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AZ Free Man

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Everything posted by AZ Free Man

  1. AZ Free Man

    Who am I?

    I'm interested to see the answer to this one.
  2. AZ Free Man

    Grandpa's Rifle and Antlers

    That's awesome! I'm totally jealous.
  3. AZ Free Man

    Job Opening

    Common sense and basic hand tool skills... getting to be not so common 🙁🙁
  4. AZ Free Man


    Nice. Apparently you really did price to sell. 👍
  5. AZ Free Man

    Towing Behind a 5th wheel laws?

    We've been doing it for years (mostly my dad) and never worried about any laws haha. It seems that the cops aren't super familiar with the laws on it or aren't worried about people double pulling or being over length. You have to pretend you're driving a big rig though when it comes to planning a route and stuff though
  6. AZ Free Man

    Barrel threading in phoenix

    His ears were burning
  7. AZ Free Man

    Barrel threading in phoenix

    I believe Todd is southern Xpress. Not sure if that is what people are calling southern precision? Todd does great work though and is in the east valley.
  8. AZ Free Man

    To early to tell on quail?

    Cause he was about to be disked up. So we grabbed him and put him around a group of them so he would have a chance.
  9. AZ Free Man

    To early to tell on quail?

    I've been watching lots quail "families" over the last couple of months. Definitely way more than last year. I'm in the far southeast valley in farm areas, might be different elsewhere.
  10. AZ Free Man

    Woodbury Fire

    Over half of the Wilderness area anyways. Off the top of my head the Wilderness is about 140k acres and its burned over 80k. Not sure how many acres makes up the unit though so guess I totally failed at answering your question haha.
  11. AZ Free Man

    Lead on the Kaibab? (again)

    HAHAHA. pretty much.
  12. AZ Free Man

    Woodbury Fire

    I have been sick over this for days. Don't know what else to say, it's just plain sad.
  13. AZ Free Man


    Cool pic. It's like he's tracking you down haha.
  14. AZ Free Man

    What do you carry with your 15x's?

    I'm in the same boat, need to decide on either 8x or 10x to compliment the 15s. However, when you don't have the money for a pair to go around your neck, ya don't have to worry about it too much 😒.
  15. AZ Free Man

    Don't try this at HOME!

    Sad. But how dumb do you have to be?
  16. AZ Free Man


    Looks like a new model to me.
  17. AZ Free Man

    Where am I

    Can't say I've ever been there dangit.