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Everything posted by RimCountry350

  1. RimCountry350

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    It would be really interesting to find out how many tags were awarded by group applications by hunt vs. single applicant. Antelope is hard for me...I've known guys that pull tags with 3-5 BPs, or draw multiple tags within a few years. I was talking with a buddy and he mentioned the idea of making the Rifle antelope like a Sheep hunt (1 per lifetime) but keep archery the same, you could put in for archery every year...personally I haven't thought through it all but at the surface I can't say I disagree. I've got 18 BPs and counting for antelope and have never drawn a tag and I've got friends and family that have 23+ BPs and have never drawn antelope either.
  2. RimCountry350

    Results posted????

    Last year results were posted about a week after cards were hit...so I'm guessing Thursday or Friday this week.
  3. RimCountry350

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    Yeah I don’t get it...buddy next to me drew the 5A antelope hunt (7 tags) twice in a row with 10 BPs. Got drawn, turned the tag in and got drawn the next year...it’s been 9 years since my last bull tag. Some people’s luck...
  4. RimCountry350

    Credit Card Hit

    It's been 9 years since my last bull tag - been waiting patiently. Either drew early 23 or early 22...I'm guessing 22 just by the odds.
  5. RimCountry350

    Credit Card Hit

    Got hit - $135 - going elk hunting boys!
  6. RimCountry350

    Official Official Hit Thread

    I'm going elk hunting boys!
  7. RimCountry350

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    I don't miss the old days when you had to wait almost 2 months to know if you got drawn. Back then credit cards weren't used and you had to write a check with your app and then you'd get it refunded if you weren't drawn so no way to tell if your account had been "hit". The vivid memories of me and my family sitting on the home phone, calling into AZGFD, getting a busy signal and hitting re-dial and repeat the process for about 45 minutes or longer before you'd get through and find the results LOL. The process has sure come a long way!
  8. RimCountry350

    Credit Card Hit

    My last years statement showed AZ Game and Fish when I drew my deer tag.
  9. RimCountry350

    Credit Card Hit

    Oh man that's too bad...hopefully you got a different valid credit card!
  10. RimCountry350

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    Can't say I disagree with you (great bull btw). My thoughts would be your shot seemed perfect but then the video shows was quartered away from you (at least that what it looks like from the video, not sure of the camera had a different angle than your shot?). If the shot was quartered away, then that shot becomes more difficult in my opinion. Again, I don't dispute the importance of the ammo, I just think sometimes there is so much information out there it can make peoples heads spin and you end up over analyzing. Just find a good bullet and know your limitations, maybe that's what I was trying to say. And by the way I don't consider myself an expert marksman and I've missed my fair share of game, I just wanted to offer my humble opinion LOL.
  11. RimCountry350

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    Seems like some good responses but for what its worth I shoot 165 GR, Federal Vital-Shocks out of my 300 WinMag and have killed 2 bulls. 1st bull was at 20 yards (needless to say he didn't go very far 🙂 ) and the 2nd one was ranged at 450 yards and dropped him in place with 1 shot. The hunter understanding his/her capabilities an good placement are most important. just my two cents.
  12. RimCountry350

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    Antelope - 17 points (5A) - Been putting in for 5A since I was 14 yrs old. A co-worker in the cubical next to me two years ago drew 5A with 7 points (he bought point guard and returned it for personal reasons). I wanted to smack him. Then last year he drew it AGAIN...wanted to REALLY smack him. He ended up taking nice 80"+ buck. Some of us just don't have that kind of luck 🙂 Elk - 11 points, went for early rifle and early archer. Crossing those fingers!!!!
  13. RimCountry350

    Updated 12/2/19 -- A Few Good Kaibab Bucks

    The Kaibab never dissapoints...great bucks! I had the 12AW Early tag and passed by Duwane's camp. Never saw anything remotely as big as those but I guess that's what happens when you've been hunting that area as long as he has 🙂!
  14. RimCountry350

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Hit @ 7:42...Kiabab here I come!!!
  15. RimCountry350

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    Just Updated my CC Info and praying for a Kiabab...they'll start hitting at 7:50am on Friday...lets do this!
  16. It doesn't look like I'm going on an Elk or Antelope hunt this year so switching my hopes to deer season! I've been hunting Kiabab for almost 15 + years (mainly 12B West and 12A) and wanted to get some thoughts on rifle hunts for 13a/b vs. 12b late. If you had your pick, which one would it be and why? And yes I know 13a/b are the infamous "Strip" hunt 🙂 13a/b rifle (50 & 80 tags last year) vs 12b late rifle (20 tags last year). I have my own thoughts but wanted to get thoughts from others that might have hunted both units before.
  17. RimCountry350

    Buck behavior???

    Rut happens during December/January so were definitely out of the rut and soon they'll be dropping their antlers. During this time of the season it's not strange to see bucks and doe together in herds. But during the rut season, the only time you'll really see more than 1 big buck in the herd, you will probably see some fighting going on for dominance. They won't hang out together. That isn't to say you couldn't find a dominant buck with doe and have some forkers mixed in the herd. Not sure if this helps but just from my experience.
  18. RimCountry350

    Rifle 13a/b or 12B Late - Which one and Why?

    Oh heck, I would be so stoked with either one!! Not saying I don't like one or the other, it was just more of a question I had. 13 has a reputation to everyone looking for a huge toad out West but 12B doesn't get talked about all that much, so again just curious is all...I know I'm just dreaming...I've got a snow-ball's chance in heck to draw one of those LOL!
  19. RimCountry350

    Rifle 13a/b or 12B Late - Which one and Why?

    I'm not even close to the max, so I know it's a total crap shoot (FYI - I've got 10 BPs for deer). I've just always been curious about the differences between the hunts and what others opinions are. My understanding is similar to what 6AYoteHunter said above...13A/B has big bucks (age and class) but the number of big deer is limited (basically, unless you live up there and know the areas and deer really well, it's super hard to get a 180" + toad down and your best bet is to hire a guide if that's what your after). In 12B you have access to more deer but overall the class of deer are hit/miss and dependent upon the migration but you could definitely find 160" + bucks. Toads can be pulled out but just not as predictable...again just what my thoughts have been.
  20. RimCountry350

    CC Hit

    Nice!! Any idea what tag you might have pulled?
  21. RimCountry350

    Rifle 13a/b or 12B Late - Which one and Why?

    Only if everyone else thought that...open up the odds a bit!
  22. RimCountry350

    Pronghorn Hits?

    Wow!! Here is the REAL depressing part...he drew the same tag last year but had to surrender it because of a conflict...2 years in a row...I need to get in touch with whomever he knows 😛
  23. RimCountry350

    CC Hit

    Still checking my card...still no hits but holding on to a tiny shred of hope!!!!
  24. RimCountry350

    Pronghorn Hits?

    RTaylor...how many BP do you have? Last year numbers shows you probably in the 15+ you've got good %. The max points last year was 27...I hope it doesn't take me that long to draw LOL! I went in all in on 5a (7 tags) with 15 BP for antelope and nothing for me...only crickets! A guy I work with in the cubical next to me drew 1 of the 7 5a tags with 11 BP...that was depressing!
  25. RimCountry350

    I was fooled

    That's too bad, sorry to hear! I started checking since Friday, each time I'd login to my account with hope and excitement...only to be depressed to not see a charge. Went in with 9 Elk BP & 15 Antelope BP...crickets this year! Here's to the Deer draw in a few months and next year's Elk/Antelope opportunity!