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Everything posted by AZbowhntr

  1. AZbowhntr

    Big Thanks To CWT Members - Youth Euro Business Update

    I was really impressed when I dropped my javelina off this last month. He explained the whole process and acted like a pro. I am looking forward to the finished product.
  2. AZbowhntr

    Pig Saddle FS $100

    I grew up on a pig farm in Idaho and used to ride pigs all the time when I was a kid. Never had a saddle though. We had to ride bareback. I was looking forward to seeing what I was missing.
  3. AZbowhntr

    AZGFD Portal Issues

    Mine works fine. I think it has to do with something not matching in your account. For some reason when I put in for the draws I can buy the point guard but my buddy that I put in with can't. He has something that doesn't match which causes the error.
  4. AZbowhntr


    That place is incredible. My wife and I were taken there for helping do a wedding and the total was over $700 for 4 of us to eat. We had a $95 appetizer.
  5. AZbowhntr

    Wall Tent - How Many Rafters?

    I can't imagine there would be much sag at all without a load of snow on top of it. Which isn't going to happen very often here in AZ.
  6. AZbowhntr

    Kaibab - early vs. late hunt?

    If you talk to the G&F the early hunt is more of a management hunt. There are lots of smaller bucks killed on that hunt. I have had the early hunt twice and killed average bucks both times. Good bucks for most units but only average up there. I have also gone up with a friend on a late hunt years ago and they killed the biggest buck on the west side that year. It was in Muley Crazy magazine that year. And it was complete luck. There was zero scouting involved. I put in for the west side early and late every year and then just pick up a leftover tag down south when I don't draw. One of these years I may get lucky and draw the late tag and hold out for a real big one.
  7. AZbowhntr

    Tire change Improve towing?

    I have a Chevy Silverado with the 6.2 and when I put bigger tires on it was amazing how much power I lost. It just seems like the tires shouldn't be able to have that much affect on the performance but it does. Not to mention the loss in mpg.
  8. AZbowhntr

    Who wants a bunny for Easter?

    So are you down to just one? Did Harley get the other one? How is she doing by the way?
  9. AZbowhntr

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    My only issue with the 21 law is what about every military member serving in Florida that is under 21? They can serve our country and protect us with firearms but they can't buy one.
  10. AZbowhntr

    Bath Tub Repair

    I have a buddy that could probably fix it. He would cut out all the rusted area and patch and refinish. I have referred him to people I have done home inspections for and they are always pleased. Not sure if there is a limit on the amount of damage though.
  11. AZbowhntr

    What shotgun for turkeys?

    I shot my turkey with my grandpas Browning Automatic that I have. It doesn't even shoot 3" shells. I just patterned some turkey loads and went hunting. I always joke that I shot the dumbest turkey on the hill. He woke me up opening morning gobbling up the side of the hill from where I was camping. I was back in camp by 6:30.
  12. AZbowhntr

    Late Archery Bull... Whose been successful?

    I hunted a full week. Saw the bull on Wednesday and ended up getting him on Friday evening. By the way the arrow in the back of the head was the follow up shot. The first shot was a perfect broadside shot at 15 yards. But he was still standing so I was flinging arrows and miss judged the distance. I can tell you that the entire mountain comes alive when you shoot a bull in the head. It was like smacking two 2x4's together.
  13. AZbowhntr

    Trips to the Valley

    Yeah but notice all the black marks on the curb too. My daughter has managed to hit both mirrors on her car in the construction zone pylons by my house. Mind you it is wide enough for semi size trucks to fit through. And I agree with catfish. At least vegans are not hypocrites. Now I don't need them preaching their crap to me though.
  14. AZbowhntr

    Canyon Mistress

    Awesome pictures as usual.
  15. AZbowhntr

    Kitchen knifes

    Can't go wrong with Cutco. Great knives.
  16. AZbowhntr

    AZGFD Portal Problems

    Every draw there are a few posts with the same issues. It is always just the system being updated and everything will be fine in a week or so.
  17. AZbowhntr

    Late Archery Bull... Whose been successful?

    I have had a few late archery tags throughout the years. Killed a nice bull on the last one. We chose to spot and stalk because it rained the week before and changed everything. We saw lots of bulls but not much that we were willing to go after or they were in a place that we weren't willing to go. They will bugle some and if there happens to be a cow that didn't get bred on the first cycle they could be running with cows still. That is how I found my bull. Here is a picture of my bull.
  18. AZbowhntr

    Ever seen this javelina preparation?

    It looks like the scent gland was cut out from the picture with it strung up.
  19. AZbowhntr

    New pup

    Best dog I ever had was a GSP. I saw the original post and am glad it worked out. They are a blast as long as you have an active family.
  20. AZbowhntr


    Dang, my 2010 Silverado has 210,000 miles on it. That is a beautiful truck.
  21. AZbowhntr

    SOLD Ruger Old Army

    Where are you located? Or the pistol?
  22. AZbowhntr

    Best choice for an AR optic

    My AR is a varmint setup with a 20" barrel but I put my old Zeiss Conquest 3X9 scope on it. And I zeroed it at 50 yards. Most of my shots on coyotes are within that range. Plus as stated above it is on at 200 yards also.
  23. AZbowhntr

    Garage doors insulated / non insulated? Gauge ? Etc .

    I just moved in the middle of this last year. My old house faced south and had insulated garage doors and my garage never got over the low 90s. My new house faces west and the garage doors are not insulated and it is incredible how much heat comes through the doors. I will have mine insulated before this coming summer. There are kits out there that you can buy. You won't keep all the heat out but you will keep a good portion out.
  24. AZbowhntr

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    23 and 27 late rifle
  25. AZbowhntr

    2018 Ham- Updated pictures

    Cool picture with the javelina in the background.