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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Eli

    Found some thanks

    https://ammoseek.com/ammo/300aac-blackout not sure if you are looking for something specific but there’s a ton in stock
  2. Eli

    To Soon?

    Yeap, I’m pretty sure the July draw was the next day. My bet is the 2nd but who knows anymore
  3. Eli

    Javelina chorizo

    Try bacon ends with pork. I like chorizo smokier and that does it. I’ve tried from scratch recipes but we use the AC legg mix with 15% bacon, 15% pork butt.
  4. Eli

    First Javelina (Warning long read)

    Awesome write up and worth the read! Thank you for sharing! Congrats!!!
  5. Eli


    Someone needs to buy this before I do. Great price and my willpower is dropping by the day
  6. Eli

    Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

    Very succinct and accurate summary, thanks
  7. Eli

    To Soon?

    My guess too, going off of the last two draws. here’s to hoping the elk draw of 2021 was a one off…….
  8. Eli

    Replacement Tag?

    I think if it’s a draw tag, it’s a $5 fee and you have to go to a G and F office. Worth a call
  9. Eli

    WTB Beef Fat

    Carnicerias are another place that’s come through same day for me
  10. Eli

    WTB Beef Fat

    Chucks or winco will do it if you call ahead. I may have a 5# bag in my freezer,I’m out of town today but I’ll let you know tomorrow
  11. Eli

    WTB 20ga buckshot or similar

    How many are you looking for?
  12. Eli

    Fs Ruger Blackhawk 357 Old Model

    My 44mag is from 76. “Made in the 200th year of American Liberty”
  13. Eli

    ISO 38 Short Colt Ammo

    The story goes that Colt marked them with only 38 because they didn’t want to put “S&W” on a Colt gun. Not sure if it’s true or not but I like the story either way
  14. Eli

    ISO 38 Short Colt Ammo

    https://www.buffaloarms.com/38-short-colt-cartridge-cases-str38sc.html Nice find!
  15. Eli

    ISO 38 Short Colt Ammo

    So if I remember right the 38s&w is loaded with a .361 bullet vs .357 for the 38colt. Same casing I believe but a bullet like a 22LR that is externally same diameter as the case. I’m sure you could load from the brass but I’ve heard some 38 sc guns will chamber them and some won’t.
  16. Eli

    ISO 38 Short Colt Ammo

    Not sure if you reload but I know you can make the brass by cutting down 38 special cases. It’s to the 38 special what the special is to the 357 mag, just a matter of length.
  17. Eli

    Sold - delete

    Man, that squirrel on the stock was always a favorite
  18. Eli

    German Shorthaired Pointer Pups

    My GSP is a daughter to Scout. Great dog. Good luck with the litter
  19. Eli

    Leica duovid 10-15x50

    Bump for great glass.
  20. Eli

    sold... zeiss 15x56

    Me too. Great price on great glass. May take a few weeks for cards to hit from the elk draw
  21. Eli


    I was looking the other day. Hodgdon had it listed directly on their website as well. Thanks for looking out Edit** hodgdon is out
  22. Awesome write up and glad the local help came through. Congrats!
  23. Eli

    Bino question

    So not apples to apples but I went from 10s to a set of 8x ultravids and have been thrilled. i use an AGC harness and am able to shoot my bow with it on
  24. Eli

    Remington model 7400

    Beautiful rifle