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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Eli

    Draw results

    Was within seven days last time, hoping today
  2. Eli

    Hits started

    I want to say around 7-10 days last time? I’d expect this Friday at the way earliest, but most likely next week
  3. Eli

    Lights on Beeline Hwy

    I called a buddy in the know. Navigation aids for falcon field flights. I was really curious as well
  4. Bump for a well written, thoughtful post. GLWS
  5. Had a catahoula as a kid growing up. Very protective, extremely smart. Great dog. Good luck with sale!
  6. Eli

    WTB Blackhorn 209 powder

    My complete apologies, I was in the gym and did not look close enough. I thought it was in stock last time I had looked, but that was On hodgdons site. Again, sorry about that
  7. Eli

    WTB Blackhorn 209 powder

    Scam link, my apologies
  8. Eli


    Agree on all of the above that whatever you shoot best is the best pick. Multiple rounds on target fastest is the goal. For most people, once you get above 44 mag the recoil recovery limits quick accurate follow up shots That being said, a small RMR optic on a 10mm would be pretty hard to top I’m bear country . I prefer Glock but any of the three would work well.
  9. Eli

    Spring bear

    Great write up and awesome story! Thanks for taking the time to share. Hunting with kids is such a rewarding/frustrating/all around good time.
  10. Eli

    Swaro Leica Vortex Bushnell

    Those duovids are great binos and that’s a great price! GLWS
  11. Eli

    Last 5 years

    Nice. Awesome when the work pays off. It’s always wild to me how I’ll see 6 bears one elk hunt then zero the next week.
  12. Eli

    Last 5 years

    Great bears. what did you do different the last two years?
  13. Eli

    Spring bear

    Congrats, that’s awesome!
  14. Eli

    WTB 7mm-08 Brass

    How many are you looking for?
  15. Eli

    88 years ago today

    Frank Hamer was something else
  16. Eli

    WTB .22 Revolver

    Ruger wrangler is another great one
  17. Eli

    Great find

    Very awesome!
  18. Eli

    21-22 pred season

    Nice pics, good season for sure!
  19. Eli

    Got My Buck Back...

    Great deer!! Gonna miss the cam pics of bucks on the ground for sure, I was able to give a buddy pics of his deer in velvet and the year prior.
  20. Eli

    My sons first turkey 2022

    Great bird and story! Congratulations
  21. Eli


    Build done well right there. GLWS
  22. Eli

    Misc. Camping and atv gear

    Do you know the model on the camp chef? 14” or 16”?
  23. Eli

    A big thank you

    Huge thank you to @Crazymonkey and all the members who helped with the youth rifle giveaway. You made this 12 year olds life. He went 2/2 on elk the last two years but no tag this year so we are hoping for a deer tag to put it to use. His grandpa was born in 1943, so the fact that the rifle is a year older than that blew his mind. It will see many years of use ahead. Thank you all!