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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Eli

    Dental scrap gold

    Second for Xavier. Good people
  2. Eli

    Never too old to learn. Successful antler-less hunt.

    Great job. Congrats. Late elk is always a fun time
  3. Eli

    Budget Rangefinder?

    Have a leupold and works great. Only complaint is the reticle is not illuminated
  4. Eli

    2023 Raffle Winner Hunt Success

    Great job and congrats to all!
  5. Eli

    2023-24 archery deer tracking

    It’s funny I checked them today and it wouldn’t scroll either way. I’ll bookmark the google site
  6. Eli

    2023-24 archery deer tracking

    On phones sometimes you’ll scroll a window within a window if that makes sense. Turning the phone sideways usually will resize it and let you scroll the bigger window
  7. Eli

    First AZ archery deer

    Well done
  8. Eli

    NM Coues

    Great deer, congratulations
  9. Adventure for sure. Thanks for updating us!
  10. Eli


    Love it. Good looking cat, nice work
  11. Eli

    Coues shirts, hats, stickers

    I’ll take 2 XL as well
  12. Eli

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    I was thinking the same thing, great shooting
  13. Eli

    Late Kaibab hunts

    Here’s mine from that hunt. Been looking to see what else came out and haven’t seen anything yet either.
  14. Eli

    Great hunt!

    Love how dark the body is. Nice ram, congrats!
  15. Eli

    North of the River Muley's

    I did, posted it under Black Friday buck in the Muley section
  16. Eli

    North of the River Muley's

    My contribution during scouting IMG_2855.mov 90BC1EB1-2FB4-4C88-9346-859237464D98.mov
  17. Eli

    Bull Found 5BS late archery

    I think people just need to call you if they can’t find their elk, you got the knack for sure. Thanks for making the effort.
  18. Eli

    Vortex binos?

    Rokslide usually has some smoking deals on used meoptas and their 15x56 are some great glass. those two binos are vastly different though, what are you looking for?
  19. Eli

    Black Friday buck

    Not a lot, I drew in the random not the bonus pass
  20. Eli

    Black Friday buck

    Thank you, it was a horse! Luckily it wasn’t too bad a pack out. The pressure wasn’t bad. There was only that one recent snow a few days prior to opener so the deer were still transitioning which kept them (and I think the pressure) spread out. Most of the deer we saw were still around 7k feet and they hadn’t fully moved out to the flats yet. We didn’t see the expected guide glassing groups either
  21. Eli

    Black Friday buck

    Yeah, he’s been good luck for me for sure
  22. Eli

    FYI - Meat Processing

    Had same problem a few weeks ago. Sanchez in Phoenix found room
  23. Eli

    Howa mini action 6.5 Grendel

    I appreciate the reply. With it being a howa I’ve heard it compared to a vanguard and what you described sounds similar. Thank you!
  24. Eli

    Howa mini action 6.5 Grendel

    Whoever buys this, please let us know how it shoots. Been thinking on one of these for a while now
  25. Eli


    My first truck was an 84 dodge ram. Oh the memories. Good luck with the sale