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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Eli

    First deer

    After a couple missed opportunities Friday and Saturday, a buddy’s son spotted this guy bedded at 288 yards. My son decided it was the deer for him and the rest is history. Fantastic hunt and experience. Couldn’t be prouder
  2. Eli

    2024 Oct Coues hunt

    Stud deer my man, nice work
  3. Eli

    Guess The Score !!

    Fantastic buck. Thanks for making it interesting.
  4. Eli

    Whats my score

    Cool looking deer, regardless the score. Lot of character
  5. Eli

    Wife's Oct buck

    Congrats my man!
  6. Was lucky enough to have drawn a tag this year with a couple good friends. We knew this deer was in the area. Opening morning a friend got on him, but couldn’t seal the deal and tagged out on another nice buck. That afternoon, @buglethemin and I headed where we thought we could glass him up. Sure enough, some does busted and while trying to find what spooked the does we picked him up at 1100 yards. It was after 5pm and losing daylight so we decided to try and make a play. We were able to loop around and get to 410 yards. 140gr accubond out of 280ai did the trick. Great healthy deer, nice big body. Just over 15” inside spread. Couldn’t be happier. IMG_0213.mov
  7. Eli

    2024 buck

    Awesome! Thats a cool looking buck, nice work
  8. Eli


    If you are in the valley, AJI in east Mesa had one earlier this week
  9. Eli

    Early 12a west

    Things a wonderful deer, congrats!
  10. Eli

    Good start to deer season

    Stud bucks man, nice work. Good luck for your daughter!
  11. Add me to the list if you’re in the Phx metro
  12. Eli

    ISO .280ai BRASS

    Manufacture preference? # looking for?
  13. Eli

    2024 coues

    That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while. Hope it brings luck, keep us updated
  14. Eli

    2024 coues

    Processing is half the fun. Good luck! Still rocking the Kia?
  15. Eli

    2024 coues

    Thank you, blessed for sure. Son was lucky this year and has late rifle bull too. Heading up to scout next weekend and change gears from coues. how about you guys?
  16. Eli

    2024 coues

    Lol, that was campmeat on a skull but thanks for looking out
  17. Eli

    2024 coues

    Thanks. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Can’t wait to hear the score on your buck too
  18. Eli

    Long 7 years for my youngest

    Fantastic buck. Love when it gets western
  19. Eli

    SOLD Cables/Meopta B1 HD 15x56 Binos

    Smoking deal for someone on great glass
  20. Eli

    Guess The Score !!

    106? Fantastic deer by the way
  21. Eli

    [FOUND] Tract Toric 10x42 binos

    Not sure if you are on rokslide but see them on there more often
  22. They say 10x30 in the pics for what it’s worth
  23. Eli

    2 elk and a Kia forte, long read ahead...

    Congrats! That pic of the meat in the trunk is priceless
  24. Eli

    Cards getting hit!

    Youth turkey for us!
  25. Eli

    3 years curse

    Congrats!!! Great shot and the 243 sure got it done.