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Everything posted by AZbowhntr

  1. My personal favorite was the swim goggles. You never know.
  2. That is crazy. It would be awesome to be able to hear his story of what has happened the last 5 months.
  3. AZbowhntr

    Rifle Sling

    I have Slogan Outdoors rifle slings on all my rifles. They are made out of a rubber material that stretch. By far the best sling I have ever seen. Google them and watch the demonstrations. Pretty impressive.
  4. To me it sounds like they think the class is going to be horrible like school. I would try to change the way they look at the class as being fun. It sounds like everyone that has taken the class has had a blast.
  5. early and late kaibab west side.
  6. AZbowhntr

    Going from 15x58 to 12x50. Will I regret it?

    I haven't looked through the 12s but I recently bought the Meopta 10X50s and absolutely love them. I think they are much better glass than the Vortex. But like a couple others have stated I wouldn't get rid of your 15s if you don't have to.
  7. Did mine today. System worked just like it is supposed to.
  8. AZbowhntr

    Dealing with 100 days of heat

    Unfortunately I dread this time of year. I am a home inspector and get to climb around in a couple attics a day. I have been in older homes with horrible ventilation that are over 150 degrees sometimes.
  9. AZbowhntr

    Kowa Highlanders

    I wonder how many of us have been called idiots by our wife's. I know I have a few times.
  10. Not sure if this is in the right forum or not but went out turkey hunting with a buddy of mine and his son this weekend on the Jr hunt. Last year I had a turkey tag in the same unit and we called in 3 coyotes while we were calling for turkey's. So this year I said I was going to be ready and took my AR along. Sure enough this guy made the mistake of coming in. I gave him a challenge call and he came flying in the rest of the way.
  11. AZbowhntr

    New rig trial run..4 for 4

    Good shooting. That top yote is a mangy sucker.
  12. AZbowhntr


    I don't know if I have ever been to a gas station that sells it down here. I know up in Idaho where I am from 85 is the regular low grade. I have the Silverado with the 6.2 and it was fine. But it was also only a few tanks of gas.
  13. AZbowhntr

    Got Him On The Wall

    That is a great mount. Love the pose.
  14. AZbowhntr

    wts Tika 3 lite 270 wsm left handed

    Dang that was a steal. I have the same rifle in right handed and love it. It shoots 140 grain berger vld's really well too.
  15. AZbowhntr

    Pre-owned Hunting Equipment

    There is always guys selling most of that stuff right here in the classifieds too.
  16. AZbowhntr

    JR Success

    That is awesome. Great job on the turkey. I was out this weekend on the Jr hunt and they were gobbling great, just hard to get them to come in.
  17. AZbowhntr

    3 Free youth turkey hunting camps

    I will be up in the youth camp at the north end of 23 in the Colcord camp ground this evening for the weekend. I hope to see a bunch of turkeys already taken by the time I get there.
  18. AZbowhntr

    Turkey Tactics (Glassing)

    I know glassing works. Because we have done it several times. Just not on purpose.
  19. Just remember that even though it may be an entry level bow not very many years ago it was the top of the line bow. Technology is crazy. I usually buy a new bow every time I draw a bull tag. It has been 4 years now. I shoot the Hoyt Rampage and love it. When I get my next archery tag I will upgrade again.
  20. AZbowhntr

    Best camo patterns for for southern Arizona hunting

    I have a magazine in one of my stacks somewhere that did a test for what worked best for deer as far as different camo patterns and what they see. Granted this was several years ago (10 or so) but the best camo was a Hawaiian shirt that was red. Like others have said it is way overrated. Of course I wear Sitka gear so what do I know. It is the most comfortable hunting clothing I have ever owned. So I am happy.
  21. AZbowhntr

    23 north early rifle.

    I have had one of my bulls processed by the guys in Young. They do a great job and for a great price. The only thing is they will not mix any fat with the ground elk. So mine all ended up very very lean. There will be great bulls all the way through the unit. Good luck.
  22. AZbowhntr


    That sucker looks real. It would be cool to set him on your porch.
  23. AZbowhntr

    Urban coyote

    I have a buddy that lives off of Shea and Tatum that was walking the baby early in the morning. He heard a commotion in his neighbors yard and once he got close enough could see that it was two coyotes playing tug of war with a cat. He said that was the first coyotes he ever liked.
  24. AZbowhntr

    Permit Number?

    The info is right on the G and F website. There is a link that you can click on that explains how the draw works. It is under the hunting tab.
  25. AZbowhntr

    Need a Live Trap for Coyotes

    +1 on the G and F. My in-laws live in a retirement community that had tons of coyotes so they had G and F come in and relocate several of them. Of course now they have rabbits running everywhere.