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Everything posted by COUESAZ
I hunt from sun up to sun down . Wayne carlton said it best the game your hunting dosn't go back to camp at lunch so why should you.
CB1 bob sure are some great bucks my friend. thank you for the story.also great job in trophy hunter I would have to say it has been the best publishing they have put out so far. If there was some elk and lions in it also . I would never come out of the restroom right.
It is a high demand area. I can tell you that unit 32 has some great bucks left in it But I think the mule deer could hurt from the hunt preasure in the next few years. This year alone I know of about 6 very nice mule deer bucks out of that unit.
Both of them. Ok no I wouldn't. I would take the non typical. I don't know why. I guess because I have never killed one yet.
I have heard good things about a stuff that looks like a rock. Go to www.trophyrock.com and read up on it I have heard good things about it. It is a mineral supplement and attractant. It has like 40 types of trace minerals in it.
Lark I will say that is some good advice you are giving. I tell all my hunters to buy a lion tag. Last year on a scouting Trip I told the guy to bring His rifle with a tag. He thought it would not be worth it. With in 15 - 30 minutes we had a dead lion to haul out with us. I always have a tag for bear and lion. I will shoot one while hunting. I had a guy get mad at us because he wanted to just get pictures of a lion. He got his pictures and we got a lion. I guess that may not have been the right thing to do a guide , But he was a great tom and one of my guy's had a tag.
Just me again so soon. Did anyone else see the dorks on the news today about the lions in sabino canyon. They talked to a lady that said the reasone that we see them so much is the incroachment of homes on there habitat and it is the fault of the people that build those houses. She lives in flagstaff and said she sees them in her comunity when she goes out walking. She said her comunity is built like the one down in sabino. I guess only the builder is to blame in her eyes Not herself for buying one of those homes .she just bought one of those houses to enjoy the woods more. so much spoken like a true tree hugger that I just want to smack her. I just get a kick out of those folks that complain against polution and drive a car to the protest. You know what im talking about. ENOUGH please.
Lark you are right on with that . A guy cant just get a bunch of dogs and run them once a month. The dogs we run don't even go a week without running if not for a hunter Or to get its picture taken by someone it is for the dogs. It is for us to you can't let your self get used to watching tv on the week ends or you are sure to die an early death of a heart attack. We are even out durring the week watching our tracks and washes. You have to get to the point where you know what day and what wash you will find the tom you want or the tom you dont want . What people don't understand to is when you kill one another is not far behind to move in and take over. We have one spot that just keeps producing good lions in it.
Lark I would agree with you on all you have said if you go back and read my posts on this subject you will find I have used some of the same stats about cat's that you have. Your name is very familiar to me as someone I have heard alot about. I am sure from what I have heard you do have the experience in the field. We just need to be careful how some things are worded on our posts I think if you could have read what was taken out it may have rubbed you a bit wrong to. The attack on a well known hunter and well respected hunter would have rubbed you wrong also. I am very passionate about hunting lions. I hope you will post here often and share some of your earned wisdome from the field with the rest of us. We are good guy's and good sportsmen that get heated up every now and then about our passions.
Here is a case of someone else flushing for me that worked out great. A few years back if you can remember. A big group of tree huggers were getting together to go out and bang pots and pans to scare the deer and elk out of an area.Well during there research someone forgot to add that this might spook the deer out in the open. Well the law stoped most of them from doing it knowing the disaster that could come from it. But they were not so lucky in my area that year. My friend and I saw them getting ready when we passed there camp in the morning. So we watched them and got infront of them. They flushed two nice mulie bucks right up the draw to us. We shot them and were coverd in blood and deep in the guts when they got to us. They said you call this sport. And My friend said no we call it luck that we had so many people willing to chase a deer in our derection. If looks and words could kill I would not be telling this very true story today. Now those were two flushed bucks worth shooting.
