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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Eli

    WTB 270wsm ammo

    https://www.sgogunsandammo.com/mobile/product.aspx?ProductCode=20169282&404;http://www.sgogunsandammo.com:80/product-p/20169282.htm= not sure if you need it by a certain date but that’s all ammoseek had
  2. Eli

    ISO tripod for youth hunter

    We have found them for pretty low prices on offer up before, worth a look
  3. Eli

    Pre 64 Winchester model 94 question

    I was way off, you guys are a great resource
  4. Eli

    Pre 64 Winchester model 94 question

    Hate to say but it depends a lot on condition and how pre 64….. 1920 vs 1955, etc. I haven’t looked in a while but I would think around $600 would be a fair starting point. I’m curious now too, so hopefully someone with more info comes along
  5. Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how it goes
  6. Eli

    Son got it done again

    Great deer and congrats! Perfect attitude.
  7. Eli

    Free Camo - mixed items

    Pm sent about light jackets
  8. Eli

    San Carlos Apache Youth, Aaron Altaha Jr.

    Great deer, wow. Congrats!
  9. Eli

    Champ 4b success

    Haha thanks! Colonel sanders would be proud !
  10. Eli

    Champ 4b success

    Thank you. I could not agree more. Beyond blessed
  11. Eli

    M1 Garand

    AJI in Apache junction has them at times also, good luck.
  12. Eli

    Looking for 410 single shot

    So the lowest recoil option I found was a 410ga insert in a 20 gauge. Patterns decent but because you aren’t getting the full barrel length of pressure, it’s a lot more mild. Just an option I’m in too if we can’t find one
  13. Eli

    36B didn't disappoint!

    Great deer, love the kickers. Congrats
  14. Eli

    Find Zeiss 15x60 B/GA T* binoculars

    This is honestly making my morning
  15. Free bump for a smoking deal 😂
  16. Eli

    Looking for puffer pants

    Big 5 has had pretty good deals on youth puffer pants in the past and all their ski stuff should be out. Good luck on the hunt. I grabbed my sons off eBay, another option
  17. Eli

    Spring draw

    Youth turkey hit
  18. Eli

    22 youth success

    Great deer!
  19. Eli

    .410 shells WTB

    I’m NE Mesa also. I have a half a box lying around if you want to Shoot me a PM
  20. Eli

    Last minute lucky

    Fantastic job to keep pushing!! Great job!
  21. Eli

    Let’s talk youth Camo Clothing

    Walmart and kings are what we did. Midway has some end of year sales too. Sportsman’s has the youth kings stuff so you can try it on and confirm sizes too. We have found good deals on insulation on eBay, but not as much camo. where are you located? I may have a pair of pants my son just outgrew.
  22. It’s pricy at $60 and $80 something but nosler factory 280 AI 140 gr BT and AB are back in stock on their website
  23. Eli

    Hornady 162g eldx 7mm

    Pm sent
  24. Eli

    Free bear hide and skull

    I re-read the initia post as well, my bad. Congrats on the bear!