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Everything posted by pkita99

  1. pkita99


  2. pkita99


  3. pkita99


  4. pkita99


  5. pkita99


    Bump - including ammo in sale.
  6. pkita99

    Flycraft inflatable drift boat

  7. pkita99

    Anyone here a dealer at chevy?

    Ya i have been hearing that the chip shortage can go on for as long as another 2 years and the truck supply is just gonna keep on getting worse. If that is the case buying something now would probably be a good idea as i can wait a couple months but not two years. Just wanna talk with someone that has first hand knowledge of what is really going on.
  8. Looking to connect with someone in sales that works at a Chevrolet dealership. Have some questions and would appreciate the ability to connect. I know the current car/truck situation is wild that's why the reason for need to connect. Basically in the market for a truck in the next couple months or so and wondering if I should jump on something now or wait for the market to stabilize Appreciate all the help. Thanks, Paul
  9. pkita99


  10. For sale a brand new kifaru quarter panel and ACG holster. Never been in the field. Kifaru Quarter Panel - $60 AGC holster - $35 Located in Flagstaff but come down to Phoenix pretty often.
  11. pkita99


    Open to trades
  12. pkita99


  13. pkita99


  14. pkita99

    WTS 22 long rifle Thunderbolt 500 rnd boxes

    FYI Sportsman’s in Flag has some ammo in stock. Got these while buying some lures.
  15. pkita99

    2200 sqft Pellet Stove

    Still available.
  16. pkita99

    2200 sqft Pellet Stove

    For sale a used 2200 sqft 48,000 BTU Golden Eagle pellet stove. Everything works great, just upgraded to something that I can program. $500 pickup in Flagstaff. Exactly like the one in the link below: https://www.homedepot.com/p/US-Stove-2200-sq-ft-Golden-Eagle-Pellet-Stove-with-Igniter-5520/203393027?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&mtc=Shopping-B-F_D28I-G-D28I-28_20_FIREPLACE-MULTI-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-BASE_SHP&cm_mmc=Shopping-B-F_D28I-G-D28I-28_20_FIREPLACE-MULTI-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-BASE_SHP-71700000041073829-58700004389677714-92700036924273665&gclid=CjwKCAjwlID8BRAFEiwAnUoK1Wv8qmVdZDD-X3Tkt8yvZ22aHFolS9s9E0Ncg-2oez6m3RU20v20DxoCfBIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  17. pkita99

    2200 sqft Pellet Stove

  18. pkita99

    2200 sqft Pellet Stove

    still available
  19. pkita99

    2200 sqft Pellet Stove

    Still available
  20. pkita99

    2200 sqft Pellet Stove

    about 3, it was installed by the previous owner of my house but I know he made the renovations about a year before I bought it. Still have the original manual for it that I will include with the stove.
  21. pkita99

    2019 Bergara 6.5 PRC Custom $2499.00

    nevermind, just saw the last pic with the scale,
  22. pkita99

    2019 Bergara 6.5 PRC Custom $2499.00

    you happen to know what it weighs?