  10. coueswt

    let the rumors begin!!!

    My wife, dad and I went 0 for 9. Maybe next year our bad luck will end...
  11. coueswt

    let the rumors begin!!!

    Can only one person check at a time??? I think a little bit of the millions that are spent for the tags should go towards improving their computer systems.
  12. coueswt


    Pioneer, in Flagstaff, did my wife's elk a couple of years ago and did an excellent job. Don't know anything about Signature.
  13. coueswt

    An idea on hunt opportunity

    Hate the idea!!!
  14. Coosefan; I live somewhat close to you and been wanting to head out there and look for some sheep, maybe this fall or winter.
  15. Coosefan, Ever see any sheep out there?
  16. coueswt

    Hoyt Vectrix

    I just got the XL. This is the first time owning anything other then a Mathews and the Hoyt Vectrix XL won my try out. Great Bow!
  17. coueswt

    Awesome Lion Pic's

    Great Pictures Jim....... I can not believe you got three cats in one tree. Tell Casey where those kittens are so he can try and get one before they are old enough to kill a deer.
  18. So I'm curious, how many of you will be bowhunting deer and don't have an Elk tag during the archery Elk season this year if the commisson doesn't change the dates? I have an elk tag this year and hope that if the commission does change the dates that the archery deer hunters show a little consideration for the elk hunters considering that the fact how lucky it is to have an Elk tag!
  19. coueswt

    Just for CRB

    That is a monster of a buck Josh, tell us more about that buck and thanks for posting pictures of it!!!
  20. coueswt

    Trailer Storage

    Any recommendations for a place to store a trailer in Williams, Seligman or Ashfork? I've used the KOA in Seligman before but I'm looking for other options.
  21. coueswt

    Southern Arizona Tom

    Great Story, one of these years i hope to get to experience a lion hunt myself....
  22. coueswt


    When will the elk start dropping their sheds? Does winter/spring mositure have any affect on when sheds drop?
  23. coueswt

    Safari Club International Banquet

    I have never been to the SCI Banquet, how does it compare to the Deer and Elk Banquets?
  24. coueswt

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Hey 300WBYMAG, Your right, I shouldn't have called anyone idiots but if they are going to bid, then bid. Why wait for 10 minutes to 15 minutes for someone to beg and plea for you to bid on the tag and take the chance of it being sold while your playing poker with an awesome elk tag that is being sold for a great cause. When the three gentleman raised a fuss, all i heard from the crowd was sold. IMO
  25. coueswt

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    I was at the banquet and thought the autioneer did a good and fair job with the elk tag, wish it would have went higher though. Maybe next time the idiots will have the bidder on the phone and know what they are willing to pay. I think the only reason the three of them through a fit was they knew they screwed up.