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About coueswt

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    Waddell, AZ

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  1. What’s up with Maricopa county can’t count votes timely. Someone’s need to lose there jobs this time.
  2. coueswt

    WTB kuiu pack

    Kuiu has a sale going up and the 3,000 is 30% off.
  3. coueswt

    Points with a party

    A buddy and I applied for elk this year together this year. I had 15 and he had 14 points. Under my draw apps he states we average 14 points. My understanding and AZ G&F websites .5 would be rounded to the next higher # which would be 15 points for the draw. Group Bonus Points Average: 14 I would have thought the G&F would note our average is 15 and is this the number they used for the draw or is this something else and we were in the draw for 15 points just doesn’t note that anywhere.
  4. coueswt


    Im a big Lowa Tibet fan. Have tried other brands but fit just didn’t work for me. Try on a bunch with your favorite hunting sock. Quite a few good brands out there and just find what fits best for your feet. Lathrop and Sons is another option.
  5. coueswt

    35B late season rifle and glass

    Fun unit but overhunted. Plus an outfitter sets up a couple cities with 5-15 hunters on each hunt which every hill has a spotter in area. Some of the glassing spots they spent night on before the openers. atleast the Dec hunt has less hunters and will be a blast. Pray for cold weather.
  6. coueswt

    You've got to be kidding me !!

    Every time I go into Bass Pro, old Cabelas, and Sportsman Im disappointed so just don’t do it. Buy everything online. Sheels is nice and carry quality stuff
  7. coueswt

    How long until cards are hit??

    Strip or late Coues for wife and I. Separate apps. Going to be a great fall.
  8. coueswt

    rocky mtn sheep

    Based on most RMB tags going to max pool, a lot of guys are putting in for Rockies rather then Desert tags with their 34 points.
  9. coueswt

    New NL Pure 14x52

    These will be great, was thinking they would come out with something at some point, sure do a good job keeping it a secret until the release. Now we will probably see a bunch of used 15s go up for sale and used prices dropping.
  10. coueswt

    Special Az Rocky Auction Tag

    It was great and best one I have attended in AZ.
  11. coueswt

    Bonus Point Report- 2024 Elk & Antelope

    A little depressing. Even with 28 Ant points I could be years from 100% draw. Next 5 years though!!
  12. coueswt

    2023 sheep report

    I haven’t been able to get the 2023 Sheep report. Anyone have it that can email it to me??
  13. coueswt

    WY Antelope Permit Numbers 2024

    I have 13 points and hoping to use them this year. AZ sure needs to increase our NR fees.
  14. coueswt

    Are coues deer in trouble?

    Congrats WhipRanger on a great buck With our AZ units having 3+ different hunts with hundreds of hunters on each, lack of predator control and drought, Coues Deer bucks don’t stand a chance. Fully mature big bucks are becoming pretty rare now a days. The bigger bucks are coming from private property where they aren’t over hunted and have a chance to reach maturity just wish we cared more about quality and hunt experience over quantity of hunts
  15. coueswt

    Border Crossing

    So who is checking in the guns and checking hides/paperwork when coming back?