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Everything posted by COUESAZ

  1. OH unsafe for sure. Infact I am calling for you to step down from your positions as lion hunters and hand those Dogs over to me on the spot. you are putting those dogs in danger of loseing all self respect haveing a youg boy like that out treeing them on a lion. I mean look at that style and the steadfastness he has in the face of danger. What a tool to add to your bag of lion hunting tricks. Thought the pictures were great myself and i bet i know who raised the biggest fuss. HAHA

    Shed hunting fun!

    Do the words tread lightly come to mind.HAHAHA HAHAHA

    Karchner caverns

    No coues left in that country. I killed the last one a couple years ago. The cave is the only thing left to do in the area. OK the truth is that it is almost imposible to get into the Coues country do to the ranchers only letting you in so far. Post Ranch is the only one still leting people in and they are even getting picky about it.

    Ruger P89DC 9MM

    How old is the henry break down gun. I might make an offer on it if it is not to old and beat up. and does it have all the stuff with it.

    10 year wait...

    Garrett I saw that on the AZO forum. Congrats on your pig man. Those coues better be afraid this year because you got that first big game kill out of the way now you can go out and have fun shooting a noce buck. Good luck on the coming draw. Jade.


    Thanks Amanda that is what i thought. They make some cool stones to have.


    Good video Amanda, but i should not have looked. now my leggs a weak and i am looking at every hiding spot thinking there is a snake in it.


    Those little flowers are all over right now we were out in 24B and it looked the same. It is cool. Hey Amanda is that peridot peak on the res. I would like to get some peridot stone but if it is on the res i doubt i could get any.

    RV 101

    The only reason I spent money on my camp trailer was for the Bathroom. I can sleep in a tent but not go to the bathroom in it. (well I guess you could.) To have a working Bathroom makes the trip much better. I would try and get the toilet working and if that does not work replace it with another RV toilet. It makes less work for you to not have to dump the little porta pot over and over.

    Scored big today!!

    Saying NICE SKULL does not even cut it with this one. I bet he has a few Son's running around that would do just fine also.


    We beat the brush pretty hard in 24B yesterday it was a nice day to be out. I thought about putting the gaitors on for snakes. We did see lots of lizards but no snakes. Thank goodness because i was not in a killing mood. Put 60 miles on the quads also and lots of miles on the boots.
  12. I like this idea. It seems to be just as fast as the DSL i have right now and for free. I am changing over to google. Think of the hunting gear i can buy with the money i save. http://www.google.com/tisp/

    '95 Dodge 2500 ***SOLD****

    177k miles that aint squat on that truck my 99 has 250k on it right now and still runs like a champ. Younghunter you could pull your scout all over with that truck.

    91 GMC Sierra 1150

    Lance. I know what you mean. I am very slow down here in the valley. Doing lots of bids but no jobs are showing from them yet. Some service kind of stuff but nothing big. It will pick up again. Just hang tight. If any plumbers here in the area have extra work just send it my way and i will take care of it for ya.
  15. Post this on www.azsj.org they are into dogs over there and i bet someone would love to get there hands on this dog.
  16. Tell him i will sale him yours for 80 and he can make 20 for handing them over.

    camp trailer

    Send Gamehauler a pm he is the guy to ask about Camp trailers he is the guy that would know.

    40 Cal Sidearm.


    40 Cal Sidearm.

    Sold pending funds.

    40 Cal Sidearm.

    I sold the Walther a month ago And i am kicking myself in the butt every time i think about it. I will do the same thinmg when i sale the taurus also. I hate selling guns. They would bring my kids back for a refund so i can not sale them.

    Lunar eclipse tonight!

    we had everything set up to veiw and photograph it but the clouds killed any chace of us seeing it.

    36C Scare!

    Hunters are not the only ones that set up high with scopes and rifles. I have seen drug smugglers that are posted with shooters from on high as well. I do not know if this was so they knew they would be dropped at anytime the heffey thought they were not doing what they needed to. Or if it was a saftey messure for some reason. And i support the minute men and think they are at least doing something to try and help.

    36C Scare!

    You did the right thing. You have no choice but to try and ease the situation. Yes you have the right to use leathl force in the situation as well if you fill your life is in danger. If you would have tryed anything you would have been killed before you could have even got very far into your self defence. The best way to be a witness for your case is to be alive at the trial.

    Saturday Morning Dog

    We only saw one Coyote this morning and it ran across the road infront of us on our way into our first stand. We saw it twice but could not make a shot on it.
  25. JIM does not use dogs at all. He is a knife and bare hands lion hunter. Dogs just take the chalenge out of it for him.