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Everything posted by coueswt

  1. coueswt

    Draw Results

    Nothing for me but my GF drew her first big game tag, first ML hunt in 15. Hopefullly they are bugling good.....
  2. coueswt

    Nevada Results posted!

    I didn't draw anything either and should also start drawing a tag or two in the next few years hopefully.
  3. coueswt

    Yeah Baby!! 27

    Had the hunt a few years ago and had a blast except for when some let out the air in two of my tires . I only seen a few illegals and they were never a problem, lots of Boarder Patrol which made us feel a little better when leaving camp.
  4. coueswt

    Dual bighorn sheep ram poaching

  5. coueswt

    Caliber Stamp on Barrel

    The only reason i could think of to not put it on was if the gun was ever stolen, they would have to have someone look at it and that might help catch them. I am getting the caliber put on, don't want to take any chances on having issues going to MX. Now i just have to decide on the scope, i'm going to put on a Kenton turret on it. Reading all of the posts the past year on guns, triggers, turrets, etc...helped!!!! Thanks Red Rabbit, 270, GameHauler, TAM, to name a few for the helpful info...
  6. coueswt

    Got lucky!!!

    Congrats on a great buck and thanks for sharing!!!!!!
  7. Has anyone been down Cherry Creek Road or know if you are able to get across Cherry Creek right now? I did look at the website that Red Rabbit provided but not sure what the water level will be and the creek usually lowers quickly. Thanks
  8. coueswt

    Dream hunt

    San Carlos Elk, Cape Buffalo, and Desert and Dall Sheep. I hope to hunt the last three before i pass away and if i win the lotto, all four.
  9. coueswt

    another miss hunter

    I bought my wife (115lbs) a 7mm08 in a Win model 70 compact, put a muzzlebreak and a new recoil pad on and she has no problem shooting it. The gun is light weight and shoots 140 nosler partition, ballistic tips, and accubonds great. She killed a great elk at 85 yards and it went only 30 yards plus a big antelope at 300 yards that never moved. After carrying a heavy rifle for a week last year, i started carrying her rifle and killed a coues buck at 250 yards. I think it is a great all around cartridge.
  10. coueswt

    THE STORM!!!!

    It should help antler growth for 2010 because before the storm it was not looking good.
  11. coueswt

    Antelope Hunting in Wyoming

    I have been holding out for a unit in the Red Desert and hope to draw in the next few years but the draw %'s are quite low. You might want to also subscribe to Huntin Fool as that is a very helpful magazine IMO. Eastman's also have some helpful info in their magazine.
  12. What a monster of a buck. I have got to get down to Mexico some how.
  13. coueswt

    It's game time!

    Great story and bucks Josh. Sounds like you guys had a blast!!! Thanks for sharing...
  14. coueswt

    Time to get the sand bags ready!

    We'll take all of the rain/snow we can get. Some water holes that i hunt have always had water are dry right now, first time that i know of. Though i guess i won't be going to Pinedale this week-end.
  15. coueswt

    150" WMAT Coues

    Awesome Coues, congrats. You're probably have and will continue to get some huge offers for that deer. Again, congrats on a such a beautiful giant!!!! You might try and give Clay, Mogollon Taxidermy, a call for assistance also.
  16. coueswt

    Around Campfire

    While sitting around the campfire last week-end we were discussing who we would like to have sitting around the same campfire with (local guys) to listen to their hunting experiences / stories. I thought this might be interesting to see who you all say. I said Nathan Ellison. I have never met him but I can only imagine some of the stories he could tell. Another name that came up was Randy Epperson. What about you guys?
  17. coueswt

    NM Regs Online

    Just reviewed the regs and it seems like all of the Elk hunts are $787. Plus some of the hunts miss even the tail end of the rut now that they have been moved back a week. That's quite a bit of money IMO for what you get but in a few years the quality should get better.
  18. That would be a cool mount. I'd like to get one and have it mounted. Good Job
  19. Great story, thank you for sharing.
  20. The ambulance took the hunter that was shot to the hospital as a precaution while the authorities got their statement from the shooter who called the authorities and requested an ambulance to meet them at the end of the road. They were not hunting together but the shooter did a good job calling apparently. I can think of a few times I have been on early rifle hunts and have called in bulls that we decided to pass on while other hunters came in, we have had to jump up and spook the bull because the other hunters were going to shoot at the bull which was within 30 yards of us. Again accidents happen and we weren’t there. We should be talking about all of the tags our G&F is going to issue for our favorite deer for the mighty $.
  21. Accidents Happen and glad no one was seriously hurt.
  22. coueswt

    Red Tailed Hawk vs. Bull Snake

    Great pictures and have never heard of anyone seeing anything like this before. i would have killed the snake as I can't stand any kind of snake.
  23. coueswt

    Rica Gets Her Goat

    Great buck and thanks for the story and pictures Doug.
  24. Thanks for sharing!!!! Great buck. What did he score? I think there is alot of us on here very jealous of everyone they drew a Antelope tag this year.
  25. My dad and his buddy drew muzz 22S Elk tags this year and i'm looking for recommendation for a butcher in the Payson area if they get an elk?