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Everything posted by COUESAZ

  1. there were no licks given by our Men and ladies in uniform. That is part of the problem if you ask me. They can not do anything but retreat and let it take place. Then they call our other Men and Ladies in uniform to come save them.What a mess Our Border Patrol has to deal with down there. Another reason my thanks goes out to Scottyboy and the others for doing what they can wit somewhat tied hands them selves.


    Well with ou knowing the spread i would say at least 120. That is some of the best Mass i have seen.

    Its Official!

    Wow I just noticed i made this club of people that are on here way to much a while back and did not even notice it. 1221 is my number of posts.
  4. I would love to have a shell like that. The one i have is on a living turtle in my Yard. It is a russian turtle. I would love to have the shell to put in my survival bag.
  5. It was done today. It will be interesting to see how this affects the war as we know it right now.

    Badlands 2200

    I read your comparison to your Ebrilstock over on Arizona sportsman journal as well. You findings have been the same as mine. The pack is growing on me for sure.

    New Years Day Find

    I do not understand why someone would just leave a shotgun and a couple quail out there like, that Nice find. Oh yes nice Rack in the picture as well.
  8. HA HA HA. now this is a hunting tool. good work . http://www.jet-man.com/actuel_eng.html


    Man i was wondering why I had not got a reply yet about my post on the site with the guy flying with wings. You will have to tell him i have been hacking on him.

    age for hunting

    10 with hunter saftey class passed or 14 with out it. They can be nine to put in but must have class and right age by the time the tag is issued i think. I may be wrong on this last part about putting in early.

    Saddam is Hung

    Well good thing i ment by a rope around the neck and not just Hung.

    Tripod Head

    I like the pictures you posted of your set up, But come on man dust that Rifle OFF a bit.


    Now you know the reason a deer will just take off running and you are wondering what spooked him. It was the sound of one of those knoking on his ear drum from the back side.

    Coues Outfitter list

    Yes Jim me too. And you know dang good and well this is my last year at the guide Game anyways.But thanks for trying to help me out. I agree with Amanda if you want good service go with the guy's on this site. I know alot of awesome coues guides, But they are not on this site so i will not talk about them here. Give the suporting members a call and enjoy a great hunt. Ive already said who will get my clients in the following years. If you ask me the proof on there site is well enough for anyone.
  15. I was hopeing you guys were doing a video. I am glad to see you are doing it. We need another good coues video. I am sure it will be well worth the wait. Keep up the good work.

    Swarovski 10x42 SLC

  17. Jim I can not wait for your full video to be published. I do hope you are working on it. Great stuff Mullins clan.

    Coues T-Shirt

    I would buy one if it was not black. It is a cool shirt.

    Una Puma!!!

    I have no problem with exercise and training sessions. He will be there for when you do have a hunter.

    Badlands 2200

    It seems my superday was much easer to use. At this point i have put my knives and stone in the outside pocket on the left outside of wing. I have my head lamp and flash light and GPS in the other outside pocket on the right wing. I use the small water bladder in the puch made for it. With two extra bottles in the main compartment. With my survival gear. I will most likly do my jacket the same way Amanda has said. I do not pack my spotting scope any farther than i have to so that will hold something else most of the time. I will put my tripod in the side Amanda does as well. Then i will put snacks and trail food in the top pocket. This way i will not have to open the wings evry time i need something. Then again i may take it back and get another superday. I do not like the fact that rain and snow and leafs and all the stuff will acumulate in the open end of Eberlstock and i fill it is to bulky for me. I am sure they are great packs but i do not like the fill on me.

    2006 Coues deer

    Great buck man. Only one thing missing in this hunt photos. That is your hat. You have the pant's but no hat. Did you forget it at home.

    bull frog mates with WT.

    A friend of mine killed a Mule deer buck in 32 a few years ago that had tumors all over it also.

    Treestandman - Accident!

    I talked to Mikes uncle Ken today and he said he has not been to see him yet because mike does not want to see anyone. I guess they can not give him Pain meds right now and he is in lots of pain and not a very hapy hunter at this point and time.

    Treestandman - Accident!

    MAny many people a re injured very badly evry year in treestands. I know a guy that is the owner of classy closets. His treestand broke and he fell right on his neck and shoulders breaking his back in more than one spot. He hit the ground so hard his toenails popped out of his toes. He drug him self back to his jeep and then drove himself to the hospital. Get better soon Mike and if you need anything let me know I am just down the road on lindsay from you.

    Record book entries?

    I think they are posted on this site as well.