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Tony Nile

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Everything posted by Tony Nile

  1. Tony Nile

    Wtb ranger wheels and tires

    pm sent
  2. Tony Nile

    how do you display your sheds

    That's what she said.
  3. Tony Nile

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    I got the early archery bull tag in 8. If I remember, you live up that way. None the less, your welcome to give me a shout in late Sept for a report.
  4. Tony Nile

    WTB: gun safe for rifles

  5. I've got 1 ticket I'm looking to sell for this Thursday's game at Camelback Ranch, 7pm 1st Pitch. Who knows... maybe you have lawn seats and want to bring your kid's friend last minute, or may you have no friends and want to go alone. Or you want to try and make a quick a buck: Ticket is in section 108, row 12. They are going for around $100 on third party sites, I'm selling for face value of $35.
  6. Tony Nile

    OT - Savannah Banana ticket for sale

    Game is tonight, last bump. Make an offer
  7. Tony Nile

    OT - Savannah Banana ticket for sale

    early am bump
  8. Tony Nile

    Looking for utility trailer mechanic

    I'd ask the guys at Sundevil Trailers for a quote Address: 23910 N 19th Ave #4, Phoenix, AZ 85085 Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 5 PM Phone: (480) 372-0522
  9. Tony Nile

    Piano Lessons

    If 19th Ave/Thunderbird is NW enough for you, I've got a guy who gives lessons at his house. Both my kids went to him for years.
  10. Tony Nile


    Interested. Hard to find info online about it, says 160 cm tall, but doesn't say if that # is with the center post extended or not. Could you measure it w/o the center post extended? Thanks
  11. Tony Nile

    NonVoter Shame

  12. Tony Nile

    WTB Puffy Jacket FOUND ONE

    Eddie Bauer from Sams Club. $35. Comes in black and olive green, 650 fill. Packs down into one of the pockets. My xxxl is a bit bigger than a softball.
  13. Tony Nile


  14. Tony Nile


  15. Tony Nile

    SOLD-Savage 110 Hog Hunter 223

    JFC. His contact info is all over his website you provided in the thread. Contact: Trevor.smith@twsknives.com 802-768-1916
  16. Tony Nile

    Wanted Carpet Remnants

    Still looking? In Ahwatukee https://phoenix.craigslist.org/cph/zip/d/phoenix-alfomfra-alta-calidad/7787452290.html
  17. Tony Nile


    Starting at the 17 minute mark of your video, this came to mind:
  18. Tony Nile

    Looking For 1995 Toyota 4Runner Engine

    You could also look at a JDM replacement engine
  19. Tony Nile

    Velvet Preservation in the field

    Brett Prentice at gametrail taxidermy did the euro mount. I don't know what freeze dryer he sent the antlers to.
  20. Tony Nile

    Wanted Carpet Remnants

    https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/zip/d/mesa-green-carpet-very-good-condition/7779143177.html Free carpet in Tempe
  21. Tony Nile

    Mayor of Mesa

    Why is it important for you to tell the forum your son supports Harris?
  22. Tony Nile

    Velvet Preservation in the field

    Because it was freeze dried. It's the only way to go.
  23. Tony Nile

    Velvet Preservation in the field

    Freeze drying is 100% the way to go. Spend the extra $ it's worth it.
  24. Tony Nile

    Beware Scammer

    The barrel wasn't sent.
  25. Tony Nile

    Video of 3 mt lions

    NOT MY VIDEO, happened to stumble across it, From Southern AZ Jan 2024 during the OTC season.