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Everything posted by AZbowhntr

  1. AZbowhntr

    bad fire in 23 north

    The fire that is burning along the border of the indian res. and unit 23 is really close to the Valentine camp ground area. I have camped there before and was on a Jr deer hunt there last year. Hopefully it doesn't take off and do too much damage.
  2. AZbowhntr

    Fab 32 anyone?

    I have seen a lot of the intel guys over at Archery Headquarters when I am over there. Especially at lunch time. Hope the semiconductor world is good. I was at Motorola for about 14 years.
  3. AZbowhntr

    Muzzle Break

    Jimmyc, have you already put the muzzle brake on your rifle. I just bought a Tikka T3 270WSM and dropped it off at Accuracy Speaks out at Usury pass to have mine done. I have had them do one other one for me and did an excellent job. It was $175 and there is no way of knowing it is threaded on it is so smooth.
  4. AZbowhntr

    Do you like a good challenge???

    What would be really nice is if there was a place or website that all of these projects were listed so that someone like myself could go see what is coming up. Maybe there is but I don't know about it. The only time I have ever volunteered for any of these projects is when I was scouting and happened to drive by when a group was working on a turkey habitat area. So I stopped and helped. But I would be willing to help out a lot more if I knew what was coming up and where.
  5. AZbowhntr


    Great scope. I have two of them. Got both of them from Cameraland. Lowest price you will find.
  6. AZbowhntr


    That is a great outcome with the boy. And a ton of bone you guys found. Holy cow.
  7. AZbowhntr

    23 Late Archery input

    This is probably the hardest hunt in Arizona. That said if you do a search you can find a picture of the bull I shot this last year on the same hunt. We saw a lot of bulls but not very many that were in a spot that I was willing to hike in after or that were even close to what we were looking for. The best thing you can do is hope for dry weather. Than they have to hit water. If there is plenty of water than I would set up and glass. And spot and stalk. The bulls will be spread all over the unit so there are no areas that are going to hold all the elk. Out of the more than 50 bulls we saw last year only a couple were over 300. So dont be holding out for a giant. There are a few around but extremely hard to find. Good luck
  8. AZbowhntr

    Who didn't draw?

    Well I drew last year and put in for early archery hunts this year. So I would be absolutely shocked if I drew a tag this year. I'm hoping my daughter draws a jr deer tag this fall so I didn't really want to draw.
  9. AZbowhntr

    Jaycie's Buck!

    Great buck. It definitely looks bigger seeing it in person than it does in the original field photos. That is one heck of a buck Jaycie got there. Congrats to you and her.
  10. AZbowhntr

    What are you gunna get this year?

    270 WSM. Just haven't decided which one yet. I was about set on the Tika t3 but I held the Sako a7 and love the stock.
  11. AZbowhntr

    Arizona Republic

    Ringer, let me know if you need anything else with the Republic. I golf with one of the editors at the Republic and we talked about this a little bit this morning. He said he will help in anyway that he can. And can get us in contact with the proper people (which sounds like you already have). It sounds like you already have the foot in the door but just in case.
  12. AZbowhntr

    AES Banquet

    It was a great time. Although I don't think I have ever had a bad time at any of the banquets. It is always great catching up with friends that we don't see all the time. It is also nice winning a few things. Our table actaully won two mag lights a tool tote and a gift card. Sure would have been nice going home with a rifle though.
  13. AZbowhntr

    Superstition Ranch Market

    Just make sure you use everything quick. It will not last very long. So the wife says.
  14. AZbowhntr

    Alpen Optics

    I have their 15-45X60 spotting scope that I had for a few years. I was getting ready for an elk hunt and noticed that one of the lens' had come loose. So I called them explaining my situation and sent them in. I had a brand new spotting scope sent back to me with plenty of time left before my hunt. I was very pleased and sent them an email letting them know. About a week later I received a letter from them with a 50% off coupon thanking me for the email. So I bought the 10X42 binoculars. I am very pleased with them for wearing them on my bino buddies and glassing at short distances. If I set up to really glass then I will pull out the 15 power Swaro's.
  15. I think what some people are misunderstanding is that a call to action does not mean getting on CWT and start name calling and fighting amongst ourselves. A call to action means calling or writing letters to those that can actually do something about it. As far as I am concerned there could have been 1 post in that thread telling everyone what was going on. After that it did not get one single thing done except divide us. And that is my .02
  16. AZbowhntr

    The Draw Is in Progress

    The application fee is 7.50 regardless if you draw or not if I am not mistaken. Otherwise the people that draw don't have to pay it? And do the people that don't get drawn get their 7.50 back? I don't think so. Could be wrong though.
  17. AZbowhntr

    The Draw Is in Progress

    I don't know what would equal up to $114 as an elk tag is 121.50, two jr tags would be 115 and a antelope tag and license would be 117.50.
  18. AZbowhntr

    Toby the Toad (video)

    Great video, I like the 5 minute video on the right also. Some awesome action and incredible bulls.
  19. I don't post as much as a lot of the guys on here do. But for a few years I have been almost strictly coming here because of all of the crap that was going on over on the other site. For the most part CWT.com has been incredible with not much need for moderation. It appears though that when a topic this heated comes up it brings the worst out in some people. It is one thing to post our view of a topic but when we start posting our views on others peoples posts it gets ugly. And that is where the need for the moderators comes in. Amanda has worked too hard on this site to let something like this topic bring it down. I feel that if anyone has personal comments to make to someone they should be in an instant message. Or post it on the forum and let the moderators do their job and run the risk of discipline.
  20. AZbowhntr

    AES Banquet

    Kathi, I know you are out of town right now but I sent you a PM with my address for you to send my ticket. I also ordered a raffle package off of AES's website. I can always meet you if it would be easier. I just live a few minutes down the road. Thanks, Orlin
  21. AZbowhntr

    My favorite new radio station

    Great station. I have been listening to it for almost a month now. The only problem is that it doesn't carry very far into Phx. But luckily I get it most of the time in the east valley. I will be sitting at a red light laughing and I'm sure people are looking at me thinking I'm nuts.
  22. AZbowhntr

    Weird deaths!

    This last year I was doing a home inspection on a condo in Mesa and the building next to the one I was inspecting had about a 100 pigeons on the roof. Well all of a sudden they all took off at once. Sounded like a bomb going off so I am looking around to see what caused it. In swoops a hawk and snatches one right out of the air. The pigeon was actually bigger than the hawk was. It took the hawk about 10 minutes to finally kill it. Reminded me of a baker kneading dough but with talons instead.
  23. AZbowhntr

    Aggressive Pig Attacks When Called In

    Great footage. The slomo at the end was cool. I shot one at 3 yds once that was charging. It is a rush.
  24. AZbowhntr

    Close encounter with a lion

    I don't know how well either coues deer or mule deer would do in a situation like that. Although I know they have mule deer for breeding in Mexico that are fenced. It would be cool though.
  25. AZbowhntr

    Proud Poppa!

    Awesome dogs. I grew up on a farm in Idaho and that is all we had. Best dogs I have ever seen. I'm sure you won't have any problems with the last two.