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Everything posted by SonnyK

  1. SonnyK

    A bunch of BS!

    Had the same thing happen to me today. Wife called to say our card was used in a fraudulent transaction and the CC company called her. I asked which card and she said visa. I replied "well *$&#&, there goes the elk hunt chance this year." Guess I wont call G&F tomorrow like i had planned... Sorry to hear, but you are not alone. On the bright side, my wife did also say "well *$&#&'em, lets go hunt elk in Colorado then"
  2. SonnyK

    18,000 new elk apps

    How many put in that actually want to hunt? Cant help but wonder how many commiefornians/peta-suppositories put in for the draw, only to not use the license if they do draw.... alternate way to "save the planet/animals"
  3. SonnyK

    Ruger MK II Gov Target Stainless

    Sent you a DM 3 days ago.
  4. SonnyK


    Ha. glad I'm not the only one with USPS issues... Sent a package to my sister in Cortez CO last week from Mesa... It's been in San Francisco CA since last Wednesday... WTH ??? Had similar issues with packages coming out of Detroit. For the record, I wish none of us were having these issues...then again, gov't run , what do we expect.
  5. SonnyK


    Merry Christmas everyone 🎅
  6. SonnyK

    Savage 338 Lapua

    800 left of the first picture. I thought it was free to a good home as well. Wishful thinking. Glws. do you have any ammo or empty cases to go along with rifle?
  7. SonnyK

    Kimber 1911 like new

    I see what you did there. 🤣
  8. SonnyK

    Cold weather tent camping

    Hay works great for a base under the tent as long as there are no livestock around... 1 stray hungry cow makes for an interesting night/hunt. 🤣
  9. SonnyK

    Lanterns(need work)

    I'll take this. I'll contact you in the morning regarding payment and pick up. I'm in east mesa too.
  10. SonnyK

    Mr heater distribution post

    I'll take this. I'll contact you in the morning regarding payment and pick up. I'm in east mesa too.
  11. SonnyK

    2020 Archery Bull Elk Down

    Congrats !!! Very nice..
  12. SonnyK

    I took the surrendered tag in 35a

    Very Cool. Congrats
  13. SonnyK

    Lead bullets

    PM sent
  14. SonnyK

    44 Cal. Reloading Bullets

    pm sent
  15. SonnyK

    WTB bear tag?

    I was up that way yesterday as well, saw 3 dead elk on the side of the road at various spots between Strawberry and Mormon lake but totally missed that one. Cool picture. I did see the "Wildfire ahead dont report" sign lol
  16. SonnyK


    pm sent
  17. SonnyK

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    They take that up front each time you log in to apply for a different species.
  18. SonnyK

    Mask Requirements

    Freedom of choice but FYI
  19. SonnyK

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Just heard the car that started the fire was a Prius whose battery shorted out... witnesses stated it was to hot to get near enough to fight it. Thats it on the right.
  20. SonnyK

    North Kaibab On Fire

    Came thru the 87 yesterday right before it was closed... The last picture shows a burned up car which is where I think the fire started.
  21. SonnyK


    Sad to hear. Yeah they sure do grow on you. RIP Mags.
  22. SonnyK

    Space X

    It would be weird if his car in space ran into his spaceship (or visa-versa), although I think the car either burned up or is heading to la-la land. But yeah, he has quite the vision.
  23. SonnyK

    Space X

    Cool as heck but I keep thinking of these guys when I hear their names.