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Everything posted by AZbowhntr

  1. AZbowhntr

    Hearing Protection

    My rifles have muzzle brakes on them so I always wear plugs. I accidentally shot without them once while doing some practicing. It reminded me of a concussion grenade going off. I literally had to sit there for a minute to get my bearings.
  2. AZbowhntr

    Mexican fan tail myth?

    I have had several conversations with my taxidermist that has seen and mounted a couple mature whitetails that had racks that would fit in your hands if you cupped them. We are talking about 5" spreads with tines that are not even 2" long. But complete 3X3 racks with eye guards. He had a name for them but I can't remember what it was. He said they were down in Mexico if I remember right. They also have very small bodies. I will ask him what they are called when I talk to him next.
  3. AZbowhntr

    Mady's Bull

    She should be very proud of herself. Most of us spend our entire lives looking for something even close to that bull. From the picture through the spotting scope it doesn't look like you were getting any closer. Way to put in the work to prepare for the hunt and the shot. That is a great article too.
  4. AZbowhntr

    $37,000.00 Appendix?

    Don't even get me going on this subject. I have spent at least 45K out of my own pocket in just the last few years because of our healthcare. My wife had to have a kidney removed. During all of the preliminary visits we asked everyone what our portion was going to be after our insurance paid theirs. Everyone said no more than 10K. Well within a few months of the operation bills started piling up. It got to the point that we didn't know what was what. Finally my wife said send an itemized bill with everything on it. I didn't know it cost over 1K just to refill a staple gun. But apparently it does. Just for than overnight stay cost just under 40K. And a couple years ago while I was down south hunting she had to go to the emergency room. They billed us twice because they had a shift change. That bill was almost 9k. I have told my wife if she was a horse I would have put her down a long time ago.
  5. AZbowhntr

    12a otc lion tag

    Go hunting for a deer and have a good time. If you happen to see a lion then great. Otherwise you will be looking for lions and won't get anything. I have been hunting for almost 40 years and have only seen two lions. I always have a lion tag but never expect to get one. Good luck on your deer hunt.
  6. I have the 270 WSM and absolutely love it. Best shooting rifle I have ever owned. I don't even shoot anything else in my gun safe anymore. I have the Vortex 6.5-20X44 on it right now but recently bought the 6.5-20X50 to swap out before I hunt with it again.
  7. AZbowhntr

    3 Unit 23 tags!!!

    Congrats Dale. I have a feeling we will be seeing pictures of some nice bucks on the ground.
  8. AZbowhntr

    Would you rather

    I have a 108" coues and a 165" mule deer mounted. People come over and see both of them and no one says a word about the coues deer. They all look at that mulie and go WOW. And that is only 165". Obviously most of them don't hunt but still. So it is definitely a 190" mulie for me. Way more wow factor.
  9. AZbowhntr

    Desert is singing

    My office door is starting to rub at the top. That is how I know that the monsoon season is getting close. Someday maybe I will fix it.
  10. AZbowhntr

    Stuff handed down from parents/grandparents.......

    I have a few rifles and a shot gun from my grandpa. The best is probably the shot gun that my grandpa bought when he went on a mission to England in the 30's. He stayed over there for a month after he finished his mission and traveled Europe. He bought a Belgian made Brown Automatic that I have now. I shot it until about about 10 years ago. My parents house burned down when I was a kid so mostly only the rifles survived since they were in a safe.
  11. AZbowhntr

    Garmin Rino 530hcx Issue

    At least it is putting the way point where it is supposed to. On my last GPS I got to where I would mark a way point and instantly go back in and set it to go to way point. Some times it would be a 1/4 mile away. Without me taking one step from where I marked it. Talk about frustrating.
  12. AZbowhntr

    Thoughts on the last 2 weeks of spring turkey hunting

    I was just up this last weekend and they were talking in the morning. We were able to locate birds but getting them to come in was another story. Just couldn't make it happen. The wind didn't really affect us much. But the coyotes in the area did. We called in coyotes two consecutive mornings while turkey calling.
  13. AZbowhntr

    Emmy's First Long Beard

    That second picture is great. Awesome bird and story. Congrats to Emmy!
  14. AZbowhntr

    Wtb flatline maps

    Where are you located. I have them both but not interested in selling. I could lend one or both to you if you can't find any before then. I am east valley.
  15. AZbowhntr

    Ever come across this while shed hunting?

    You have to wonder how old that is.
  16. Well I finally got around to hanging my mount from my buck that I shot a couple years ago in Mexico. I know Ernesto has been after me to post some pics so here are a couple.
  17. AZbowhntr

    Mexico coues mount

    Patrick, below is a link to my original post shortly after getting back from the hunt. And yes Hector he does look good on the wall. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/30374-sonora-2012/
  18. AZbowhntr

    Kampfeld Custom!

    Beautiful rifle Phil. I am sure it is going to shoot just as good as it looks. Now all you need is a tag in your pocket so you can use it.
  19. AZbowhntr


    any luck selling your strap on yet?
  20. AZbowhntr

    How long?

    Well I have had 4 bull tags in the last 10 years or so of putting in. 3 of those are late archery tags. I am 1 for 1 on the rifle tag and 1 for 3 on the archery tags. I am holding out for a good early archery hunt now. So it will probably be a few more years.
  21. AZbowhntr

    Javelina and mule deer skulls

    Wow, that is the whitest that pigs teeth have ever been. Very cool though. Looks like excellent work. Good luck with the sale of your skulls.
  22. AZbowhntr

    Setting up a turkey gun

    Or you can be like me on my first turkey hunt and take my grandpa's old Browning Automatic with nothing but a bead at the end of a barrel and get there late the night before season opener and sleep in the back of my truck to be woken up at about 5:30am by a turkey gobbling up on the hillside. I actually got up, got dressed and took off chasing and ended up calling that thing in and was back at the truck by 6:15. Talk about beginners luck.
  23. AZbowhntr

    Turkey Seminar Saturday March 1st 2PM

    I will have to try and make the one at Sportsman's Warehouse. Is there any kind of sign-up required?
  24. AZbowhntr

    Cool lion pic

    Cool picture.
  25. AZbowhntr

    Best all around tripod for the $?

    Look here on the site in the store. Several of us have the Promaster tripod that Amanda sells. They are best for the money you will find. But it doesn't come with a head. And they do get expensive for the better ones. I have the Jim White pan head on mine and love the setup.