Well I am done with this one . Treestandman It was a great one to start , But it's going to be a bad end. I have stoped posting on other sites because of this type of stuff. I truly do enjoy hunting all big game . I do not like to see it go this way. In the guiding buisness you run into all types of people. I have even given hunters the chance at trophy class deer and elk just to have them say I can't shoot it because it is to hard to end the life of something so great. I just respect there choice. I move on . I think that alot of the hostility comes from just wanting to get a lion and not knowing how or when it will happen. I can say I have a passion for hunting predators ,But I have killed them also. To come face to face with a lion as it knows it faces death, But it puts up a fight that is so impresive and honorable is more than some people can stand to see. I will respect lions all my life , But also hunt them for the as long as my body and health will alow. Lets stop throwing punches at each other and take it down a notch or to. I mean heck sakes we are all grown men and AMANDA I don't know of any other ladies on here so sorry.. We are on here to talk about hunting not fighting.
elmaniac I fill the same way you do about hunting mtn lions it is something that can't be beat. It is like taking that coues buck that just takes your breath away when you see it in your scope. Hit the email spot on here for me and lets talk about lion hunting. Like I said in one of my other posts I like talking lions as much or more than deer and elk. I may have something that would intrest you a bit.
I have not heard of that. I am sure it would work they sound like a baby crying and that is a sound they will run to. I do know guy's have used there calls and a fur on a string, But it only works when you know there is someting looking at it and then you move it. We used to take cows and there babies If they died and take them out in a wash. and after a couple of day's we would go back and shoot the heck out of yoties that would be eating on them.
Amanda You are right on with what you have to say. As I read back on all of my posts on this subject and the others I think we have all hit it on the head. It is all personal choice . As much as I like to hunt lions. It is still impresive to me every time I see one. And you are right also about them beeing the king of coues deer hunting ( right after me that is.) One of the guy's that guide for me just sent me a picture of a big old boy setting right infront of a mine opening It is a great picture. I am going to use it as the wall paper on my computer .
I fill the same way. Who knows what is to blame. I am not even saying they killed all those deer in the herd. All I think in answer to your question above . Yes the lack of water has hert them very bad. My answer above was that I could only guess And a guess would never lead to scientific conclusion at all. It was only saying I wonder if the lions being in the same canyon would make them move out of the area to a saffer place to reside. Now the lions are gone for now and they are back into those feeding grounds they used to be in. A drought also makes life easy for a lion because it consetrates more food in a smaller area when deer are going to water in the same spot a a bunch of deer. As we all know when we have lots of water a deer will drink it in his own canyon. When it is not there they will travel to get it. I have watched the same herd of does In 34B travel about 2 miles every day to the same water hole For about 12 years now. This year I did not see them, And when I went to the water it had no water. So yes the lack of water will make them go away to. So just abit more for us to think about. No matter what we are all in the same boat something is taking our deer away from us And for some it's not us taking them right.
All I know is an area in 34B that used to have a nice herd of coues started to just disapear. I watched this herd for about 8 years total. A friend and I would hike in there every day in highschool. If we did not have a football game we were on the mtn. We noticed after about 4 years they were seen getting smaller and smaller. After about 8 years we did not see a one. Now we were not out ther every day anymore by then we just went up a few times. We have killed two lions in there in the last couple of years. Last year we saw some deer back in that spot and a couple of nice bucks. I do know to that a lion will be moved back in that spot with in two years. It will then start killing it's one deer per week. I just can guess by what I have seen that I think they can kill a herd fast at a deer a week.
I will tell you that lions destroyed unit 30B I grew up living in 30B that is were I killed my big cat about 10 years ago. That is what started my lion passion. Some of the biggest track I have seen are in the dragoons . They are working on destroying 32 and the 34b areas. I am doing my best to help stop that from hapening In both of those units.
