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Everything posted by coueswt

  1. Great Ram and you guys always put in the effort to find a great trophy for your clients. I always look forward to seeing the pics and story from your hunts. Thanks for sharing and great job.
  2. coueswt

    Speared Cape Buffalo

    Now that would be a rush and a little crazy. Very cool
  3. What's up with the # of wild horses in 9? I went to an area that has always had 4 or 5 but this year I seen 100+ In the same area. I wanted to ask the G&F but never seen them.
  4. coueswt

    Utah Archery Elk-2013

    Congrats on the tag and good luck! What unit did you draw?
  5. coueswt

    Unit 10 tag holders

    I like it and defiantly better then being closed. I can think of a few times the past few years seeing hunters that can't read bring ATVs onto the ranch during scouting trips. Break the rules and get caught you won't be able to return now which is great. Harder for the auction tag guides to scout this area to without trail cameras. Maybe some other ranches that are locked up by guides/ranchers now will be opened in the future under similar rules and reasonable fees.
  6. coueswt

    2013 draw results ?

    I was starting to think about left over tags since no credit card hits until today, Girlfriend and I drew late hunts and she got a fall turkey tag. This is her first late tag and second Coues tag and she is as excited as I am. Can't wait to find out what unit. Good luck to everyone!
  7. coueswt

    Utah CC Hits...

    I just got points this year and now have 11 for Elk and Rocky Mountain Bighorn. Ike, I'd like to hear what you think of that unit after your hunt. Congrats and good luck
  8. coueswt

    Pinedale Theft

    Went to my parents place in Pinedale this weekend to get out of the city, enjoy the cooler weather and go to the Antlerfest. Pulling in I noticed right away that some PIECE OF $HIT went around our cabin in the past two weeks and took the elk sheds and five Coues pickups that I have found over the years and ignored our no trespassing signs at the entrance. The one set of elk sheds were from a pretty nice 370ish bull that had broke off extras between the swords and 5ths. I thought leaving the city I was leaving all that stuff behind. Still mad so venting.
  9. coueswt


    Thanks Alan for letting us enjoy your collection and the best man cave I have seen. Truely amazing!
  10. coueswt

    New Jaguar Pics

    Very Cool!! Thanks for sharing
  11. coueswt


    Go Blue!!!
  12. coueswt

    Arizona Commissioners Elk Tag Sells for $385,000

    That's a lot of money that will go towards AZ wildlife! Pretty clear what state has the best Elk hunting right now.
  13. coueswt

    how many points do you have?

    Have 15 and have not hunted Antelope myself yet but have quite a few points built up here and some of the other western states. Should get my opportuities soon and can't wait. Good Luck to all that have drawn and looking forward to the pictures and stories.
  14. coueswt

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

    What a great bull. So much for the drought affect on horns or what might have been! 440 wow Congrats to all who helped.
  15. coueswt

    Backpacks for women

    Looking to buy a new pack for my GF that has some sort of gun scabbard or another way of carrying her rifle hands free and with a waist strap. She is petite so the waist strap needs to be adjustable enough to fit her which has been the problem on a couple that we have tried. We have not tried Eberlestock's new Gunrunner yet though. Any recommendations you have to check out would be great. Thanks
  16. coueswt

    22 dec coues

    Congrats on your great tag!
  17. coueswt

    Unit 10

    ATV are a NO on the Boquillas. I thought everyone new that,
  18. coueswt

    Bighorn Guide

    I would call Little Horn Outfitters.
  19. coueswt

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    I do not want AZ to be anything like how Utah is right now. Look at the # of conservation/commissoner/governor tags issued in Utah and what has happened to their quality of game, it's crazy stupid. How many of these tags go to residents? I know some guides that would sure be happy(probably supporting this and others to come)chasing and taking the biggest elk, deer, sheep, etc.... every year by someone that has deep pockets that is buying these tags. How can anyone think, resident and non-resident, that giving a big # of premimum tags like this would not have an impact on the rest of us drawing a tag and impact our quality of hunt and game. Ask the average Utah die hard hunter, like most of us, what they think about what has happened to their state currently?
  20. coueswt

    Fourth Buck of the Season!

    Sounds like a blast and a great buck. Look forward the updates on your other hunts coosefan. Thanks
  21. coueswt

    400" bull by a 13 year old

    I took some vidoe of this bull during my buddies archery hunt this past year and we were wishing the weak side matched the other. Man' I was wishing he would've made it through the year and what he might have been the next year or two. Can you post the measurements? Did you film the hunt and is it going to be on Steve's video that is coming out in Jan or Feb? Congrats!!!!!!
  22. coueswt

    2011 Wyoming Antelope Trip

    Looks like a blast and thanks for sharing. My day and i have been building points the past four years and hope to draw in 2013. Can't wait.
  23. coueswt

    Giant Coues ****B&C Score updated*****

    Great buck, congrats!!!
  24. coueswt

    Tiburon island Ram

    Great Ram! One of my dream hunts for sure. Thanks for sharing.
  25. coueswt

    Giant on JayScottOutdoors

    A great AZ buck for sure.