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Everything posted by AZbowhntr

  1. AZbowhntr

    Another find it

    That is actually really cool. How far away was the picture taken and did you pick up on the eye or some other movement?
  2. AZbowhntr

    Danner pronghorn issues

    I ordered some when they were on sale for $75 over Labor Day I think it was. I took them on a scouting trip planning on wearing them a little while and changing them but I didn't have any problems at all. I wore them for my entire hunt without any problems either.
  3. AZbowhntr

    My First Elk Hunt

    Those are both great bulls for any hunt.
  4. AZbowhntr

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    Great bull. Did you get him shooting the bullets I sold you? If so I will use them on my next bull hunt.
  5. AZbowhntr

    First coues is a stud!!! 103 4/8

    Great buck. Sounds like quite the shooting setup.
  6. AZbowhntr

    two good mature bulls down

    Great bulls. Looks like one was a fighter and the other one was a lover. Amazing the difference between the two.
  7. AZbowhntr

    My Mexico "Double-double" bucks are back

    Two great bucks and great taxi work on both of them. I remember the writeup. Quite a day. Congrats again.
  8. AZbowhntr


    At least yours is all in one place. I have stuff strung all over the garage and house.
  9. AZbowhntr

    Late Archery Elk Part I

    We have always said the same thing. 50" added is about right. Those late season archery hunts are not easy. Congrats on a great bull for any season.
  10. AZbowhntr

    Got it done!!! #3

    Doesn't get much better than that for coues deer. Congrats on some great bucks this year.
  11. AZbowhntr

    The invincible dove

    The crazy thing is I have shot doves with a BB gun and killed them. I thought they were the sissiest birds I have ever seen. Never thought they could take a .22 round and live.
  12. AZbowhntr

    Late Archery 2014

    Any bull on the late archery hunts is a great bull. My avatar picture is a late archery bull and there was nothing easy about it. Congrats on a great bull.
  13. AZbowhntr

    Need Berger .270 Bullets

    How many do you need? I have a box I can sell you for whatever the face value is. I will be out in Queen Creek Saturday morning too if needed. Let me know.
  14. I just bought an Igloo cooler for my hunt down south. I put three bags of ice in it along with all my food. I left Friday morning and came back the following Wednesday night and on Thursday when I unpacked everything still had about 1 bag of ice left. I will take that all day long. Just have a hard time forking out the high dollars for the big name coolers. My last Coleman cooler had the lid warp after about a year and was worthless. It still looked good though.
  15. AZbowhntr

    2014 elk season

    That is awesome. It took a lot of years for my wife to finally come to grips with what I love to do (just ask Chef, he can attest to it). Although I was kind of extreme when I was younger with everything I did. As long as you make them feel special they will put up with a lot from us.
  16. AZbowhntr

    Accuracy help

    Like a couple others have said it could be the scope. I would swap it out and try another scope or put that scope on a different rifle and shoot it. Start eliminating one thing at a time. Ammo would be another thing you could try different. Have you ever shot the rifle when it did group well?
  17. AZbowhntr

    Coues and Effect

    Great well deserved buck. You put the time in and it shows. Who knows maybe that big muley will make till next year and you can hunt him again. Congrats on a great buck. Enjoyed the read.
  18. AZbowhntr

    Any bulls still running with cows?

    Yes, but it was a few years ago. Don't know how to go back and find it easily. It seems that during the Oct coues deer hunt lots of people will hear the bulls bugling still but something happens between then and the archery hunt. They go silent for the most part. My bull bugled and it gave himself away. Took me a couple days to get him figured out but it worked out in the end.
  19. AZbowhntr

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    Interesting. I came across some squash type plants down south a few weeks ago that had some sort of gourds on them. I thought they resembled pumpkins only yellow instead of orange. So I picked a couple and brought them home for the kids to carve. I wandered if they were edible too.
  20. AZbowhntr

    Will 5.56 damage fox?

    It has nothing to do with power or lack of power. It has to do with the performance of the bullet once it hits the animal. They do not expand and leave the same size entry and exit hole. It would be the equivalent of shooting a bow with field points instead of broadheads.
  21. AZbowhntr

    Any bulls still running with cows?

    The bull in my avatar was killed on a late archery hunt and was running with some cows. It is all luck if you can find a cow that didn't take the first time around there will be bulls around.
  22. I knew Chef would be quick to hop in here on this post. That is right up his alley. Looks pretty dang good. Were the pictures of the buck in another post?
  23. AZbowhntr

    11 yr old chases the 100" mark.

    Wow that is a cool looking buck. And big too. Congrats
  24. AZbowhntr

    Hanging animals

    I wonder how much all these different hunts have affected it to. There used to be one general hunt where I grew up and everyone went hunting. Now there are about five hunts just for deer in a lot of the units. So they are starting way earlier.
  25. AZbowhntr

    Backpacking Buck

    Great buck. Sounds like a fun hunt. How far did you pack in? And how long did you stay? I always think about doing a backpack hunt but wonder how far people go in.