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Everything posted by joohnnybgood

  1. joohnnybgood

    4x4 Toyota Tacoma FS

  2. joohnnybgood


  3. joohnnybgood

    Wtb big bore bolt guns

    I dislocated my shoulder just reading this post.
  4. joohnnybgood

    WTS: Ugly Stick - 3 rods / reels as a set

    Message sent
  5. joohnnybgood

    SOLD...Ammo For sale-.380 and 357

    PM sent
  6. joohnnybgood

    SOLD...Ammo For sale-.380 and 357

    I'll take all of the 380 ammo.
  7. Looking for an adult sized Savage or Stevens long action stock. I have a youth sized stock to trade or I will buy outright or trade other items for it. Please let me know what you have? Thank you.
  8. joohnnybgood

    Weaver Deluxe Scope Mounting Kit with Lap Tools

    I'll take this too
  9. joohnnybgood

    Pre '64 Winchester Model 70 30-06 1960 manufacture

    It is. PM sent.
  10. Selling a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight in 30-06. The serial number is 528xxx which makes it a 1960 production year. It has Leupold scope bases, and it's in good condition. It's not a collector grade rifle, but it is a nice piece of American history. The recoil pad looks like it's been changed. Asking $1,200 OBO or trade for Stainless bolt action rifles or stainless Thompson Center Encore. Located in Chandler.
  11. joohnnybgood

    Lee Collet Dies

    I'll take the 223, 308, and 30-06
  12. I bought this from a member here and put 12 rounds through it. I carried it a couple of times while hunting. Good looking S&W model 15 38 Special. Has nice case color on the hammer and trigger. Blue is good but it was stored in a holster and has some speckled spots. Herrett grips. Nice gun. $500. Located in South Chandler.
  13. Looking to sell 200 NIB pieces of 6.5 CM srp brass and 200 Hornady 143 grain ELD-X bullets for $300. Located in Chandler.
  14. joohnnybgood

    Looking for utility trailer mechanic

    Ask member CopperStateDiesel perhaps?
  15. joohnnybgood

    200 Lapua 6.5 CM brass and 200 Hornady 143 grain ELD-X

    Price drop to $300 for all.
  16. joohnnybgood

    Snap on Tool Box

    Selling a mint condition Snap On tool box/cart. Slide top, power strip, mint condition. Box is located in Phoenix or Chandler. Retails for $2,865. $1,300 for CWT members.
  17. joohnnybgood

    Snap on Tool Box

  18. joohnnybgood

    Snap on Tool Box

    I certainly hope you live lots of years, Russ! 🙏 You'll definitely be hard pressed to find a nicer box at this price and since it's not huge at 20" deep x 40" wide x 46" tall, it won't take up a lot of space in your current shop until your new shop is built. 🤷
  19. joohnnybgood

    Snap on Tool Box

    I'd buy the box now. You can always build the shop later. We might all be dead by the time that shop is built. 🤣
  20. joohnnybgood

    Snap on Tool Box

    Price drop...