They are in all places. most of the ones I have seen are in thick areas like canyons. They will cover it with leaves and other stuff to hide it and come back to feed on it . Lions have about a three day circle or trail. So they keep food for themselfs along the way. That is how you learn there pattern If you see tracks in a wash wipe them clean and cheek the spot every day to see when they are back. do this a few times and you will learn what days they come through.then all you have to do is decide what time of day next. look for them traveling on the edge of washes. They travel close to the banks of washes so they can easely hide in the brush if they see a deer or pig. and it is a fast getaway if they see a truck or people. Just a bit of food for thought. And a few things I think you can use to try to learn some things about the other hunter of coues deer.
It is true that a lion will destroy a herd. They take a deer a week atleast. That is called nature. I will not hammer any one person for there own choices. I buy a tag every year .I have killed two lions and seen many. To me a lion Is a great game animal. I know if I had a tag I could not have one that close to me and not shoot it. That does not mean other people have to fill the same way.If you read the story josh did not have the tag. So why attack him. To me a great part of knowing and learning the deer in your area Is when you scout finding a horn or two can tell you alot about deer on that hill. Now elkmaniac I am not saying your wrong eather so don't take this wrong. But the people that drive me nutts the most are animal rights dorks, And they are the kind of people that slam others for there choices. Us as hunters just hunt because that is all we know to do and love doing it. So lets not bash each other when we all stand for the same thing.
I have seen a few of them In the wild most of them stalking a herd of coues deer. We have taken two of them. One I shot before its kill on the herd. the next one we saw the kill and then took the lion as it was going up the hill with the coues deer in it's mouth. The first one I killed was about 8 feet long from tip of tail to nose he was a dandy. The next one was a younger female and only weighd about 70 pounds. I have seen my share of them treed by the dogs. When you see them running without any dogs behind them it is an awsome thing to see. Last year alone I saw 4 lions while just out working the hills. We have so many lions in this state that we will soon have some lion problems all over. The game and fish account for 2500 lions in arizona. Those are just the ones they have record of. I am sure there are alot more than that. we have had a few attacks in Arizona I know of one in payson one at canyon lake and one at lake pleasant all small children. Go to the game and fish web page right now they have a site that shows all the attacks in the usa. They also have some good info on what to do if aproched by a lion. That is when you don't have a gun. I could go on and on about lions so I better stop now. What we need to do is have a big get together to have a forum cook out and set around and share our stories and lies with each other, But then again that could take a week to tell that many stories.
Happy Birthday Scott Adams
COUESAZ replied to coues addict's topic in Miscellaneous Items related to Coues Deer
Coues addict I don't think anyone could have said it better than that so Scott even though we have never met I say dido to that. Good luck this year and Happy birthday. Jade Goodman -
I use a S&W 357 for mountain lion hunting. It sure beats packing a rifle along while trying to keep up with a running cat and dogs. My dad has killed one mule deer buck with his 357 I have never tryed anything but lion with a pistol. I would like to because I like shooting a handgun.
I like your 2 cents.
I am sure lots of people on here would be glad to help out. From what I can tell they are a great bunch of guy's and ladies. I am trying to get my wife out more often. The group of guys I hunt with are all family men like myself and bring the wife and kids along to camp if it is not to cold. What do you like to hunt the most . I am not much for birds. I hunt only big game . What areas are you looking to hunt that may help us in knowing if we can help out. when you get drawn and know the areas then let us know and you should be able to hook up with someone on this site. I hunt coues deer down in 32,34b. I also hunt mule deer down there . you can shoot me an email from this site when ever and we can help you out if your not to sure about an area or something like that. I guide all over the state and can help point you into some areas.
The article that was done in the shed hunting photos area that was done by the kings is so true. I hope that all that read it will hold off on the small ones to let them get bigger to pass it on down the line to there yung bucks.. I know I have taken a two point once or twice. But for a good while now I have even gone a season with out fireing of a round. Just watching and learning what the bucks do so when they seem to be in there prime you know where they will be and what they will be doing. I hope you read that article it is a neat thing to see.