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Everything posted by coueswt

  1. coueswt

    Lady Luck 201" 13B Mule Deer

    Nice buck - congrats!!!!!! My dads has 12 points now and can't wait to help him in the next couple of years there.
  2. coueswt

    Тянь-Шань скитания

    Brrr...... I complain when it gets down to 40 degrees. What an adventure forsure, congrats!!! What predators are there?
  3. coueswt

    Gila Monster footage

    Thanks for sharing! That was cool and great footage. I have only seen one but it was a lot smaller then that one.
  4. coueswt

    tripod head?

    I use Outdoorsman's pistol grip and tripod most of the time.
  5. coueswt

    AZ Bighorn sheep!

    Great picutre! Thanks for sharing. That one ram is a really nice and heavy.
  6. coueswt

    Coues Whitetail Lion Kill scores 144

    What a toad of a buck. Thanks for sharing!
  7. coueswt

    Utah Draw Deadline

    I applied a couple of days ago but just for points this year for everything. Will have double digits for elk now and a couple less for rockies. What has everyone been apply for, prior to the recent change? # of points? It's said that the trophy elk quality is not as good right now but the trophy deer is getting better.
  8. coueswt

    20% Bonus Pass CAUTION

    +1 Right on
  9. coueswt

    Lifesize Lion Mount

    Great looking mount!
  10. coueswt

    6 Weeks In Coues Heaven....

    Love your stories and pics. Looks like a blast. Just curious how far south you are based on the snake you found. Man i hate snakes! Thanks again for sharing.
  11. coueswt

    White Tanks

    Has there ever been bighorns in the White Tanks? Seem like a great place for bighorns and is archery only. There is already a few tanks out there. Anyone know the details on why there is no sheep in the White Tanks?
  12. coueswt

    Possible new BILL!!!

    Look at the resident draw odds for archery elk hunts!!! Then compare to AZ, UT, NV, etc.... Residents are getting a majority of the tags with much better odds then most would for draw units in the west... My friend drew a once in a life time archery elk hunt and had 6% draw odds as a resident. Do think something should be done regarding the sheep hunts to make sure a majority do go to residents. Wonder how many resident apps vs. Non resident apps there are for sheep considering non-residents are drawing around 20 to 35% on average.
  13. coueswt

    Who Watched?

    It's on at 8:30am Sunday
  14. coueswt

    Possible new BILL!!!

    How is 2% fair for to a non-resident and where is the state going to get the money lost from the non-resident hunters that are spent right now? Should be working with the ranchers/land owners to get some of those tags and access to the applying hunters by giving incentives. Not good for hunting and i guess my days hunting/visiting NM are over if the bill gets through based on the changes, declining trophy quality, and tag fees.
  15. Great Story and thanks for sharing. Love those beams like that. Again, thanks for sharing.
  16. Look at this monster typical buck: http://jayscottoutdoors.blogspot.com/ Thanks Jay and Randy for sharing!!!!
  17. coueswt

    A Mexico Hunt for the Books!

    Great Story and buck!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
  18. coueswt

    Chef does Mexico

    Love the story and thanks for sharing!!! I have been waiting to read these. Where is cramer's story?
  19. coueswt

    Darrel's Desert Ram

    Great Job ehunt! Awesome Ram!!!! I can not wait until i get a sheep tag.
  20. Having a new gun built. Do I need the caliber stamped on the barrel to go down to Mexico? Any info would be great. Thanks
  21. coueswt

    Swarovski Spotting Scope 80mm Vs. 65mm

    I would go with SWARO 80. I have the 65 and dad has the 80, i wish i would have gotten the 80. The 65 is easier to pack but it really doesn't take up very much more room. Leica is also great glass though. I would like to have a pair of those giant binos......
  22. coueswt

    Nevada Results posted!

    Good Luck - I think that is one of the best units for NR and send me some pics of your 165+ ram when you get home....
  23. coueswt

    Huntin' Striped Marlin instead of Coues...

    Great story and thanks for sharing. Can't wait to hear your fall elk stories.
  24. coueswt

    Nevada Results posted!

    Rharris, You drew a great unit with some big sheep in that unit. Are you going guided or DIY?