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Everything posted by AZbowhntr

  1. AZbowhntr

    Elk Processing from MIllers 6-8 Weeks

    I have never used any of the others mentioned so I have no comparison but I have always been happy with Miller's. I think a lot of time they are finished faster than the date they give you. The worst is saying it is going to be 2 weeks and it ends up taking a month.
  2. AZbowhntr

    Merle has gone to his bar in heaven

    Lots of great memories and some a little fuzzy made there at Merle's. He was one of the sharpest witted guys I have ever met. I don't think he ever heard a joke that he didn't remember. Because he was never short on new jokes. It will definitely not be the same without him.
  3. AZbowhntr

    Grandsons First Coues hunt

    Way to go! That is awesome.
  4. AZbowhntr

    Setting kids up for the shot

    That .257 with a brake on it will be completely fine. I have a .243 that my daughter shot for a while and while I was working up a load for it I realized that it kicked more than my .270 WSM with a brake on it. So she started shooting it and actually enjoyed it more. And we only carried one rifle in the field instead of both. Just make sure you have hearing protection all the time. I accidentally shot once without it and after the initial shock and confusion of what I did I realized that concussion grenades really do work.
  5. AZbowhntr

    5th choice

    Congrats on a great buck! I wonder if the bears choice would have been Bud Light over Coors Light.
  6. AZbowhntr


    That buck has talent.
  7. AZbowhntr

    Setting kids up for the shot

    My daughter missed a shot at a great buck down south one year because she couldn't find it in the scope. I felt horrible because I felt like I let her down. I should have had her ready for the situation. We were set up on the buck at about 150 yards while it was bedded down. She was in the prone position with a dead solid rest on my pack and the buck in her cross hairs. I told her to shoot once it stood up and gave her a shot. Unfortunately the buck got up and instantly walked into a thick patch of ocotillo and did not give her a shot. So we picked up and ran around the other side of the ridge to cut it off. I found it at 200 yards broadside and threw the rifle up on my shooting sticks for her and she was never able to find it in the scope. She could see the buck but didn't understand keeping her eye on the buck and bringing the scope into position. So after that she got a lot of work with her M4 with a scope and going out plinking and just practicing bringing the scope up while keeping her eye on the target. I want to make sure that never happens again.
  8. Congrats on a great hunt. That bear looks huge. Tiny looking ears.
  9. AZbowhntr

    A Good Day

    Wait a minute. I thought according to your critics on here that you only post to start crap and don't actually contribute to the site. Congrats and great shooting on a real nice Arizona buck. I don't think I would ever pass him up here.
  10. AZbowhntr

    WTT Euro mount for coues capes

    Brian, are you doing any mounts or just euros? I still haven't had the one I shot with you guys down there mounted yet. But have been thinking about it lately. I didn't bring the cape back so I would need one. I hope everyone is doing well. Are you guys going down again this coming January?
  11. AZbowhntr

    Guess the score.

    113 great buck
  12. AZbowhntr

    My 1st Wyoming antelope

    That is awesome. Before you know it your son will be old enough to pull the trigger.
  13. AZbowhntr

    WTB lefty rifle

    My daughter was shooting at .243 for a couple years and I realized that my 270 WSM with a muzzle brake kicks less. So she now shoots my 270 and we only pack one rifle. And shoots it well. Win win.
  14. AZbowhntr

    12 b west early hunt

    It is always a blast to hunt up there. You never know what you are going to see. I have had that same tag a few times and have seen the deer still up high and in transition. Good luck and definitely post up your success pictures and story.
  15. AZbowhntr

    When A Rifle Hunter Goes Archery Hunting

    Congrats on what sounds like a incredible hunt and to top it off a nice bull.
  16. AZbowhntr


    I shot a bull about 10 years ago that had a complete passthrough on my first shot and he didn't even know what happened. So I decide to shoot him again after he runs off about 25 yards. The problem was that I though it was 40 yards. Anyway the arrow ended up hitting him in the back of the head and actually punched through his skull and ended up against his eyeball. Not sure what it would have done to a shoulder but his skull didn't slow down my arrow. Here is a picture of the bull with the arrow sticking out of his head.
  17. AZbowhntr

    My First Archery Anything... and My First Bull

    Congrats! And thanks for posting. It has been pretty bleak on here so far this hunting season. Not many people post pictures or stories any more.
  18. AZbowhntr

    rental Car

    You might try Turo. The last couple times I have rented a car it was through them. It is individual people renting out their own cars through the company and are cheaper then the big name companies. Kind of like Airbnb but for cars. Not sure about long term though. I am looking into getting a couple cars and doing it myself.
  19. AZbowhntr

    Pop-up tent

    I had one for several years and sold it because I wanted a SXS and couldn't tow both. That said I bought a wall tent and love the extra room that it has. The pop up did great for most of those years. They aren't bad with only a couple people but you get anymore than that and they are cramped.
  20. AZbowhntr


    Cool video! I was waiting for an arrow to get launched.
  21. AZbowhntr

    Heavier than my heaviest dream buck

    Sweet droptine and mass. Congrats
  22. AZbowhntr

    Blaze king princess stove.

    Wow, that is a blast from the past! I grew up in Idaho and we had the same stove in our basement. That sucker would put out some heat in the winter. GLWS
  23. AZbowhntr

    Camp Chef 3 burner stove & grill box

    I have the exact same setup and love it. Been using it for at least 10 years and have never had a problem except the knobs falling off when traveling.
  24. AZbowhntr

    4 youth tags 36B Help

    Don't they have a young camp for that hunt up on the north edge of the unit? I would look into it and stay there. Tons of help in those camps.
  25. AZbowhntr

    Badgers, anyone?

    Had a buddy in Idaho get chased by one while out irrigating. The thing chased him down the ditch bank and was actually catching him. He finally stopped, whirled around and whacked it over the head with a shovel. It didn't even kill the thing. But he was able to get away. I have shot one several years ago and it was hands down the smelliest animal I have ever been around.